Alphabet Scoop, which hires and trains at-risk teens from the neighborhood and provides them with mentoring, reopens for the season tomorrow morning at 11.
And the shop at 543 E. 11th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B will feature a new look and feel.
Last fall, a group of volunteers came together and raised funds to help give Alphabet Scoop a refresh, including new branding, an updated website and an interior makeover.

In 2002, the Father’s Heart Ministries launched Alphabet Scoop adjacent to its church on 11th Street. You can read more about them here.
Their hours:
Sunday: 1-11 p.m.
Monday - Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday - Friday: 2-11 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Volunteers on a mission to help reinvigorate Alphabet Scoop on 11th Street