Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, but it just seemed longer

Photos by Bobby Williams.

One down, 24,793 to go

[Dave on 7th]

Santa down this afternoon on Avenue B between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

And how is your Saturday afternoon?

A little bit ago on Second Avenue at Ninth Street...

Thanks to A. Sasaki for the photos...

Cleanup today at 26 St. Mark's Place

This morning, crews were on the scene at 26 St. Mark's Place, where a fire broke out yesterday...

As DNAinfo reported, the fire started on a mattress in the third-floor apartment.

And from outside the building... the apparent culprit in the fire ... via @joshappelbaum ...

We hear that some residents are blaming a longtime tenant for the blaze.

Apartment fire in Stuy Town

Crazy Eddie passes these photos of an apartment fire at a 10-12 Stuyvesant Oval address ... no word yet on the extent of the blaze...

Someone has already thrown away a Christmas tree

On St. Mark's Place. Or is this left from last year? Also, we haven't forgotten about the whole Christmas in June/July/August/September nonsense business... We have a winner, who will be revealed at the appropriate moment.

Nevada Smith's at Webster Hall

We've been meaning to note this since we reported that Nevada Smith's closed at 74 Third Ave. on Nov. 27.

So until they move up the street to 100 Third Ave. some day ... Nevada Smith's is has been showing matches at Webster Hall... Thanks to our friend Esquared for the photos...

The schedule is posted on the Nevada Smith's Facebook page.

[Updated] School officials trash the skateboard ramps from Open Road Park

Earlier this week, an EV Grieve reader told me that the NYC Department of Education closed the Open Road Park, which is adjacent to the East Side Community High School on East 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

This also happened back in June, as we first reported. During a meeting in late June, Mark Federman, the principal of the school, told residents about increased "incidents of trash and debris, smoking cigarettes, marijuana — some selling of marijuana."

The park reopened as of July 1.

We thought this most recent closure would also be temporary.

Not so.

The park's skateboard ramps have been discarded along with the rest of the trash along East 12th Street ...


A reader on Facebook just commented, "A white station wagon has just removed all but the dark brown ramp, which wouldn't fit in his car."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Open Road Park closed now on 12th Street

Why the Open Road Park is closed

Santa swarms

[Via Dave on 7th]

Reports are coming in from everywhere. Swarms of Santa. Everywhere. One resident asked to send in reinforcements of people not dressed in Santa suits. Just wait till sundown!

And thanks to Jen Doll at the Voice for asking my thoughts on the day of terror Santa thing.

You can read the piece at Runnin' Scared here.

Avenue A, 8:51 a.m., Dec. 10

Yesterday afternoon on Avenue A

At St. Mark's Place. Photos by Bobby Williams.

Reader reports: Shots fired at Campos Plaza II early this morning

[VH McKenzie]

The EV Grieve inbox is full of reader reports of a shooting last night at Campos Plaza II on 13th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C. V.H. McKenzie said that the police helicopter started circling the area around 12:30 "Just timed it — making a full revolution over the neighboring bldgs every 39 SECONDS, with search lights." Readers described hearing a series of explosions — or shots in a few cases — before the helicopters arrived. EV Grieve reader AC said that police at the scene wouldn't say what was happening.

Another reader claimed "that this kind of shit happens there all the time."

On Wednesday, The Lo-Down reported that security cameras would be installed at this public housing complex.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Kate's Joint has a challenge for Lady Gaga

Thanks to @HanserHanser for passing along this photo outside Kate's on Avenue B and East Fourth Street... Hope that's not steamed tofu...

Keep your Shirts on

The Shirts, from Brooklyn, circa 1978.