Monday, August 13, 2012

[Updated] Report: NYPD shoots dog on 14th Street and Second Avenue

[Eddie Huang]

All sorts of reports coming in. Per NBC:

Officers were responding to a call to check on a man who appeared to be passed out on a sidewalk at 14th Street and 2nd Avenue Monday afternoon, police said. A dog near the man, who was possibly homeless, began attacking the officers.

That's when police opened fire on the dog, killing it.

[Via @robbyohara]

[Via @robbyohara]

Gothamist has more here ... including a statement by the NYPD ...

An NYPD spokesman confirmed that officers shot and killed a dog at the location at approximately 4:25 p.m. The spokesman could not comment on why officers opened fire.
An East Village resident who witnessed the shooting says that the four officers who responded to the scene in front of the KFC at first were "not aggressive" towards the man or the dog. "The dog was barking very loudly, as though it were protecting its turf," the witness said

And here's a report via the Observer... they interview Eddie Huang, the chef-owner of nearby Baohaus...

Everyone around was like: Put the dog out of its misery. The cops left this dog wiggling and flaying, blood coming out of its mouth. They shot it in front of a public bus.

You can see in the photo, the trail of blood. The dog traveled. People were really really vocal, harassing the cops to put the dog down, and they wouldn’t do it. The whole thing just seemed really, really unnecessary. I don’t know what the protocol is for this, I know they have to keep the peace, but it really seemed like an abuse of power, an unnecessary one, and not doing it the right way.

According to NY1, authorities said the dog "snapped at a pedestrian and an officer."

"He was protecting the owner, like what animals do. He doesn't know any better, he's a dog," said one witness. "They could have handled it differently, rather than shooting the dog. The dog was twitching and rolling around."

"I talked to the cop afterwards. He was very shaken up. He's a dog lover and it ruined his week if not his year," said another witness. "And he did what he had to do to protect himself."

DNAinfo reported that the dog belong to a 29-year-old man from Poland... and that he "epilepsy, and had frequent seizures."

UPDATED 10:11 p.m.
The early reports said that the police killed the dog. Not so. According to the Daily News: "Police said the dog survived and was being cared for at an East Harlem shelter. The unidentified homeless man and the shooting officer were taken to Bellevue Hospital for minor injuries."

And here's a photo from the News ...

The Post notes that the dog's name is Star.

Reader report: Police tackle bicycle-riding suspect on Second Avenue

From a reader:

Yesterday around 3:30, on 2nd Ave between 2nd & 3rd, a police car & unmarked both went the wrong way up 2nd ... A police officer made a long horizontal dive to knock a young man off his bike. He got up & tried again to ride but a detective knocked him down. [The cyclist] was quickly handcuffed ... a total of EIGHT police cars pulled up, lights flashing. They pushed him into one car, & I believe took the bike in another car. Any idea what that was all about? Anyone else see this?

The reader didn't have a camera... so no photos...

Breaking: fake laundry hanging on actual tenements; plus, old cars on East 4th Street

And the props are arriving this afternoon for the "Boardwalk Empire" shoot here along East Fourth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... EVG reader David sends along the latest from the block...

May need to do a little FX to blot out those ACs...

Boardwalk Empire's beachy looking set off East Fourth Street

Several readers have pointed out that "Boardwalk Empire" will be filming around parts of the neighborhood today...

Always an interesting production to watch ... with the old-timey cars and sets and mobsters ...

EVG reader David sent along these photos from this morning on East Fourth Street between Avenue A and B... where crews are creating some kind of beachy-looking set in the lot adjacent to to the Cornelia Connelly Center ...

David and I are agreement that this is for a scene in which Nucky starts betting on beach volleyball games.

[Updated] And how was your commute? Confusion on First Avenue as Select Bus service moves to different stop

Readers and patrons of the M15 Select Bus service on First Avenue are noting a lot of confusion this morning... on Saturday, the MTA removed the M15 Select Bus ticket machines from the stop at First Avenue between Second and Third streets ...

