Tuesday, September 10, 2024

This stretch of 2nd Avenue is now sidewalk-bridge free

Workers have removed the sidewalk bridge from outside 105 and 107 Second Ave. on the west side between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...
For now, this ends the encampment that had been here on and off all summer. The city would clear it out, and the inhabitants would move a block away for a day or so, then return (photo below by Derek Berg from Aug. 27).
No. 107 has remained vacant since the New Yorkers Foodmarket closed at the end of 2023. Apple Bank relocated to Fourth Avenue in March ... and on the corner, Mighty Quinn's closed in April, though another restaurant is in the works here.


Mikey said...

Not to worry, there will be one up on the corner of 6th where sunny's Florist is soon as the city is forcing the owner to put one up for restoration or face fines. The benefits of landmark designation.

Sleepless in EV said...

Thank God!
Why is it the EV is the "Mecca" for the annual migration of "crusties" every year? They just swoop down like locusts and park themselves where ever they please. I've even seen a few regulars return year after year. Never could wrap my head around that logic.

Carol from East 5th Street said...

Most of the surrounding residents are hoping another food market opens in the space but it looks more likely that landlord NYU keep it for their own use.

Anonymous said...

It was inevitable. The owners have been fighting for years to keep the space at a reasonable rent.

Mikey said...

NYU has owned and wanted this space for ages. Mike who managed the place gave up after Wegman's opened. He was forced to raise his prices to a point where the store was empty.

Exterminator said...

I wish they would take those NYU flags
down. It’s bad enough that they own
the property.