Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday's parting shots

The holiday MUD Coffee wreath at Mudspot on Ninth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue ...
Photos by Steven...


A dead rat sculpture on Avenue A near Ninth Street... artist unknown at the moment. 

Pic by Derek Berg.

Judge issues new Temporary Restraining Order to stop work in East River Park

Today, Court of Appeals Judge Rowan Wilson has issued a new Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), halting construction underway in East River Park as part of the $1.45 billion East Side Coastal Resiliency project. 

According to East River Park Action, who has been opposed to the city's current plan for the park, the TRO remains in effect at least until the next hearing on Dec. 20. 

Arthur Schwartz, an attorney for the activists, told the Post: "We will be asking for all fences to come down and for the bike path and park south of Houston Street to be reopened [as soon as possible.]" (NY1 has more here.)

This is the second TRO advocates have been granted since the start of the demolition work on Nov. 1. (Last week, the Appellate Division lifted the TRO that had been in place starting on Nov. 2.)

As previously reported, the community lawsuit is challenging the project because it still needs an "alienation" vote by the state Legislature. 

On Monday, workers fenced off East River Park south of Stanton Street. An estimated 13 trees were removed yesterday, witnesses said.

East River Park Action and other activists have said some alternatives could preserve much of the park and protect the Lower East Side and surrounding neighborhoods from a 100-year-flood event and sea-level rise — one that doesn't cause 1,000 mature trees to be chopped down.

In late 2018, the city surprised community stakeholders by announcing a complete overhaul of a plan discussed over four years of local meetings. As Gothamist reported: "City officials cited fears about maintaining a floodable green space, as well the disruption to motorists on the F.D.R. Drive and potential dangers to Con Ed's power lines under the previous proposal."

The current plans call for gutting East River Park — burying the existing 57.5-acre park under fill and elevating it by 8-to-10 feet above sea level.

Meanwhile, still pending: A nonprofit sued the city for allegedly not including enough minority- and women-owned businesses in the construction contract for the ESCR.

A third lawsuit (dating to the spring) was brought against the city by The Tully Group, a large contractor that issued one of the two bids for the ESCR. 

Photo yesterday by Allie Ryan

[UPDATED] Details on the Community Holiday Feast in Tompkins Square Park this Dec. 18

Updated: With the threat of rain on Dec. 18, the Feast will now take place on Dec. 19. Same time and place.

On Dec. 18, a group of East Village residents, including author Jeremiah Moss and EVG contributor Stacie Joy, is hosting a Community Holiday Feast in Tompkins Square Park. 

From 2-4 p.m., volunteers will be serving free hot meals provided by East Village businesses and residents. 

Organizers are currently looking for volunteers and welcome additional food and other donations. Interested residents and merchants can use this email to contact the group.
The following businesses have volunteered food and other products for the event: the Bean, C&B Cafe, East Village Vintage Collective, Food for Life, Mary O's, Rossy's Bakery & CaféSan Loco, S'MAC and Subject NYC. The local volunteer group East Village Loves NYC will also donate. 

Meanwhile, individual donors include Chris Flash, Scooter La Forge, Marjorie Ingall and Jonathan Steuer. 

In case of rain or, lordy, snow, the event will occur on Dec. 19.

Long & Short Barber Co. cuts out of 250 E. Houston St.

Long & Short Barber Co. has closed its outpost at 250 E. Houston St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.

EVG regular Salim shared the photos here ... including one of a goodbye note for patrons... Long & Short will continue with its shop in Brooklyn and the new location at Columbus Circle...
This is just the latest retail change along this strip, though this one may not have anything to do with the future development on this block.

Businesses in the storefronts just to the east of this — in the unrenovated portion — have all vacated, a list that includes Dunkin'/Baskin-Robbins, Subway (sandwich shop) and China Town. Workers boarded up the unrenovated section last month ahead of its demolition for an unspecified new development.

You can read our previous posts (all 34,567) on the topic right here

BikeFix NYC relocates to a larger storefront on 6th Street

A quick bit of retail news... BikeFix NYC is now open in its new larger location at 334 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue. 

They relocated here from the small storefront at 150 E. Second Street just east of Avenue A... (and at 56 Avenue C before this).
Bike Fix has posted hours of 12:30-6:30 p.m. You can check out their website for products and services.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday's parting shot

As the city's East Side Coastal Resiliency Project moves forward, workers began cutting down trees in East River Park south of Stanton Street today. 

This small grove of cherry trees was the first to go. 

Photo via @1000people1000trees. (Follow that account and @eastriverparkaction for ongoing updates throughout the day from East River Park.) 

In total, the city plans to cut down 1,000 trees during the five-plus year rebuild of the park.

The pandemic in the East Village as seen through the eyes of Billy the Artist

Photo by Stacie Joy

Billy the Artist has unveiled his latest book — "East Village Closed."

The book, a year in the making, is "a photo illustrative experience of life in the East Village during the pandemic," as seen through the eyes of the longtime neighborhood resident.
This past Saturday, he signed copies at one of his favorite local haunts — the International on First Avenue. 

You can read more about the 86-page book as well as find ordering info via this link.

SantaCon announces 2021 route; East Village in the crosshairs once again

After a year off with the pandemic in 2020, SantaCon returns for in-person binging and bar crawling at the expense of the rest of the city this Saturday. (First reported here.) 

Yesterday, SantaCon organizers unveiled the 2021 route, which starts at 10 a.m. at 40th and Broadway. Per the SantaCon website: "We will be dancing in the streets and will unleash a holiday celebration NYC has never imagined possible!" 

A $13 donation gets your Santa Badge and access to participating bars, mainly in Midtown West and East. Six of the bars are in the East Village: The Grayson, 16 First Ave., Amsterdam Billiards & Bar, 110 E. 11th St., Doc Holliday's, 141 Avenue A, Horseshoe Bar/7B, 108 Avenue B, the Phoenix, 447 E. 13th St., and Solas, 232 E. Ninth St. 

However, as we've seen in previous Cons, bars not on the official list are often all too happy to participate, including the 13th Step.  (The SantaCon website states that participants must have proof of COVID vaccination.)

Meanwhile, ahead of the 2021 bar list, someone launched a Cancel SantaCon petition...
Per the petition: 
SantaCon is the worst day of the year in New York City. Each year thousands of belligerent drunk people in Santa costumes flood New York City streets, leaving behind a trail of fistfights, vomit, urine and garbage. John Oliver did a segment on the event which highlighted the faux-charitable nature of the pub crawl. He stated that each SantaCon participant only raises $1.66 for charity, which is hardly enough to excuse the violent and inappropriate behavior. The evidence is crystal clear: Santacon does more bad than good. 

This year New York City residents have had enough! We are calling for Mayor Bill de Blasio to show leadership and order the cancelation of Santacon. We believe that this is an issue that unites New Yorkers of all races, religions, and political beliefs. 

Please sign this petition so we can end SantaCon in New York City once and for all. 
You can find the petition here

And the petition garnered some support via Twitter...
Oh, and here's the John Oliver segment from December 2019 mentioned in the petition ...


Original Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches closes in 2nd Avenue A location this year

The Original Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches outpost has closed at 216 Avenue A (the storefront on the right in the pic) between 13th Street and 14th Street. 

The shutter comes nearly seven months after the quick-serve restaurant moved into the space from the SW corner of Avenue A and 13th Street. We didn't hear any reasons for the departure, or whether Nicky's might turn up in another storefront sometime soon.

Nicky's, related to the one that had been on Second Street several years earlier, opened on Avenue A in March 2019.

Thank you to the readers who mentioned this!