Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A new mural on St. Mark's Place

The van Gogh era has ended on St. Mark's Place ...

A new mural by arrived yesterday via Melbourne street artist Matt Adnate ...

The wall between Avenue A and First Avenue is maintained by the Bushwick Collective.

CB3 OKs Triona's takeover of Croxley Ales on Avenue B

CB3's SLA committee last night approved a new liquor license application for the owners of Triona's, an Irish bar with two locations in the city (Sullivan Street and Third Avenue), who are taking over Croxley Ales at 28-30 Avenue B.

The application notes that this is a sale of assets.

There wasn't too much debate over the applicants. There weren't any objections from the East 4th Street Avenues A-B Block Association, who gad met with the applicants earlier this year ... and no one was at the meeting to speak out against the applicants.

The yet-to-be-be-named establishment (Triona's on B is a possibility) will have hours of noon to 4 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The menu is "traditional American-Irish comfort food," with fish and chips, burgers, etc. The full menu will be available at the bar in the No. 28 space as well as the sit-down portion at No. 30. (Croxley expanded into this adjacent space in 2013.) This Triona's will include 20 TVs, about the same number as Croxley Ales.

There wasn't any mention of when the transition from Croxley Ales to Triona's might occur. (This item was originally on the June CB3-SLA docket, but one of the Triona owners had to cancel due to an undisclosed emergency, per the paperwork with the application.)

Croxley Ales has six locations in the metropolitan area, opening the first outpost on Long Island in 1990. The East Village location opened here between Second Street and Third Street in 2003.

Last night's committee meeting was held in a 17th-floor event space at Ian Schrager's new Public Hotel on Chrystie Street. The views are nice.

Report: 4th Street spa busted for alleged prostitution

Apparently Nie's Service Center was servicing more than feet and backs at 125 E. Fourth St.

DNAinfo reports that the spa between First Avenue and Second Avenue was busted for alleged prostitution.

According to a lawsuit filed last week by the city, cops went undercover here four times last March and April.

In two of those instances, parlor workers agreed to perform massage services without the required license, and in the other two they agreed to have sex with undercover officers in exchange for cash, the suit states.

An undercover officer who visited the spa on April 20 and 25 agreed with a female employee to pay $40 for a 30-minute massage and $120 for sexual intercourse, according to an affidavit attached to the lawsuit. He left the spa before she could perform either.


The lawsuit names the building's commercial space and its owner, Cashew Associates, L.P., as defendants as well as the unnamed spa operators, identified only as "John Doe" and "Jane Doe."

It accuses the defendants of creating both a public nuisance and a criminal nuisance, demanding they each pay $1,000 for every day they allowed the public nuisance to continue and for the court to shutter the space for a year.

A hearing is scheduled for today. The spa is currently closed.

There is also a lone Yelp review for Nie's. And the one-star review is everything one can hope for in a Yelp review:

This is the low rent massage place I sometime go for walk-ins because it's so convenient. There have been times the tables were a bit ripe but... it's so cheap! I tried to get in & was told I'd have a half hour wait, so I went outside again & talked to a couple neighbors. They told me a story about the place!

Neither had ever been there, but about a month ago some crazy guy had tried to leave without paying. A little Chinese lady had him in a headlock. One of my friends went to help and then another. A struggle was described. The guy took a shit on the floor! The cops came & brought him away. My friend said, "After all that, they NEVER have made eye contact and even waved, nodded or said thanks."

I went back just past the half hour I was told I'd need to wait, was ushered to a table and took off my clothes. Some guy a sheet over was moaning like a douchebag. Now... I could've really used that massage. My right shoulder and wrist are all balled up. But the lady asked him if he wanted more time and he did! She said she was sorry and I answered that I wished she'd told me before I took my clothes off.

The most annoying part was that three times I went to get my glasses and iPhone (diversion) and three times one of those bitches came in, told me to lay down (like a dog) and picked up & put down the timer like they were ready to start.

Full reveal at the incoming Starbucks on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place

Workers removed the plywood yesterday here on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place...

A Starbucks rep told DNAinfo last month that this location will be open later this summer.

Photos by Vinny & O.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Starbucks confirmed for Avenue A

At the 'Not Another Starbucks Rally'

Martina opens this weekend (and the sidewalk planters have arrived)

[Photo from Sunday]

Martina, the Roman-inspired pizzeria from Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group, opens Saturday on 11th Street at Third Avenue.

Grub Street had the news, speaking with Nick Anderer, the former chef at its sister pizzeria-restaurant, Marta.

Unlike the wood-fired pies at the mothership, Martina’s are smaller, cheaper ($7 to $12), cooked in a gas oven in about two minutes, and doled out counter-service style. But they share Marta’s ultra-thin-crust DNA: Martina’s four-slice pies use the same dough, the same California tomatoes, the same Di Palo’s mozzarella. One of those vibrating pager thingamajigs Danny Meyer popularized at Shake Shack will buzz you when your pizza’s ready ...

Also, there won't be any delivery...

