As you have likely heard, Gov. Cuomo today ordered a statewide stay-at-home directive that will shut down most of the state, including New York City, during the coronavirus pandemic.
The restrictions take effect Sunday night at 8. Per Cuomo's office:
New York State on PAUSE: In New York we know that Policies Assure Uniform Safety for Everyone
Governor Cuomo will sign an Executive Order mandating that 100% of the workforce must stay home, excluding essential services.
Exemptions from the order will include shipping, media, warehousing, grocery and food production, pharmacies, health-care providers, utilities, banks and related financial institutions.
Enacting Matilda’s Law to protect New Yorkers age 70+ and those with compromised immune systems
Remain indoors
• Can go outside for solitary exercise
• Pre-screen all visitors by taking their temperature
• Wear a mask in the company of others
• Stay at least 6 feet from others
• Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary
All barbershops, hair salons, tattoo or piercing salons, nail salons, hair removal services and related personal care services will be closed to the public effective Saturday, March 21 at 8 p.m.
The Governor's office did not provide a projected timeline for how long this stay-at-home directive will last.
Meanwhile, because several EVG readers have already asked: LIQUOR STORES HAVE BEEN DEEMED AN ESSENTIAL BUSINESS AND MAY REMAIN OPEN.
This info. comes from the suddenly loved New York State Liquor Store Association. (Thanks David for this link!)