Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Amoun Kitchen and Lounge takes over the Zerza space on 6th Street

Amoun Kitchen and Lounge has relocated from the Upper East Side to 320 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

The Mediterranean restaurant with a hookah bar appears to have already opened, per their Facebook page.

Until very recently, the address was home to Zerza, which served Moroccan and Mediterranean fare.

In an email, Zerza owner Radouane Eljaouhari confirmed that Amoun is the new tenant. "I am helping out and cooperating with the new owner in all reasonable requests concerning helping the place takes its shape and form," said Eljaouhari, who is not involved with Amoun's ownership.

As for Zerza, Eljaouhari said he would be reopening in a new East Village location later this spring.

There has been a lot of changes at No. 320 since September, when Zerza announced it was closing for renovations. Then came 'Merica, co-founded by Eljaouhari and Zach Neil, an owner of the Tim Burton-themed Beetle House a few doors away on Sixth Street as well as the now-closed Stay Classy, the bar for Will Ferrell fans on Rivington Street.

'Merica, an alleged attempt at satirizing the "real America," closed after three weeks in business... with Zerza returning to service.

H/T Vinny & O

[Updated] Black Market is currently closed for renovations on Avenue A

[Reader photo from Monday]

Multiple EVG readers have noted that Black Market, the burgers and oyster bar at 110 Avenue A near Seventh Street, closed after service this weekend... brown paper is now up on the windows and front door.

There is a closed for renovations sign on the door...

There isn't any mention of a temporary closure just yet on their website or social media properties.

Black Market, one of the neighborhood spots owned by Johnny T and Jesse Malin, opened in 2010... taking over the space from the Pizza Shop, which closed in November 2009.

Updated 3/16

Black Market will not be reopening. More details here.

Little Tong Noodle Shop looks ready to open

[Photo from Saturday]

Signage for Little Tong Noodle Shop arrived back on Thursday ... as the restaurant from chef Simone Tong, who worked for Wylie Dufresne’s now-closed wd~50 on Clinton Street, prepares to open soon. March 23 is the expected opening date. Updated: A rep said that they are targeting March 25 or 26.

Meanwhile, you can find some of the restaurant's dishes at their Instagram account...

Previously on EVG:
Little Tong Noodle Shop taking the former Schnitz space on 1st Avenue

Business buzz: East Village Barber Shop coming to 7th Street

The awning went up Monday for East Village Barber Shop at 34 E. Seventh St. between Second Avenue and Cooper Square...

Looks like the same logo as the East Village Barber Shop at 223 E. 10th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue. Not sure at the moment if they are expanding with a second location or moving.

The space previously housed the NYC Copycenter.

Photos via Vinny & O

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The great non-blizzard of March 14, 2017

Above photos by Derek Berg.

... and here's another look at that St. Mark's Place snowman/person...

[Photo by EVG]

... and a mini snowman on Ninth Street...

[Photo by Steven]

... and a whole row of them in Tompkins Square Park...

[Photo by Kate Puls]


Probably too late to suggest putting plastic up on the walls and roof to conserve energy.

Discarded birdcage photo on Seventh Street by Derek Berg.

1 way to keep warm and get some exercise tonight

Fire jumping!

Some details...

8th Annual Chaharshanbe Sori (AKA the Persian/Zoroastrian fire-jumping holiday)
Tuesday, March 14, 6:30-8:30 PM
La Plaza Cultural, southwest corner Ninth Street and Avenue C

What we will do: We will light small fires at sunset, then jump through the fire. It is customary to sing the phrase, "zardi-ye man az toh, sorkhi-ye toh az man" as you jump. Literal translation: my yellow is yours, your red is mine. This is a purification rite. Loosely translated, it means you want the fire to take your pallor, sickness, problems and winter blues and in turn give you health, warmth, and energy.

Organizers say that the event is still happening despite the sleet/whatever that is falling from the sky. The Rude Mechanical Orchestra will also be playing. Find more details at the Facebook Event page here. (And maybe check there closer to the time where you'd venture to La Plaza.)

Snow so far

EVG correspondent Steven ventured out this morning to see what was what with the storm... as of 7:30, the gates to the Avenue A entrances to Tompkins Square Park remained closed...

... and on Second Avenue at Ninth Street...

[Updating] So far, we've heard about a handful of places being open — the Bean locations, Veselka, Mud Coffee, Ray's Candy Store and Zucker Bakery (Ninth Street between First and Avenue A), Russ & Daughters on East Houston, B Cup Cafe on Avenue B and 13th Street, Fourth Street Food Co-op, Caffe Bene on Avenue A and 13th Street, Barnyard Cheese Shop on Avenue B, Cafe C&B on Seventh Street near Avenue B, Ciao for Now on 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B ... I'm sure there are other places open — you can let me know in the comments...

NY1 is forecasting that the city will be hit with between 8 and 15 inches of snow.

Updated 9:50 a.m.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday's parting shot

Pre-storm shopping fatigue at Kmart on Astor Place... photo by Lola Sáenz

Reader report: Water main break on 7th Street

An EVG reader shared this from late this afternoon... when workers from Express Plumbing Sewer & Water Main Corp. were working outside 111 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue "going crazy. Cowboy style."

Per reader Andrew Bushong:

They dug two giant holes in the sidewalk and street. Around 5 p.m. they broke a main. City was called and now they're "supervising" the same plumbers while eating cupcakes. I'm a bit pissed as they've turned off water for the block on the eve of a blizzard.

And this has caused seceral businessed to close early, including Desnuda and...