Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seeking 'Shelter' in Tompkins Square Park

[Bobby Williams]

Films crews were set up today in Tompkins Square Park for "Shelter," which marks the directorial debut of actor Paul Bettany ... he is directing his wife, Oscar winner Jennifer Connelly, in a drama called "Shelter." According to published reports, the plot is "a closely guarded secret," though he did tell The Telegraph earlier that the film is a "love story set among the homeless living on the streets of Manhattan."

They filmed on Astor Place on Saturday...

The Daily Mail has more photos and stuff here.

As for the filming in the Park, we didn't get any paparazzi shots... though Bobby Williams did find Jennifer Connelly's stand-in...


A scene today in Tompkins Square Park via EVG contributor Derek Berg ... a resident humanely caught a rat in her apartment... and released it into the wilds of Tompkins Square Park...

Tourists taken for a $500 pedicab from Times Square to (hoo boy!) Coyote Ugly

And, well, the three tourists from Michigan are pretty pissed about it.

The Post has the story today. It happened back on June 14 when the three women (first time here – welcome!) traveled the 2.9 miles from Times Square to First Avenue's home of boobs, denim shorts and beer. And shots.

And when they arrived?

The driver initially demanded $163.60. Jennifer’s friend, Mary Simons, 40, was stunned by the fee, but said she would pay and then fight it when she got back home.

After Simons paid, Halladay said the driver snapped that it was that much per person, not for the three of them.
“We couldn’t believe it,” Halladay said. “We were standing with our mouths hanging open.”

Good for a $500.80 tab! (Good thing the beers are cheap at CU!)

Long story, but the women paid the tab and figured to fight it later. If I read the piece correctly (possibly not), then two of the three women received a refund from their banks ... and they tracked down the pedicab driver (Ibraiym Denizov) ... and filed a complaint with the city Department of Consumer Affairs.

And what's the lesson here?

[Pic via]

Report: David McWater is resigning from Community Board 3

[David McWater, seated left, during last week's CB3/SLA meeting. Photo by BoweryBoogie]

Longtime CB3 member David McWater will resign during tonight's full board meeting, according to an article published at The Villager this morning.

Per the article:

“I’ve done more than any community board member in the history of New York City,” McWater told The Villager. “Nobody in the last 20 years did anything like the Lower East Side rezoning and SPURA. The community owes me a debt — nobody’s ever done what we’ve done. Nobody — nobody ever did anything like SPURA and the rezoning.

“The proudest moments in my life were the Lower East Side rezoning and SPURA,” he said. “With the Lower East Side rezoning we stopped N.Y.U. in their tracks at Third Ave.; except for a few areas, you can’t go over eight stories. We stopped the dorms, we stopped the hotels. It’s the greatest bulwark against gentrification the Lower East Side could ever have — and I believe, in my heart, we saved the homes of hundreds and possibly thousands of people, protecting them from being harassed out of their homes by landlords and developers to build buildings.”

McWater said that he'll likely make his remarks to the Board and community tonight "between the public session and the period where politicians and their representatives give their reports."

The resignation comes one week after an ugly confrontation between McWater and neighborhood group the LES Dwellers during the CB3/SLA committee meeting on Sept. 16.

You can read the entire Villager piece here.

East Village neighbors come together for Giuseppi Logan

[Photo from Sept. 7]

Word circulated on Saturday morning that Tompkins Square Park regular Giuseppi Logan had been jumped earlier in the day on East Ninth Street. The soft-spoken musician didn't offer many more details. (Apparently nothing had been taken from him since he didn't really have anything.)

Upon hearing this, many residents via Facebook came together and took up a collection for the 78-year-old Logan during the annual 9th Street A-1 Block Association Block Party.

On Sunday morning, an East Ninth Street resident presented Logan with the money that people had collected.

"Giuseppi was quite grateful and said repeatedly 'God bless you, God bless you all, this really helps me,'" said the resident who delivered the money.

Also on Saturday, resident Patrick Salt Ryan gave Logan a tenor saxophone (someone had left it in bar Ryan worked in some years earlier). Logan was quite pleased with the gift...

[Via Facebook]

Emergency meeting called to discuss 'the blatant drug activity' on E. 3rd St.

Perhaps a sign of the bad old days, or whatever you want to call them, on East Third Street between Avenue C and Avenue D... the flyers tell of an emergency meeting tomorrow night at PS 15 to address "the proliferation/spread of drugs on our block."

The conversation will center on topics ranging from drug sales to drug use...

One of these years someone may finally do something about 'the Grand Canyon of E. 4th St.'

