Then at 7:40 ... there's "Illustre," a 33-minute film that documents the NYC debut of New Order in September 1980 at Hurrah on West 62nd Street.
Howl! Happening is at 6 E. First St. near the Bowery. More info here.
"Standing around the Ukranian National Home on Manhattan's lower Second Avenue puts me in a sour mood. This is a prestigious gig in an odd venue, and the audience, like the hall, is truly pretentious in it's self-conscious unpretentiousness. The place is full of the cream of New York's pseudo-Continentals, the transparent and ridiculous '80's would-be bohemians with their long dark coats, scarves and faces. Unfortunately, very much the crowd you would expect for New Order. The evening's whole mood has been strongly anti-rock, so it's refreshing and pleasantly surprising when New Order's set begins brightly, with real strength and power."