Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Earlier today on the Bowery when it rained really hard for a few minutes

...and a few moments later...

Photos by Bobby Williams, who noted that he stayed dry by ducking into a doorway.

Lucky Luciano, 'Boardwalk Empire,' dining at John's of 12th Street today

Earlier, we mentioned that crews for "Boardwalk Empire" would be filming in the East Village today, possibly bringing an old-timey feel to the neighborhood.

Well! Turns out they are filming at John's of 12th Street... already an old-timey-feeling restaurant. (And we mean that in a positive way!) Han Shan just sent us this photo of who we think is Lucky Luciano.

Report: Ex-cops accused of rape had another ugly exchange with a drunken East Village woman

At the Voice this week, Graham Rayman reports on another case involving Kenneth Moreno, Franklin Mata and a young, intoxicated woman. Per the preview of the article at Runnin' Scared: "Just a few months before the alleged rape for which they were acquitted, the two were accused of being verbally abusive to a woman, refusing to take her report of theft, and pushing her around outside an East Village nightclub. Although the Manhattan District Attorney's Office was aware of these charges, they did not include it as evidence in the trial."

The incident reportedly took place on Aug. 21, 2008 outside the former Cheap Shots on First Avenue near Ninth Street. Read Rayman's article here.

The best passage from The Observer's article on the Mars Bar

“Oh, no, Hank won’t talk to you,” Tawnya said to The Observer, emptying a bottle’s dregs into the bar’s only wine glass. “That’s just his style.”

Many patrons, we found, had adopted that same reticent style. “Go fuck yourself and get the fuck away from me,” George growled after we bade him hello.

“They’re gonna tear the whole place down so what the fuck are you asking me about shit for?” said a rock-faced gentleman named Ray, who lounged dozily at one end of the saloon. “Just go away.”

Others were more talkative. One demanded we share our cocaine and, when we informed him we had none, then asked for meth — though he took that request back, at once, after remembering that “meth makes you gay.”

Meanwhile, according to the article, the Mars Bar will remain open another four to six weeks.

Via Eater.

B Bar's take-out window and sidewalk seating moving forward

We haven't heard much about B Bar's plan for sidewalk seating and a to-go window in months. Last we heard in February, the B Bar's plans called for a 28-seat sidewalk cafe and a take-out window on the Bowery... this needed to be approved by Community Board 2, who has jurisdiction over the western side of the Bowery.

Meanwhile, we've noticed the work progressing on the to-go window...

Is that artisanal caulk on the counter?

Post reports that Fu Sushi employee chases Post photographer down the street

The Post picked up on reports from Neighborhoodr and here that Fu Sushi on Avenue B has been staying open even after the DOH closed it down for various violations. (And no credit from the Postthanks!)

Here's one passage from the article:

Workers raised the gate at the restaurant yesterday afternoon — but quickly closed when approached by The Post. One employee even chased a photographer down the street.

East Village now home to more shaved ice

Eater reports that the team behind Brooklyn Flea and Chelsea Market regular People's Pops are opening a new pop-up location at 5 p.m. today. The stall is officially at 118 First Ave., which is actually between Caracas Arepa Bar and the corner deli. Per Eater, they'll serve "fresh, locally sourced fruit pops and shaved ice. They get their fruit straight from Greenmarket, so expect the seasonal flavors to change constantly."

Late yesterday afternoon, a worker was on the scene preparing the space, which promises to be the latest Seventh Street venture to attract people to wait in line...

Looks to be a busy icy season... you have Ray's on Avenue A ... NYC ICY at 171 Avenue A ... not to mention the numerous men selling shaved ice on the corners, such as on Seventh Street at Avenue B.

Y Cafe turns previous tenant's sign into a planter

Y Cafe (formerly Wai? Cafe on First Avenue) is now open on Avenue B near 11th Street... This addressed previously belonged to the Little Bird, a vegan cafe.

In a cost-effective move, instead of replacing the old sign...

...the folks at Y Cafe simply turned it into a planter of sorts...

Perhaps this is only temporary. But it's always a better alternative than leaving the previous restaurant's sign/name in full view...

The Film Academy Cafe leaves us with a mystery

The Film Academy Cafe closed last week ... ahead of the demolition of 51 Astor Place.

But the closing leaves us without, uh, closure... At the time of the Cafe's departure, they were waiting for their letter grade from the DOH...

Developer says 51 Astor Place will be 'very, very cool looking'

Speaking of 51 Astor Place ... I missed this report on NY1 from last Friday. Jill Urban spoke to developer Edward J. Minskoff about the plans for the new office building.

To the quotes!

"All four sides are different,” says Minskoff. "Each side has its own character. Each side has its own aesthetic quality and is different. It's very, very cool looking."


"This building technologically will be the most advanced building built in New York City since the Bank of America Headquarters on 42nd street," says Minskoff. "It has all of the bells and whistles that big companies need: communication, electrical load requirements, transportation, floor-to-ceiling heights. It has all of that built into the building — does not have to be added after the fact."

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village — the new Midtown?

51 Astor Place demolition begins July 1; 17 months to build new black-glass tower

'Boardwalk Empire' will likely make the East Village look old-timey today

Crews for HBO's "Boardwalk Empire" have been filming around the Lower East Side lately... EV Grieve reader Han Shan notes the signs along 11th Street between Third Avenue and First Avenue... where crews will be filming today...

Keep an eye out for old-timey cars and, maybe!, Steve Buscemi in some rather warm-looking 1920s clothing...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Easy Painter

This afternoon on Avenue C between Ninth Street and 10th Street. Photos by Bobby Williams.

Important questions arise after someone tosses blue paint on First Avenue plywood

A few readers were curious about the blue paint tossed against the plywood next to PS122 on First Avenue...

Art project? Random vandalism? Misguided anger about PS122 closing for renovations? Blue Man Group guerrilla marketing? "The Smurf Movie" guerrilla marketing?

Vigil tonight for Paul and Monica Shay on East 10th Street

Paul and Monica Shay were each shot in the head Saturday night in their Pennsylvania weekend home. Their nephew, Joseph Shay, 43, was killed in the shooting. His girlfriend, Kathryn Erdmann, 37, of Fall River, Mass., was also critically wounded. Her 2-year-old son, Gregory, was shot and killed while he slept.

Yesterday, a SWAT team killed Mark Richard Geisenheyner, who police say was responsible for the murders.

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