Monday, September 30, 2024

Caravan of Dreams launches crowdfunding campaign to secure future

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

Caravan of Dreams, now in its 33rd year of serving organic/vegan food in the East Village, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to ensure its survival.

Manager Abe Gross (below right with owner Angel Moreno) said the restaurant on Sixth Street "had a slow summer," and he was "hoping for a stronger September." They need the money for "sustainability."
Moreno, who started the restaurant in 1991, said, "When we want to serve others, it comes back to us. It's about being grateful. There is no place for complaining, bad emotions or energy. Just be grateful!"
You can find the GoFundMe page here

Caravan of Dreams is at 405 E. Sixth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

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