Thursday, June 27, 2024

That's all for M & J Asian Cuisine on 14th and B

Multiple readers shared the closing news on Tuesday about M & J Asian Cuisine (seen below in better days), a budget-friendly Chinese restaurant and sushi bar on the SE corner of 14th Street and Avenue B.
No word on why it closed. The restaurant arrived in the fall of 2014, so perhaps the lease was up... and how much longer can a prime corner like this continue with single- and two-level buildings.

Thanks to EVG reader Patrick for the top photo!


Older Historian said...

I have fond memories of various diners & coffee shops there over the years, and I think late 1970's a sort of pie & cake bakery type place.....

Anonymous said...

Tragedy!!!! However, word on the street is that they just hadn't been the same since they got rid of their General Tso's Soy Protein.

Andy said...

Maybe something else good will move into the space.

DuchessofNYC said...

They were rather expensive for mediocre food. I'm sure that limited their sales

Xeo said...

The place that was there before - Dynasty - had the name "Die nasty" from the people in my building that was nearby... that was before the Health dept letter codes. I've sorta (probably unfairly) lumped the new place into that old reputation

Anonymous said...

Damn, that place was in my opinion the best Chinese around here, and suprinsgly more than decent sushi!

Anonymous said...

That's a good description for most of those so called budget Chinese these days.

Anonymous said...

I lived across from the “Die Nasty” diner in the 90’s. It had somewhat of an unfair reputation. It changed hands as a diner a few times and steadily declined in quality and service.

patrick10009 said...

I've lived across the street for 25 years now and regularly frequented M&J for delivery. I found it to be reliable for a "fast food" type Asian restaurant...clearly not great, but again mostly reliable. In all fairness though, what I really miss is the old "Alphabet Cafe" that used to occupy that space. There's just something about a Greek diner where you can grab a quick and inexpensive breakfast! I was sad when that closed. Hopefully we can bring back another neighborhood diner!

Anonymous said...

The diner before them. Oh man. I broke up with at least 2 guys at that place. M&J was just what we had after akina left. The Saint pizza, btw, is incredibly good. I resisted for a long time now I crave their pizza.

Anonymous said...

Please find for me one inexpensive breakfast diner in Manhattan

Grieve said...

I thought the space was The Dynasty Coffee Shop from about 1955 to 2002.

patrick10009 said...

That sounds right to me Grieve... I moved into Stuy Town right across the street in 1999 and it was the Dynasty then, but only for a few years. After that, per my recollection, is whet it became the AlphaBet Cafe. When they closed up (thanks to the DOH I think) that's when M&J came in around 2014 or so. It's currently listed at $14,000 a month and per link can be combined with the Everytable space next door.

Anonymous said...

it was Dynasty when i moved to Avenue B and 13th in 1987

Joan NYC said...

I loved this place, with the friendly staff and great food. Maybe they will find a new place and reopen? I am hoping they will!