Meant to mention this earlier... NY1 had this report last Wednesday ... about a big-ass crack in the sidewalk on East Fourth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C (on the north side, a little closer to C)...

Residents say that they've been tripping over "the Grand Canyon of East Fourth Street" for years.

"I think it's terrible," said one resident. "Anybody could fall break their leg or something. It's terrible. That needs to be addressed."

Calls to 311 have yielded zero results.

Per NY1:

According to the city's Department of Transportation, it's the property owner's responsibility to fix the sidewalk. It turns out that the sidewalk sits in front of a city housing authority building. After NY1 told that to DOT, inspectors went out to take a look at what needs to be fixed. DOT said it'll start the process to make that happen.

Place your bets on when something may finally happen. Dibs on 2018!

Watch Jimmy McMillan 'Debate' in the East Village

Yesterday, Animal NY debuted the latest video extravaganza from Rent Is Too Damn High Party candidate Jimmy McMillan. (He's still in the race!)

The 7-plus-minute opus (Curbed said that the video is "too damn long") was shot in the neighborhood... and you might see some familiar faces... Animal notes that Christalle Fellix, McMillan's daughter, who serves as the Rent Is Too Damn High party president, plays a featured role ...

Animal NY has more here with McMillan on the mayoral race.

Meanwhile, watch the video here...

Extra Place and Heidi currently 'closed for renovation' in Extra Place

Things have been a little quiet over in Extra Place, the pedestrian walkway off East First Street... in part, two of the restaurants here, Extra Place and Heidi, have been closed... a sign on the door points to a renovation...

Extra Place at No. 8, a namesake restaurant with 50 seats serving Mediterranean fare, and Heidi at No. 6, a smaller Swiss eatery with 20 seats, opened from the same owners in July 2012.

We reached out to restaurant reps to see when they might reopen. (Yelp already lists that Extra Place is restaurants closed. No mention of the renovations on the restaurants' website or social media.)

In July, CB3 dropped the hammer on the restaurants, denying renewal of its beer and wine license. Here's CB3's official CB3ease:

BE IT RESOLVED that Community Board #3 moves to deny the renewal of the beer wine license for Extra Place America LLC, 8 Extra Place, between Second Avenue and Bowery, because
1) the applicant has violated its stipulation that it will not serve alcohol outside of its establishment,
2) the applicant has usurped a public pedestrian plaza for its private use in violation of New York City Department of Transportation restrictions by setting up an illegal sidewalk café in said public plaza, and
3) the applicant has used its license illegally by serving beer and wine to its patrons outside of its establishment and allowing its patrons to consume beer and wine outside which they had purchased within its business.

The SLA currently lists two liquor licenses for the address... one is active; the other is not.

Previously on EV Grieve:
With new restaurant opening, will Extra Place finally become a dining destination?

Extra Place now officially a Dead End

Meanwhile, Extra Place continues to maintain its proud heritage

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall shadows

East 11th Street.

After 5 years, time to repair fire hydrant outside the Miracle Garden on East 3rd Street

[Via Facebook]

There has been a long-standng problem at The Miracle Garden on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Basically, every year, volunteers obtain a permit to use the hydrant on the street to water the garden... unfortunately, the hydrant has a crack in it... and just as much water ends up on the sidewalk and street as it does in the garden...

Despite five years of calls to the city, FDNY, local elected officials, etc., etc. ... the hydrant remains cracked... and wasting so much water in the process...

This new video, released Friday, sums up the situation in 80 seconds...

Please help us fix the hydrant (1 min. & 20 sec.) from Artola Digital on Vimeo.

[Updated] Asbestos concern at the Neighborhood School

We've heard from some parents over at The Neighborhood School/PS 63 on East Third Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...

As we understand it, officials from the New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) announced last week that they will begin removing asbestos from the building this fall ahead of a 2- to 3-year school renovation... the removal will occur after school hours starting at 4, which will disrupt a fair number of programs

From an email from a parent that is in circulation:

[Last] week my fellow parents and I were alarmed to find out that the scaffolding surrounding our school is there to take out asbestos and remove lead paint. I was even more upset to discover that no work was done over the summer and that the contractor wants to start now when school is session. We cannot allow this to happen!!! Asbestos and lead that are airborne due to construction pose serious health threats.

There's a meeting this morning with school officials to begin to address these issues (available parents are encouraged to show support outside the school, per the above flyer) ... there will be also be a Neighborhood School community meeting on Thursday morning at 8:40 with SCA reps.

The parents hope to postpone the work until next summer ...

Updated 9 a.m.
Serena Solomon has more details on this story over at DNAinfo.