Tuesday, September 17, 2024

It's National Voter Registration Day!

Photo by Derek Berg 

It's National Voter Registration Day, so you may see volunteers around the neighborhood (and city) helping people check their voting status. You can also do this online.


Trixie said...

The closer the race, the more important each vote is!

Anonymous said...

We all need to do our part to keep the Orange Turd out of the White House

genevieve said...

I believe that a lot of people will vote this year. So much is at stake.

Anonymous said...

Unless you live in a swing state your vote doesn’t matter. Whether Trump wins or loses, Kamala is winning NY.

Anonymous said...

True that Harris will likely win NYS. But if you or your family members are registered in NYC's Northern Suburbs, those votes could make a difference in important local and House races.

Kevin G said...

You need to vote... because the POPULAR vote count is vitally important this year, esp if a certain would-be dictator tries to say he won when he didn't.

Anonymous said...

@7 48 that's not the right attitude. The Zelden and Hochul race was closer than expected and the Republicans won the house of reps in many suburbs in 2022. It's more than the race for president. It's about the House as well. In my opinion that's why Trump is having a rally in Nassau County today. Not necessarily for him but for congress. He'll need them if he gets elected 🥵

Exterminator said...

7:48 - it’s still important to vote. there
are nests of Trump supporters in New York.
UES, Staten Island, Long Island. unfortunately
a lot of the rich white folk want their tax

Anonymous said...

If you have neighbors who are out-of-state college students, remind them to register or vote absentee for the states they're from. Every vote counts!

Anonymous said...

There are also down ballot races and possibly bills and initiatives. There’s a lot more going on than the one race the media are following.