Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The 24th New York Queer Experimental Film Festival starts tonight

The Theaters at 45 Bleecker Street, which abruptly closed last fall following a long-running dispute with the building's landlord, have a new, temporary tenant...

The space, on Bleecker at Lafayette, is playing home to the 24th New York Queer Experimental Film Festival... which runs tonight through Sunday. Find the full schedule here.

According to the Festival's Facebook page, the space features "the intimate and extraordinary MIX LOUNGE (an alien landscape, a queer cave, tentatively dubbed 'Faggle Rock').

The Theaters remain on the market for a long-term tenant.

East Village resident recalls attempted rape in First Avenue apartment building

The Post interviews the victim of the attempted rape that took place early Sunday morning inside the victim's First Avenue building. As reported, the 27-year-old woman had fought off the man.

“F--k you! Get the f--k out of here! I know what the f--k you look like!” screamed the feisty fashion-firm employee during the frightening attack that she repelled early Sunday, she recalled.

She told the Post that she unlocked the front door of her building, walked in through the vestibule, unlocked a second door and made her way up the stairs.

And here's what happened next, per the Post:

“It must not have slammed behind me,” she said of the doors.

“I didn’t notice him until I walked into my building and I was in the hallway and I started walking faster,” up to the first landing on the staircase, she said.

“Then I felt his hands on me, and I started screaming.”

“He lifted my skirt,” she said. “As soon as I felt that, I spun around kicking and screaming.

“I had lots of adrenaline, so I was pretty aggressive.”

The fiend immediately backed off in the face of her expletive-filled fury.

“He just started getting out of there. He did try to shush me,” the woman said.

Police describe the suspect as being between 25 and 30 years old, about 5-9 and 170 pounds.

Anyone with information about the case is being asked to contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-577-TIPS, by texting TIP577 to CRIMES, or by going to NYPDCrimeStoppers.com.

Will rent hike KO Quantum Leap on First Avenue?

Per EV Grieve reader dwg:

Found out from the staff at Quantum Leap on First Avenue that due to a large rent increase they could be closed as soon as this Sunday. I think this is a great veggie restaurant for the neighborhood and would hate to see it go.

Indeed. No word on the status of the original Thompson Street location.

[Photo by Stu_Jo via Flickr]

First residential driveway coming to Seventh Street

A few weeks ago, Dave on 7th told us about the big changes coming to 222 Seventh St. near Avenue C with the arrival of the Village Capri condos...

Anyway, Dave on 7th just took a closer look at the rendering (something that we didn't do...)

Lookee. That's a garage (a small one anyway — clown car size). And driveway.

A lot of work to be done here for this to dethrone the Novogratz-designed-penthouse-home-with-a-driveway on East Fourth Street as the It Driveway of the Neighborhood of the Moment.


Speaking of driveways...

As we've written before... an EV Grieve reader/neighbor is convinced that workers will be putting in a garage at the Economakis Dream Mansion on East Third Street...

However, as the plywood peels away from the former apartment building, the driveway scenario is seeming less and less likely...

So enough please with the rumormongering and gossip.

Anyway, we hear that this space will be for a heliport.


Your East Village demolition progress report!

First, 51 Astor Place... where we will soon be able to enjoy a Fumihiko Maki-designed 430,000-square-foot Death Star office building...

[Bobby Williams]

And then over at 9-17 Second Ave. ... doesn't appear as if the full-on demolition has started... workers seem to still be focusing on 9 Second Avenue (aka 7 1/2 Second Ave.) ... soon all to vanish to make way for a 12-story apartment building...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village — the new Midtown?

51 Astor Place demolition begins July 1; 17 months to build new black-glass tower

Despite Chipotle, (part of) Gonzalez y Gonzalez will live on

Back in January, the 22-year-old Gonzalez y Gonzalez on Broadway near Houston came to a dishonorable end. As reported, Chiptole was taking over the space.

And that new Chipotle — the city's 3,478th — opens tomorrow...

Meanwhile, as Eater reported in March, two former Gonzalez y Gonzalez bartenders were getting part of the space... and will reopen a smaller GyG with an entrance on Mercer, just north of the Angelika... But there were problems securing a liquor license ...

During the weekend, an anonymous source sent us the following missive:

Many people might already know, or soon will find out, that Chipotle is opening next week at the Broadway entrance of the old Gonzalez y Gonzalez.

What many people might also not know, is Chipotle only took half of the original space, and that 2 of the original bartenders from Gonzalez y Gonzalez were able to secure the name and the other half of the space, entrance on 192 Mercer Street, and will be reopening, with bands, liquor license, giant sombrero and all, by the end of the year.

Sounds pretty definite. So maybe you will be able to wolf down a margarita again before seeing a movie at the Angelika.

Our new favorite curb your dog sign

13th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Also noteworthy on 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A... Not very creative, but ruthlessly blunt...

7-Eleven is hiring now on the Bowery

Signs went up yesterday. Photo by Bobby Williams.


The Ave. A Deli & Food awning

Oh, just meant to note this on Avenue A and Second Street...

In September, EV Grieve reader Josh talked to the fellow behind the now-closed Houston Deli & Grocery on Avenue A and Houston ... he said that he is taking over the corner space at the old Graceland. Anyway, the awning is up. It does not say 7-Eleven.

