Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Cooper Square Hotel's attempt to fit in with the neighborhood ready to be unveiled

As Curbed noted, the Cooper Square Hotel is throwing a bash tonight to unveil its new graffiti mural...

Here's what the mural looked like as of Saturday...

And we did a little research to learn more about the origins of the Homer Simpson tribute.

Also, for the record, I want to be clear that I really like the work of the four graffiti artists -- Joyce Pensato, Nick 1, Vizie and Shinique Smith -- who were hired to create this mural. And I'm happy that they have such a high-profile canvas to show their work. My problem is with the Cooper Square Hotel's lame attempt to suddenly try to fit into the neighborhood. As the Post reported:

Klus Ortleib, the hotel's managing partner, wants the place to fit in with the edgy local art scene. "When I came up with the idea, people said I was crazy," he said.

Anyway! We assume that the mural is finished. The bushes that were removed to make way for the crane...

...have been replanted.

Sort of. I'm not much of a gardener, but I always thought plant life did better in the ground if you first took off the burlap around its roots...


Very bad things: Blarney Stone still closed on Fulton Street

No sign of any activity. If my math is correct, they've been closed now for 18 days.


Friend House moves across the street; the Hea sign remains the same

As you may know, the Japanese eatery Hea closed its doors at 13th Street and Third Avenue in September. So the Hea brass, who also own Friend House across the street, closed up moved into the more spacious quarters.

The Friend House menus are up...

...but the old Hea sign remains...

Is This It?

The Strokes' "Is This It" has been chosen as the Album of the Decade by NME. (Via Spinner)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nevada Smith's closing soon to go nationwide?

The Culture of Soccer blog has an interview with Jack Keane, the owner of Nevada Smith's on Third Avenue near 11th Street. The piece ends with this nugget of news:

Keane says that Nevada Smith’s has nearly outgrown its current Lower East Side location. “We don’t expect to be at this location very much longer. We’re looking forward to expanding. We have a group of investors who want to take us nationwide.”

From Eater: Superdive is for sale (Update: "Superdive will live forever"; may roll out nationally)

Eater is reporting that Superdive is for sale. As they note:

The asking price: $350,000 key money (the price to just take over the space) and a $10k per month 10 year lease. Now the listing doesn't necessarily mean the Dive will close, nor must it change hands.

The owners could just be testing the waters to see if they can unload it at that price. Potential new owners could keep it running as is—$20 all you can drink beer specials and all—or they could turn it back into a coffee shop, something it still somewhat resembles.

Meanwhile, one small matter for any new owner to consider: According to the SLA Web site, Superdive has former tenant Rapture's existing license, which is only effective through April 2011.

So anyone who takes over will have to go before the CB3 to get a renewal. This one will be filed under "renewal with complaint history." Good luck.

UPDATE: The Superdivers responded to the Eater report with the following:

A) SUPERDIVE will live forever.

B) SUPERDIVE will never close.

C) SUPERDIVE is looking for additional locations as well as weighing national expansion

Previously on EV Grieve:
CB3 didn't approve a liquor license for Superdive; "a nice neighborhood Internet café-bookstore" becomes a bar with keg service at tables

Things that I won't be watching on TV this week

The viking age: "They were grabbing people off the sidewalk and pulling them into their revelry of yo-ho! and woo-hoo!"

We're getting several reports about a pub crawl from this past Saturday. One reader described it as "a roving birthday party." One in which everyone wore viking helmets.

Here's a reader-submitted photo....

Others were apparently swept up in the hoopla as well....

From another reader:

"At one point, after listening to waves of screaming crowds, i looked out to see dozens of douchebags wearing Viking helmets! They were grabbing people off the sidewalk and pulling them into their revelry of yo-ho! and woo-hoo!"

The Pizza Shop has closed: "The rent was too high"

We're really sorry to hear this. We liked this place. We received a note from the folks at the Pizza Shop on Avenue A near Seventh Street:

We closed the Pizza Shop because the rent was too high. We struggled every month to make it... someone gave me an offer on the space and i decided it was best to take it. I'm looking for a new location and would love it if fans of The Pizza Shop got in touch via email so i can let you know when i'll be opening a new place. the email addy is
Kevin Cole

Previously on EV Grieve:
Why is the Pizza Shop closed?

