Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spotted on Avenue B: Subway Sandwich signage

As we reported last week, a Subway Sandwich shoppe is coming soon to Avenue B between 13th Street and 14th Street. And as the photo shows, that wasn't a bad dream.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Subway opening on Avenue B

Would AC/DC drink Brooklyn Summer Ale in concert?

Looking at the current window display at the Pop Market at the Morrison Hotel gallery on the Bowery...

...not sure if the bottle of Brooklyn Summer Ale is supposed to be part of the set (product placement!)... there's a bottle of Jack Daniels on the left side of the display, by the Keith Richards photo...

Xoom moving to CitiFitness on 14th Street

Back in March, the Xoom smoothie shop closed on Seventh Street for an anticipated move to another location in the neighborhood.

On Friday, after finalizing al the paperwork, Xoom owner Jennifer London sent out the following note:

We will be moving to 242 E. 14th Street just west of 2nd Avenue. We are going to be re-vamping the smoothie bar at CitiFitness. Xoom will be open to the public and you do not have to go through the gym to get to it. This space offers a wonderful opportunity for us to be in a high traffic area, and to have a built in customer base of gym members. We hope to re-open in July.

All of us at Xoom will obviously miss 7th Street, but are excited for this new opportunity. Oh, and, if you don't know already, my friends at Big Gay Ice Cream Truck are opening their new store front in Xoom's old space on 7th Street.


Today in sneak peeks inside the Veselka Bowery

Workers have removed the paper from the coming-soon Veselka Bowery location on East First Street, offering a glimpse of the work-in-progress inside...

Veselka owner Tom Birchard told Fork in the Road on March 7 that the place here should be ready in late May or early June. Mid-June seems more likely now...

123's sales office moves out; Prime moving up?

On East 10th Street, it appears the 123 Third Avenue sales team has packed up and moved out of the office that opened here last July.



...taking the 123 signage with it...

Makes sense now that the 123 Third Avenue tower is like 90 percent sold. As Jeremiah pointed out recently, Prime & Beyond — a cross between "Peter Luger and Chipotle" per Zagat — is taking over the long-dormant space that previously housed Danal.

One rumor: The Prime folks downstairs will be taking over the 123 space upstairs.


Memorial Day Weekend in review

[Saturday at 35 Cooper Square]

Someone hung "NYPD Rapists" flyers (Sunday)

The Marshal seized Hirai Mong on St. Mark's (Saturday)

There was another protest outside the Continental (Saturday)

Lady Gaga posters were vandalized and replaced overnight (Monday)

We watched a model at work on Ninth Street (Sunday)

We went to the Loisaida Festival on Avenue C (Monday)

We looked at "Hangover Part II" promos at 7-Eleven (Monday)

A missed connection on the N train (Sunday)

There was a good punk concert Sunday in Tompkins Square Park, that wasn't so crowded...

Someone tagged the ping pong table in Tompkins Square Park (Saturday)

The Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream shoppe opened on Seventh Street (Saturday)

On Friday afternoon, Jeff proposed to Caitlin in front of a specially created mural by Tats Cru on Second Street at Avenue A...

[Photo by the Late Adopter]

And she said yes. Via Twitter, she told us that she was and is still in shock over the proposal.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Staring at the sunset

A little while ago on 14th Street and Avenue B... via A Scouting Life.

20 years ago: The East Village Memorial Day riot on Avenue A

Bob Arihood has photos and a narrative of what happened after the NYPD shuts down the "Housing is a Human Right" concert in Tompkins Square Park on Memorial Day 1991. You can read his report here.

[Photo by Bob Arihood]

Crossing Third Avenue

Casualties of the heatwave

Not what we meant by beating the heat ... on the Bowery near Fifth Street.

Crews work the weekend to keep Lady Gaga ads vandal free

On Third Avenue near 12th Street on...



At the Loisaida Festival on Avenue C yesterday

Thanks to Krikor for the photos. (Find more here on Flickr.)

With 7-Elevens in NYC, how would we ever know about these 'Hangover Part II' promos?

Outside the newish location on Third Avenue near 20th Street.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A day in the life of an East Village model

Ninth Street and Avenue B earlier today. Photos by Bobby Williams.

Second Avenue, 5:29 p.m., May 29


Earlier today on Third Avenue near 14th Street.

At the Loisaida Festival

Avenue C near Fifth Street right now via EV Grieve reader RobbieTheK.

The 'NYPD Rapists' flyer campaign

Someone has been posting these flyers of Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata, the two NYPD officers acquitted last week of charges of raping an East Village woman.

I spotted the flyers along the Bowery and Second Avenue... these were outside the Mars Bar...

The Voice has more on Friday's protest downtown. The Post has the latest ugly turn in the case today, in which the ex-wife of Moreno calls the rape accuser "a money-grubbing liar."

Reminders: The Loisaida Festival is today

And we're hopeful that you didn't leave your cab parked here. It's getting towed.

Going to the mural and we're gonna to get married

The Late Adopter caught up with the Mural Marriage Proposal Couple yesterday on Second Street and Avenue A...

Our friends at Runnin' Scared have more on all this here.


[With apologies to the Dixie Cups for borrowing a lyric for the headline]