Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An update on the plan to save UNDER St. Marks

As we reported back in March, 94 St. Mark's Place is for sale... the building houses UNDER St. Marks, which is operated by Horse Trade Theater Group.

Here's an update on what has been happening... and what the plans are for UNDER St. Marks via the Horse Trade website:

Since we learned that our building was up for sale, we have had good meetings with our landlord, and he has promised to work with us to buy the space. There have been no other offers on the building.

We are developing plans to convert the building into artist housing, expand the seating capacity of the theater, and create a coffee shop/wine bar/lobby entrance to the theater. We are investigating multiple ways to make the space self-sustained and green, including creating a green rooftop, using the artist housing as a B&B when empty and working out the plans for the lobby space.

We have an architect, lawyer, and realtor who will donate their time to create the plans and package needed to go after larger funders. We have put together a fundraising committee and we are recruiting new boardmembers.

We have ongoing fundraising events planned in the space for the coming months. We have raised 20% of our funding goal with only 10 percent of our friends contributing. We are asking 1,000 of our friends to help us by giving $50 by July 4. Click on the link to our indiegogo page here and learn more about the project and about our well-loved and well-used theater space.

This video provides more details...

Find them on Facebook at Save UNDER St. Marks And for a list of upcoming shows, please go here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
94 St. Mark's Place on the market, and what will it mean for Under St. Marks?

A fake window for Verso on Avenue C

On Monday, EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams noticed that someone had painted a window on the outside wall between two existing windows at Verso, the Italian restaurant that opened last month on Avenue C at Eighth Street... (Chico was on the scene too, though we're unsure if he was there to lend a hand or just passing by...)

...and the final product...

And, as we've said before, that to-go window rumor never materialized here...

Super Saving Store closing on 14th Street

Here at 14th Street and Third Avenue... some signs say "store closing" ... others say "closing for renovations." We asked one of the fellows guarding the sales racks. Didn't exactly get a straight answer. Ultimately, the store is closing for good.

Not a surprise. The store is in the shadow of the luxury 123 Third Avenue, where residents likely won't have a need for butt-revealing denim shorts (two for $10!). The other corners include the Duane Reade and the incoming 5 Napkin Burger. Meanwhile, a few of the 99-cent stores remain on 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

About that new bench with blood on it

EV Grieve reader Peter sends along a note about the new bench adjacent to the MTA ticket machines on Second Avenue just south of 14th Street.

"That bench is currently covered in blood. 311 is no help. MTA reps (about 6 of them) just shrugged it off twice in two days. Don't know who to call for this one. Any ideas?"

And here are two photos...

Peter says that the blood has been there for five days. He has talked with the MTA officials who congregate there to issue tickets to fare beaters. They say that it's not their bench, so it's not their problem. It's a city bench, apparently.

Anyway, we took a look for ourselves...

Blood? Or maybe a melted dessert from Milk Bar around the corner?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

At the Community Board 3 meeting

Shawn Chittle reports that there are large groups waiting to speak both for and against the proposed restaurant-bar-performance space at 34 Avenue A.

Plenty of good seats still available... come on down to PS 20 - 166 Essex St., (Between East Houston and Stanton Street)

And the Community Board meeting begins

Flyers being circulated at the Community Board meeting by those against a license for 34 Avenue A. (There are also many people there in support of the proposal for a restaurant-bar-performance space. Dunno if they have flyers...)

Photos via Shawn Chittle.


[Updated] d.b.a. owner Ray Deter in critical condition after bicycling accident

The folks at d.b.a. asked us to share the following message about Ray Deter, who owns dba on First Avenue as well as the locations in Williamsburg and New Orleans:

We are reaching out to every one of our patrons and friends to please send your prayers and loving energy to Ray Deter at this time.

As some of you may have heard, Ray was in a very serious bicycle accident yesterday and is in critical condition. For those of you who are hearing this for the first time, we are so sorry to share this news in this manner, though we are grateful for the tool to reach many of you.