And now with the Pizza Shop closed...how to get to Cabin Down Below

Via a sign on the former Pizza Shop's gate...which doesn't make it quite so secret anymore...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Why is the Pizza Shop closed?

Renovations complete, Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen back open for business

Good news: Peter Silvestri's Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen, which has been closed for renovations since Aug. 14, reopened over the weekend.

As Slum Goddess reported back in September:

I went in there today and he was in there and they really did a lot of work on the place! All freshly painted, polished and gleaming..he was stocking the shelves and they had new menu signs hung up-bigger and brighter ones..It wasn't all fro-yo'd upped and gross though..still looks like good old whole earth-just spiffed up!

Indeed, the changes are for the better. It's easier to navigate the space now. Peter said there's still a little work to do, such as fill out the menu on the chalkboards, but you get the idea.

Photo(shop) exclusive: An excerpt from Levi Johnston's "Playgirl" shoot at the Cooper Square Hotel

Apologizing in advance.

Photoshopping a Photoshopped photo.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Part of Levi Johnston's "Playgirl" photo shoot probably took place at the Cooper Square Hotel

[Photo of the father of Sarah Palin's grandson via; Levi photo with Coop not included and done via Photoshop, aka Little Photoshop of Horrors]

Former Croxley Ales beer garden ready for development

According to the listing (PDF):

East Village Development Site/Retail Space opportunity. The subject property is currently a vacant lot with 24 feet of frontage on Avenue B. My client is looking to sell the property which has approximately 7,680 buildable square feet, or sign a long term triple net lease for a retail tenant. The retail space can be built out to approximately 3,840 square feet of commercial space not including the basement.

You have to call for the price. But wouldn't it be worth any price to be so close to those 10-cent wings on Tuesday?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Things that I didn't notice before: The beer garden at Croxley Ales has closed

Mosiac Man's work painted over on St. Mark's Place

On the northeast corner at Third Avenue. Did this happen recently? For some reason I never noticed before.

Former Habib's space now for rent

I was kind of hoping that Habib's Place would magically return here after abruptly closing Halloween weekend...

Dos Toros Taqueria is now open on Fourth Avenue

From the EV Grieve inbox:

Hello Burrito/Taco Enthusiast,
Dos Toros Taqueria has opened its doors!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Burritos coming for West Coast snobs (and others!) who say East Coast Mexican food really sucks compared to the West Coast

Sunday, November 15, 2009

End of the day

On the Bowery tonight.

Space for Target now stumping for Vans

At Avenue A and St. Mark's Place.



Previously on EV Grieve:
Goodbye yellow brick ad

Part of Levi Johnston's "Playgirl" photo shoot probably took place at the Cooper Square Hotel

The tweet showed up few hours ago...

In case you've been following this story.... Anyway, maybe this isn't even the real Twitter account for the 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin's grandson.

Police presence on the Bowery

BoweryBoogie had a report yesterday about a man who was shot on the Bowery near Bleecker early Saturday morning.

The Post had a little more on the incident in today's paper:

A gunman opened fire early yesterday on the Lower East Side, wounding two men.

The victims, both in their 30s, were shot on the Bowery near Bond Street at about 4:40 a.m., police said. One was hit in the leg, the other in the arm.

Both were treated at Bellevue Hospital -- but refused to cooperate with investigators looking into what sparked the shooting.

On Saturday morning, there was a strong police presence...

...to set up pylons for the street construction on First Street and the Bowery that blocked traffic for much of the day....

Sorry that I missed the most-important news story of the weekend -- or maybe ever

According to the Post: Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth claimed yesterday to have gotten its hands on a leaked script for "Sex and the City 2." Here's what they say happens:

* The situation looks bleak for Bradshaw, whose marriage with Mr. Big unravels after they lose everything in a financial scam.

* Seeking work, Mr. Big ends up in London, where he's living in a rundown apartment, but cheats on Carrie — who dumps him before finding out she's pregnant.

* Miranda quits her law practice after getting sued. She and her husband Steve decide to open a restaurant.

* Besides the characters' heavy financial losses, tough times in the real world will also be reflected in the film's wardrobe choices, which an unnamed production insider says will be "less over-the-top but still stylish."


A good day for a sidewalk sale

On 11th Street and Avenue A. Just a little bit ago.

Twas six weeks before...

