Monday, September 30, 2024

Excavator spotted at 1st Avenue site as plans for 7-story residential building await city approval

Photos by Steven 

On Friday, we spotted a lone excavator in the pit where three buildings — 33-37 First Ave. — once stood on this NW corner of Second Street. 

This is the first notable activity we've seen here since workers removed the sidewalk bridge in late June

To update on the situation here, a 7-story residential building with ground-floor retail is still awaiting city approval for its new address, 88 E. Second St. 

According to DOB paperwork, the proposed building will be 19,278 square feet, with 2,994 square feet designated for commercial space. Plans call for 22 residential units, which would likely be rentals given the square footage.

Read our previous posts for more about the project and prior businesses at 33-37 First Ave.

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