We believe your healing prayers, and energy and whatever loving means you have, can really help Ray pull through, and this is a request for just that.

At this time we ask that you please not call the bars, and we will keep you up to date.

The accident happened yesterday at 5:30 p.m. at West Broadway and Canal Street. Friends will post updates on the dba Facebook page.

[Updated] The Daily News had an item on the accident this morning... though at the time, the paper didn't have Ray's name yet. According to the article, a silver Jaguar that was driving east on Canal Street hit Ray. "The driver remained at the scene but received a summons for possessing a small amount of marijuana," the Daily News reported.

Last one in the Jacuzzi!: Dr. Doom's 14-hour bash on East First Street last weekend

Page Six has this item today:

"Dr. Doom," NYU professor Nouriel Roubini, took a break from his predictions of economic calamity to throw one of his famous parties at his sprawling East Village triplex penthouse Saturday. Roubini invited a crowd of models, lawyers and creative types to his pad, which is big enough to hold a world economic summit and boasts a new, giant Jacuzzi on the roof terrace. Guests greeted by an upbeat-looking Roubini at the 14-hour bash — which started at noon with a dip in the model-packed Jacuzzi — included Sean Stone, director son of Oliver Stone, prominent lawyers Richard Conn Jr. and David Hryck, former CNBC journalist and MDC Partners' Ash Bennington and Roubini's stunning girlfriend, Micca Wang. While only some got the memo that the dress code was "Carmens & Matadors," all were treated to a live performance of the opera orchestrated by Or Movement's Shai Baitel. Roubini told us, "People know me as Dr. Doom, but as you can see, I really like to enjoy life."

Dr. D, who predicted the global financial crisis, bought the swanky $5.5 million, 3,700-square-foot home at 6 E. First St. last year.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Party guy Dr. Doom bringing his hedge funders and models to East First Street penthouse

After nearly 4 years, First Street penthouse finally in contract

Via Dealbreaker ... and hat tip to EV Grieve reader Mike...

135 Bowery designated an NYC landmark today

From the EV Grieve inbox...

The Bowery Alliance of Neighbors is delighted by today’s vote of the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission to designate the circa 1818 Federal style house at 135 Bowery a New York City individual Landmark.

According to the Landmarks Preservation Commission, “The 135 Bowery House is ... among the relatively rare surviving and intact Manhattan town houses of the Federal style and period, and is one of only a handful still extant on the Lower East Side and along the Bowery.” The 2 ½-story wood-frame, brick-faced Federal style row house was constructed circa 1818 as the primary residence of John A Hardenbrook, a soap and candle manufacturer who maintained a shop in the still-extant building next door. The design of the 135 Bowery House is characteristic of the Federal style.

Curbed has more on a busy for the Landmarks Preservation Commission here.

Trinity's pastor to perform free LGBT weddings for the next year

On Ninth Street at Avenue B. The Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish website has more details.

Late yesterday afternoon at Open Road Park

Photo by Dave on 7th.

Meanwhile, the public meeting to discuss the Open Road Park's future is tomorrow afternoon at 4. The meeting will be in the park here off 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Open Road Park closed now on 12th Street

Why the Open Road Park is closed

Peels unveils it sidewalk cafe

Here on the Bowery at Second Street... Not quite the tropical paradise of the DBGB sidewalk cafe, but the tables just went up...

Peels is now the seventh eating-drinking establishment with sidewalk seating on the Bowery between Third Street and Houston... joining Gemma, DBGB, Agozar, Think Coffee, Double Crown and Slàinte.

Be warned! Today they learn how to operate the sprinklers; tomorrow, the air conditioners

At the Tompkins Square Park dog run yesterday. Photo by Bobby Williams.

June 27

Here we are, last night on 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

...where Candee and Joe worked to authenticate this find...



Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring and Summer (ICTTSS), sent his approval via an intern while waiting to board an Airbus A320 Prestige in Zurich.