Not really ready for the holidays...which may be why I didn't even notice that holiday lights went up last week on East Fourth Street and East Third Street...(and probably elsewhere too...)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why is the Pizza Shop closed?

Tonight on Avenue A near Seventh Street...

...and how long has the Cabin Down Below been made public for mere mortals?

The Bowery, 9:55 a.m., Nov. 14


From Page Six today:

New York's homeless could be kept warm this winter in expensive furs owned by Ruth Madoff -- if PETA has its way. The anti-fur campaigners have written to US Marshal Roland Ubaldo asking for the Madoff skins to be donated to the homeless. More than 100 Madoff items will be sold off today at the Sheraton New York to reimburse the Ponzi scammer's thousands of vic tims. PETA's Dan Mathews said in a letter to Ubaldo, "By donating them to the homeless, you'd be able to highlight the difference between need and greed."

Report: "the tide seems to be turning for young galleries of the East Village and Lower East Side"

Bloomberg News had this report the other day:

Wandering around Manhattan’s scruffy Lower East Side galleries, I kept hearing three words rarely uttered in the more polished Chelsea district these days: Everything is sold.

The global financial crisis punctured the art bubble last year, drying up cash and driving up caution. Now the tide seems to be turning for young galleries of the East Village and Lower East Side.

“It’s like the Dow,” said art dealer Simon Preston, who runs a gallery on Broome Street. “When it goes down, people are looking for new markets.”

Friday, November 13, 2009


The Blue Magoos from the Bronx.

Stuy Town rally tomorrow

Via Stuy Town Lux Living:

First film set for Theatre 80: "The Brooklyn Heist" opens Nov. 27

Lorcan Otway checks in with news of the first film to be screened at Theatre 80 on St. Mark's Place....

"Projectors in, screen up, a few of us watched a film last night, great sight lines, even from the front side seats, as the screen is set back about fourteen feet or more, (I'll have to measure and let you know...) image looks wonderful... so here is the news about the opening..."

“The Brooklyn Heist” will be released on Nov. 27. From the press materials:

Desperate to improve his life, New Yorker Fitz concocts a scheme to rob a wealthy and hated pawnshop owner. Unknown to Fitz, his gang of cheerful incompetents faces competition from two other crews who plan to hit the joint on the same night. Each group has a unique, hilarious style in this satire on heist capers that uses stylish cinematography, editing and art direction to explode filmic stereotypes. A stellar cast including Danny Masterson (“That ’70s Show”), Leon (“Get Rich or Die Tryin’”) and Dominique Swain (“Lolita”) brings to life this stylish spoof of the beloved heist comedy genre.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Films to return to Theatre 80

Saving what remains of the neighborhood

Community activist Susan Howard has a column in this week's issue of The Villager. It begins:

What is a neighborhood? A place where you feel a sense of belonging as you walk down the streets? Where you know your neighbors and local shopkeepers? Where your children go to school? Where you play, garden or just shoot the breeze? Where you can sit on the stoop, in the park or in a neighborhood hangout and listen to music, gossip and lore?

That’s the way I remember the Lower East Side, before all our vacant land was sold for the development of luxury housing in an 80/20 scheme. Before it was marketed to the white upwardly mobile as a cool place to live. Before the speculators arrived to scoop up the existing buildings to turn them into luxury rentals and condos, and before many of our squats and gardens were bulldozed for more of the same. Before the largest tract of land, once promised for artists, low-income housing and community facilities, was sold in another 80/20 scheme for the development of a luxury community, Avalon Christie, before the high-rises, hotels, high-end eateries and boutiques.

Sure, it may just look like a hole in the ground now...

This abandoned hole-in-the-ground project at 427 E. 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue has been on the market...

At one point five residential floors were going to be added to the existing storefront. Dunno what happened to those plans. Here's the listing:

East Village residential rental development opportunity, with FOUNDATION already in place. The foundation was poured prior to the June 2008 421-a deadline, enabling the full property tax exemption benefits. This site has plans for a six story (plus cellar and roof), 12 unit, rental building, w/ a total of 12,952 gross SF (10,741 SF above grade, 2,211 SF below grade). A Condo plan is also available. Another option is to file an “alt plan”and develop the property to custom specifications while still maintaining the 421-a tax benefits. This is a unique project for a developer or user and is ready to go. Priced at $178 per gross buildable square foot, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Here's what it could look like!