But when it comes to one particular in-demand amenity, Anderer won’t budge: delivery. “I want my food to be enjoyed at the best possible moment,” he says, though he will allow takeout.

You can find a PDF of the Martina menu here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group planning Martina for 55 3rd Ave.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday's parting shot

Photo from East River Park this evening via EVG reader Brucie...

Rat talk reminder for tomorrow night

Reposting from last week...

Neighborhood rat reduction plan

A public info session with Q-&-A

Aug. 15, 6:30 pm
East Village Community School at 610 E. 12th St., between Avenues B and C.

Join senior officials and experts from the Health, Sanitation, Parks Departments and NYCHA to learn about:
-New state of the art trash cans in your community
-New investments in NYCHA developments to prevent rats
-More frequent trash pickup
-Better Waste Management Practices for Landlords or Enforcement of rat-related violations by landlords

Co-sponsored by: Borough President Gale A. Brewer, U.S. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, State Senator Brad Hoylman, State Senator Daniel Squadron, Assembly Member Brian Kavanagh, Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou, Council Member Rosie Mendez, Council Member Margaret S. Chin, and Community Board 3.


An EVG reader shared this from earlier today... a worker attempting to scrub off a spray-painted message inside the front door of a Steve Croman-owned buidling on Avenue A between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place.

The message reads, in part: "NYU frats suck," and you can see the rest.

Last month, someone spray painted "Rats > Frats" on the new Big Belly trash can nearby on the northwest corner of Avenue A and Seventh Street.

Tonight: Opening reception for the 'Capturing the Lower East Side’s Storefronts' exhibit

Tonight is the opening reception for "Capturing the Lower East Side’s Storefronts" at the Theater For The New City Gallery.

East Village-based photographers James and Karla Murray, whose books include "Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York," are the curators. "The purpose of the exhibition is to act as an artistic intervention helping draw attention to and raise awareness of the importance of preserving the small shops whose existence is essential to the unique and colorful atmosphere of the city’s streets," they said in a statement about the show.

The opening reception is from 6-9 p.m. at the Theater For The New City Gallery, 155 First Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street. The exhibit will be up through Sept. 18.

Thanks to Lola Sáenz for the photo!

[Updated] Trees coming down for L train expansion on 14th Street

As previously reported, preliminary work is underway along 14th Street for building new entrances at Avenue A and an underground power station at Avenue B for the L train.

And to make way for all this, some trees need to come down. On Friday, workers removed several trees (I counted three barrels on top of stumps) on the cobblestone median along 14th Street/the Stuy Town service road between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Several EVG readers shared emails about this taking place.

Wrote one: "I am appalled and sickened to see [the trees] being cut down and fed through a chipper. Did anyone know that this was going to occur? I am sick at heart and will never see full grown trees on this block for the rest of my life. Incredible."

And more will be coming down between Avenue A and Avenue B... X marks the doomed trees...

These six trees have Xs on them...

... and the trees that will remain ...

Updated 8/15
Several readers noted that the six trees came down yesterday...

When Webster Hall reopens, there might be a Moxy Hotel across the street

[Photo from Saturday]

Webster Hall's Ballinger era has come to an end. The venue closed after a performance by Action Bronson on Thursday. (You can find a Webster Hall timeline here. The building has been around since 1886. It re-opened as Webster Hall in October 1992 after the Ballinger family purchased and renovated the space that was known as The Ritz during the 1980s.)

Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment, along with AEG-backed The Bowery Presents, teamed up to buy the landmarked building from the Ballingers for $35 million this past spring. The new owners will renovate the space, doing away with club nights to focus on live music.

Heath Miller, vice president and talent buyer at Webster Hall, told amNewYork last week that the venue will likely be closed for the next 18-plus months for renovations.

"When I was first told about the sale, it was supposed to be a short closure for minor renovations and I was told the buyers had plans to retain the venue staff, but now the closure period has grown to 18-plus months and that plan has switched from a short-term closure to a long-term closure."

As of this morning, the new owners have yet to file any work permits with the Department of Buildings (DOB) for the property on 11th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue. So that process awaits as does getting the OK for the work via the Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Meanwhile, across the street, construction hasn't started yet on the 13-floor hotel for Marriott's Moxy brand...

The DOB approved the permits last week, per the DOB website.

The Moxy website optimistically says the hotel will be open in late 2018.

So as of now, the revamped Webster Hall and the Moxy hotel have roughly the same opening/reopening dates.


Billboard has an extensive piece on the past and future of Webster Hall.

The renovations could drag into 2020, and there may be a name change too.

Ahimsa Garden is open on 10th Street

[Photo Friday by Cheyenne]

Ahimsa Garden opened last Monday at 265 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

The vegetarian Indian restaurant is an offshoot of the Thompson Street location, which boasts an $11.95 lunch buffet. (Not sure if they are offering that deal here.) They are, however, using the rear garden like the previous tenant, Moustache, which closed in May.

You can find Ahimsa's Thompson Street menu here.