...and moved them to First Avenue at First Street... where the new bus bulb thingy is...

[A more tranquil yesterday]

All fine. Except that the MTA apparently didn't tell anyone that this was happening.

Per a reader, waiting for a bus:

"People who usually catch the select bus on 3rd and first are all confused this morning. machines are gone other commuters informed us they were moved here to first and first. lots of people dressed for work and running down first ave."

Welcome to the newly placed machines...

Any other Select Bus stories to share today? (Or any other day...)

Updated 9:27 a.m. — @Newyorkist said that the M15 drivers had continually announced the coming changes ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
On First Avenue, the machines are taking over!

Juice Press opening another East Village location

Earlier this year, the American Copy Center changed names and moved down the block here on East 10th Street... opening up this prime space adjacent to Nicoletta's to-go operation ...

... and the work permit in the window reveals the new tenant... "Juice Press Store"...

[Photo by Blue Glass]

The Juice Press has proven to be quite popular since opening on East First Street in April 2010... the raw juice/raw food retail spot has expanded to include several locations, including on East 10th Street near Avenue A... as well as one on Mott between Houston and Prince...

Expect a jokey coming soon sign here one of these days, such as a Robot Daycare/Missing Sock/Mime Academy ... as we've seen at the other under-renovation Juice Press locations...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Another day, another wacky new store sign on First Street

Someone is selling this supply cabinet at the former Cabrini Center

Spotted over at the former Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation on Avenue B and East Fifth Street ... where renovations are under way to convert the building into residential use...

Workers have been clearing out the building... perhaps instead of trashing the items, someone thought he or she could make a few dollars... curious who is selling this behind the fence... no one was around to ask at the time... the plastic storage bins on top of the supply cabinet are also for sale for $5.

Slice shockers: 2 Bros. blows up the $1 pizza model

Unveiled on St. Mark's Place — the $1.50 "supreme slice" ... at the 2 Bros. Plus location at No. 36 ... not available at No. 32, which just sells the regular old $1 slices.

Side-by-side taste test coming soon.

Oh, and in other 2 Bros. news, they are opening a location in the Bronx this October, according to their Facebook page ...

[Updated] BaoBQ has apparently closed on First Avenue

Last Monday, we pointed out that there was a store for rent sign above BaoBQ here on First Avenue between 13th Street and 14th Street... however, at the time, the latest from Michael "Bao" Huynh, which opened in December, was still open for business...

However, it appears BaoBQ has closed... the storefront is in some disarray... and the phone number has been temporarily disconnected...

The Croman 9300 listing says the space is available starting Sept. 1. The asking rent is $13,995.

Updated 8/14:

Huynh confirmed to Eater that he has closed BaoBQ.

The Baoster says that the space had bad plumbing problems (see the picture at right), and an upstairs tenant complained about the smoke coming from the restaurant. He also notes that "rent is too expensive, anyway."

Utrecht is moving away from Fourth Avenue

As you may have noticed, Utrecht opened a new store on East 13th Street between University and Fifth Avenue earlier in the summer...

Now, it appears that the longtime arts supply store will be leaving its Fourth Avenue home... store for rent lease have gone up...

Not much info, such as price, on the listing... though it does note that "venting is possible" ...

Meanwhile, this will make the second large storefront available for rent along Fourth Avenue ... Dryden Gallery recently moved to a new location on East 12th Street...

Back to School

On Saturday, crews painted the crosswalks and what not on the sorta recently paved Avenue B... We looked to see if they spelled everything correctly...


And why did we check?

Flashback to January, where The Lo-Down first reported this error on Stanton Street...

[Via The Lo-Down]

Empanada Mama coming to East Houston

Empanada Mama is the latest eatery to give 189 E. Houston at Orchard a go... this address has been a carousel of concepts in recent years, most recently the short-lived Masala Twist and Kung Fu Bing ... Anyway, this one sounds pretty promising... and this will be the second Empanada Mama location — the other is on Ninth Avenue in the 50s... it's co-owned by the founder of Mama’s Empanadas in Queens ...

You can find their menu here.