Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday's parting shot

Late this afternoon, an EVG reader shared the above photo and this sentiment: "As I was coming off Astor Place, the little half-street from Broadway, the lovely old Wannamaker's building, aka 770 Broadway, was reflected in that grotesque Death Star, its only good use."


Carol from East 5th Street said...

Amen to that description.

Anonymous said...

I never realized how ginormous the Death Star is until this picture. Essshh😬! I so understand more so now the negative comments from the local community about newer buildings being built.

Anonymous said...

fantastic shot! thanks grieve and anonymous reader!

Brian said...

No good use for the Death Star. It basically ruined Astor Place. Totally changed it into Midtown South.

Anonymous said...

Do these Buildings have tenants?

wish the city would build hospitals/drug treatment centers for all the mentally ill living in EAST VILLAGE but we know they will not..

Anonymous said...

Love it! Finally Death Star is giving us a tiny bit of joy. As in 0.00002lb of joy.
I'm still trying to figure out why the lower right third of the reflection is much lighter than the rest?

Anonymous said...

Desperately need dense trees and a whole new landscape around the Death Star. When it is 72 degrees F or higher, the sidewalk around this thing especially on the sunny side is incredibly hot. The glare from the sun is magnified by the glass surface. The benches for seating are really unusable 6 mos out of the year. This style of architecture is already outdated. This building should be used as an example of a project that should have been rejected

Anonymous said...

Is that bird-safe glass?