Cucina Di Pesce is back open

Our apologies — we meant to note this earlier... Italian standby Cucina Di Pesce on East Fourth Street near Second Avenue reopened last Thursday as expected... the DOH closed them on Nov. 3 with 51 violation points... the DOH returned on Thursday, and gave the eatery high marks — a measly 2 violation points.

A few readers noted that Cucina Di Pesce isn't what it used to be... haven't been in years. Will go back and see for ourselves ...


Monday, November 14, 2011

The line about 10:30 for the Lady Gaga book signing

[Photo by @IrisBlasi]

Wraps around the block onto Stanton Street...

Find out here why they're waiting in line.

[Updated] CB3/SLA votes against renewal for Diablo Royale; the Bean wins one, loses one

That's the word from attendees at tonight's CB3/SLA committee meeting going on right now... the Mexican-style saloon on Avenue A was up in the "Renewal with Complaint History" category. The Board voted 5-1 to deny a renewal of the Diablo liquor license.

According to the State Liquor Authority, the Diablo Royale license is active through Nov. 30.

In any event, a vote against a renewal here isn't the final word as we've seen in the case of Heathers and TenEleven.

Also, according to those in attendance, the committee didn't approved a request for The Bean's new location at Second Avenue and Third Street (beer and wine only), but denied the Bean's request for a license at 147 First Ave. and Ninth Street.

Updated 11-16. Ike Escava at The Bean sent us a note with a few important clarifications. Here's his email:
We decided to withdraw our application to serve wine & beer at 147 1st Ave after seeing that there were people in opposition to it. If we have community support at a later time we may try again but if it is unwanted in the community we will not. We will not even address this matter again internally until we are open and operating at that location. It is our intention to maintain the feeling and vibe of the shop at 54 2nd Ave that we built at 49 1/2 1st Ave. We applied for the wine & beer as a way to add something but we will be very careful not to let that change what we really are about.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Diablo Royale Este owner blasts the 'blasphemous lies' of residents, invites the State Liquor Authority to investigate

Dog-tired, so to speak

King Crimson naps on St. Mark's Place today. Photo by Bobby Williams.

Waiting for Gaga

Perhaps you saw this over at BoweryBoogie, The Lo-Down or Gothamist... Lady Gaga and Terry Richardson will be signing copies of their new photo book "LADY GAGA x TERRY RICHARDSON" at the New Museum on the Bowery. On Nov. 22 from 6-9 p.m.


To be eligible for the Gagapalooza, you need to pre-order the $50 book in person starting tomorrow at the New Museum Store...

And despite the sign out front...

... a few fans/autograph collectors/curiosity seekers are already in something of a line...

There is already a 90 percent chance of a shitshow forecast here tomorrow morning.

Media arrive on First Avenue to cover attempted rape story

EV Grieve reader Joe notes the arrival of six media trucks this afternoon on First Avenue near 12th Street... the location of an attempted rape early yesterday morning.

According to multiple reports, police said the suspect followed a 27-year-old woman into her building at about 3 a.m., pushed her to the ground and attempted to rape her. The victim fought him off and he fled the scene.

Police describe the suspect as being between 25 and 30 years old, about 5-9 and 170 pounds.

Anyone with information about the case is being asked to contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-577-TIPS, by texting TIP577 to CRIMES, or by going to NYPDCrimeStoppers.com.

A moment ago on East Sixth Street

Between Avenue A and Avenue B. Photo by Dave on 7th.

The sandwiches of JoeDough, opening tomorrow

The husband-and-wife team behind JoeDoe on East First Street are opening their gourmet sandwich shop at 135 First Avenue tomorrow, according to write ups today at Thrillist and Daily Candy.

Among their sandwiches:

The After-School Special: White bread topped with mustard, fried bologna and chips
The Conflicted Jew: Chicken liver and onions with bacon on challah bread.

Daily Candy notes that they will sell eight sandwiches and one daily special ... each sandwich goes for $10. They will also be making six-foot party subs.

Police are looking for this suspect in an attempted rape yesterday morning

NBC is reporting that police are searching for a man they say attempted to rape a 27-year-old woman in her First Avenue building around 3 a.m. Sunday.

The police released this video of the suspect... via NBC (and NBC makes you watch a 15-second ad first...)

RIP John Leeper

John Leeper, who retired this past summer after working 24 years behind the bar at the Grassroots Tavern on St. Mark's Place, has died. Several EV Grieve readers passed along word. We understand that he died of a heart attack during the weekend. We don't know his age, but everyone's best guest is 75 to 80.

John just stopped by the bar last Thursday night, and was his usual self.

On Facebook, Grassroots regular Brian Cogan wrote the following:
John was a consumate storyteller. He WAS Grassroots for those of us early birds who sat and listened to him over a beer. Whether it was about Kansas, opera, or working for the Mob (briefly), John held us in the palm of his hand, before asking if we wanted another. And with him bartending, we always did. RIP John.

We don't have all the details about services. We understand that there will be a service in Brooklyn. He will be buried in a family plot in Kansas.

Previously on EV Grieve:
An end of an era at the Grassroots Tavern