Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out with the holidays

Anyway, it's time for Valentine's Day! On 10th Street First Avenue and Second Avenue today. [Photo by Blue Glass]

Swarms and snow

A few photos from yesterday afternoon courtesy of Bobby Williams... a swarm of pigeons...

...fading memories of snow...

The Post declares that the Bowery is 'out' for 2011

And what's in? Kenmare Street...

Kmart beats Duane Reade to the next holiday

In an important news item from yesterday, we noted that Duane Reade already put out their Valentine's Day goods.

Well! EV Grieve reader Anthony sent along this photo taken on Dec. 27 outside everyone's favorite mass merchandising company on Astor Place...

Tagging the Cooper Square Hotel fence

Last time someone tagged the hotel fence, the anti-graffiti team was on the scene in no time.


13th Street, 10:14 a.m., Jan. 1


Friday, December 31, 2010

Bike lanes cleared to make wrong-way bicycling safe again

Earlier today, city crews cleared the bike lanes on First and Second Avenues...

[Updated: I changed the original headline... was more inflammatory than I had intended... not to mention factually incorrect!...]

New Year's Eve, 1977

You can watch the whole show via RamoniacCretin on YouTube.

Have a Ball tonight

A little cover action via Love and Rockets, circa 1985.

Epic New Year's Eve stand-off on Clinton Street

Via the back of the apartment building @MystaPaul

Last night outside Le Souk

There was another nice party coming from the bowels of the former Le Souk space early this morning on Avenue B....

The evening also included a few fistfights. Per a resident, the bouncers at Le Souk kept yelling "Take it down the block, folks, just don't do it here." The door seemed to open at 1 am, and close around 4 or 5.

Meanwhile, the oddsmakers now say chances for a New Year's Eve party here are 3/1.

NYC mayor inspects snow-covered streets in expensive gray pinstripe suit

A little gratuitous Bloomberg bashing, if you will

As always, way to relate to the people, Mr. Mayor!

The bikes of East 11 Street sneer at the 8th St upstart

Oh boy. I was afraid of this. The other day, I interviewed the bike that lives on Avenue C and Eighth Street, which became an iconic symbol of the great blizzard of Dec. 26-27, 2010.

I figured the Getty photo by Mario Tama would trigger some jealousy among other bikes in the neighborhood. But nothing like what you'll about to read. (I wish that they could just be happy for her.)

EV Grieve reader Lisa passes along these photos ... and a message:

We, the Buried Bikes of 11th and A, hereby challenge 8th and C to a showdown — um, throwdown — er, snowdown! Bring it on!

I just wish that we could all get along.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Exclusive: Q-and-A with the bike that became an iconic symbol of the 2010 Holiday Blizzard

Duane Reade continues to make people feel as if they're behind

Really? Valentine's Day? You heartless bastards!

We just got done buying people a few things for this past holiday... We need to relax now, catch our breath, binge drink, etc. I'll go in on Feb. 10 for some Whitman's Samplers for Valentine's Day and you'll have your stupid Easter candy out!

Today in possible snow hazards

Avenue A between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street.

Today in New Year's Eve etiquette