Monday, November 3, 2008

The Day of the Dead Ride

Yesterday marked the Day of the Dead Ride in the East Village as the group celebrated cyclists -- both present and past. According to, "We will bike and dance our way through the East Village, visiting ghost bikes, honoring the memory of those who have been killed, and demanding safe streets so that future riders can ride peacefully in a sustainable city." New York magazine reports there are 35 ghost bikes in the five boroughs.

Here, the group remembered Brandie Bailey, who was struck and killed in May 2005 by a private sanitation truck on East Houston Street near Essex Street. She was 21.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Henry Street, 2:50 p.m., Nov. 2

On 11th Street today

Fall Community Day at the 11th Street Community Garden between Avenue A and First Avenue from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

It's also a chance to see the construction taking place along the south side of the street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Meanwhile, on 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, this sucker is going up on the north side...

Not to mention the many fro-yo shops...

From a New York Times article today titled "Some tourists don't need advice":
A young couple from Zaragoza, Spain, said that what made their trip was the decision to stay in the St. Marks Hotel in the East Village, as opposed to a more traditional Midtown location. “The St. Marks is not a grand hotel,” said Jesús Longares, a 32-year-old engineer. “But it is in a fascinating area. There are many contrasts. You can see a store specializing in comics, and then a boutique for Goths.”

In honor of the New York City Marathon today

Two scenes from the 1976 classic Marathon Man:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

A few scenes of Halloween

Some "Horror Business"

The Misfits, 1983. "Some Horror Business/"We are 138"

Now for something really scary

The horror: 14th Street and Ninth Avenue late on a Saturday night. A Chelsea resident chronicled the "intolerable noise." Indeed, what a horror show.

About that Obama/Luke Skywalker vs. McCain/Darth Vader video

Four weeks ago (Christ, where did October go?), I had a post on the Obama/Luke Skywalker vs. McCain/Darth Vader battle in front of the NYSE on Wall Street. It was obviously some pro-Obama propaganda. Sure enough, someone involved with the project sent along a note telling me that the final product was ready. So now you can watch the two light-saber battle (can this be a verb?) their way around some familiar NYC landmarks:

This is all fine. But, as an ethical journalist, I can't allow a pro-Obama bit to go by without hearing from the other candidate. I need to put my politics aside and be fair. So, in that spirit:

From coffee to compost

The former Alt Coffee (later Hopscotch) at 137 Avenue A will be the new home of Sustainable NYC...who's relocating from up the block at 147 Avenue A...Wonder if Sustainable NYC will have the "No OD's Allowed" sign in the bathrooms like Alt Coffee.