Thursday, July 29, 2010

At the Mars Bar: "Nothing in here 'works' properly"

Heh. Slum Goddess captured and posted this photo from the Mars Bar...

77 Ludlow papers the East Village

While walking on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B last evening, I noticed that nearly every car on the block had a flyer under the wipers...

...upon closer inspection... it turns out to be an ad for commercial and residential space at 77 Ludlow St... Might be a reason for a big street marketing push... as far as I can tell, a few of these spaces have been on the market for more than a year...

So I visited the website listed on the flyer... (hey, this street advertising works!)

...and found some videos... the renovated storefront with the bags of trash and buckets of paint and stuff look so much more classy accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra...

Meanwhile, I eventually spotted the fellows distributing the flyers...

Ads on First and First still want us to feel badly about our bodies

EV Grieve reader K. Knipfing points out the new ad on the northeast corner of First Street and First Avenue...

"You can never be too thin." As K put it: "A timeless message from Pretzel Crisps lightly reminding you that you will never reach any 'goal' when it comes to your body."

Previously at this spot, H&M advertised its $4.95 "bikini tops" ...

The Summer of Bedbugs continues...

What does the sign say...? I can't make it out from this distance...

Seventh Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Meanwhile, CNN had a piece last night on the city's new battle against bedbugs...

Last days for Pet World

Last week I noted that Pet World on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B is closing...

Signs out front say that tomorrow is the store's last day...

Per a commenter yesterday:


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

NYPD raises Shepard Fairey threat level to 'high'

Heh. No! Just the NYPD protecting the Houston corridor for the Obama motorcade this evening...

Many thanks to EV Grieve reader Anna for the photos...

Thankfully the Penistrator didn't deface Shep's work for the President to see...

Reminders tonight: Harvest party on First Street

From the inbox...

With the successful run last month of “First Growth,” a benefit exhibition of donated art works, First Street Green — the community organization working in cooperation with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to create a community cultural park—will hold a follow-up party and sale of new and remaining works to complete its summer initiative to raise local support for the project.
Many of the works on sale will be offered at the bargain price of $100 to help raise funds and mobilize community support to convert the rat-infested vacant lot at 33 East 1st Street into a cultural center and park with a sculpture garden and temporary installations.

Local groups working with First Street Green include the First Street Block Association, The Lower East Side Girls’ Club, and the Citizen’s Committee of New York City, which awarded First Street Green two New Yorkers for Better Neighborhoods Grants to help launch its campaign.

The closing or “harvest” party will be held in the temporary gallery space next door to the vacant lot where the rubble of a building demolished in the 1930s continues to be a serious health hazard to the neighborhood due to a persistent rat infestation.

The bargain sale of contemporary works of art by well-known local artists will garner increased support for the project by providing visitors with an opportunity to view and buy fine works of art and to read FSG brochures and posters illustrating the projected plans for the park while enjoying free food and drink provided by Joe Doe, Prune, Arlo & Esme, the Lower East Side Girls Club Bakery, and other local venders.

The Harvest Party will provide a one-night-only opportunity to purchase works of contemporary art at excellent rates (works selling for $100 or less will be identified with green labels at the party). The event is free and open to the public.
Help green the city by enjoying its local culture!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Residents pitching in to help refurbish First Street garden

The gentleman kindly requests that you please refrain from touching his motorcycle

Spotted by a reader last evening on St. Mark's Place...

Thankfully there's no penalty for taking photos...

Police relocating vehicles to "no parking" zones; exploding bicycles next?

In preparation for President Obama's NYC visit today, police this morning are relocating vehicles from the motorcade route...

...and depositing them in "no parking" zones such as here on Avenue B ... as seen in the photo... When someone pointed out that the cab was being placed in a "no parking" zone and now in line for a ticket, the police tow-truck driver said that he didn't care.


Our tipster asked the NYPD if they would also be removing all the exploding bicycles off the route. He or she did not get a response.

The Greenpointing of East Fifth Street continues

So, here's a quarterly update on the construction at 532 E. Fifth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B ...



Someday! ... Six floors and 10 units of glass and shine...

As a Curbed tipster noted back in February: "Six stories & ten units sounds reasonable, but that building is stylistically out of sync with the rest of the block. Reminds me more of the condos going up in Greenpoint."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Beaming up on Fifth Street

Demolition on East Fifth Street

On the way: A five-story apartment building for Fifth Street

Wrapping up 'East Fifth Bliss'

Entertainment Weekly featured a shot from the upcoming "East Fifth Bliss" in its current issue...

The movie stars Michael C. Hall ... not to mention our very own Slum Goddess ... I asked Douglas Light, the former EV resident who adpated the screenplay from his novel, for an update...

"The movie is coming along very well. They're doing all the technical stuff now like color correction, sound, scoring. It looks really good. Everyone is pleased. Shooting to have it completely done by Sept 1."


The developers are coming! The developers are coming!

There are are several upcoming events to help publicize the threat facing community gardens in the East Village and other areas of NYC ... the agreement protecting various gardens from developers expires in September...

So! If you want to get involved, here are some activities planned by Time's Up Save Our Gardens Action Group:

1. Paul Revere Ride "Get Your Horse Head On" Prop-Making Session, tonight at 6, Generation X Garden (Fourth Street between Avenues B and C)

2. Paul Revere Ride -- The Developers Are Coming, Thursday at 7 p.m. -- meet at Tompkins Square Park

3. Save Our Garden Celebration/BBQ -- Saturday, 4 p.m., Generation X Garden (Fourth Street between Avenues B and C)

4. Harvest Day Rally at City Hall (in conjunction with other garden groups' press conference), Monday at 10 or 11 a.m. (exact time and location TBA)

5. Proposed Rules Public Hearing/rally, Aug. 10, 10:30 a.m. rally before 11 public hearing (Tuesday), Chelsea Rec center, 430 W. 25th St.

If you want to speak at this public hearing, then e-mail Laura Velle at and write, "I intend to make a statement at the August 10Public Hearing on the Parks and HPD Rules for Community Gardens. Please add my name to the list of speakers." Deadline is Aug. 9.

Also! The Daily News is doing a story on the gardens and Paul Revere ride. They will do a photo shoot for the story this morning at 11 at the Generation X Garden. Per the organizers: "If you can dress as Paul Revere (like have a three-corn hat) that's great, but not necessary. Please arrive by 10:45."

Beauty Crisis closing Friday

Beauty Crisis on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue is closing on Friday...

Looks as if the store will live online in the short term...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village vintage stores doomed?

More vintage doom: Beauty Crisis is closing

Other closings:

Atomic Passion has closed

Monk Thrift Shop on Avenue B

Atomic Passion on Ninth Street

O Mistress Mine on 11th Street

Andy's Chee-Pees on St. Mark's Place

Fab 208 is moving into a smaller space on Seventh Street

Dumpster pool for Avenue C?

No! Sure looked like one, though... Kind of...