As I first reported, the NFL season has started. OK, first things — the following isn't any kind of an
anti-football post... I personally like football, and am rooting for the A's and Orioles to take the American League Wild Card spots. Anyone but the Patriots.
So, two-plus weeks into the NFL season, I've heard a few
grumbles from people who don't
care for being overrun by the jersey-clad set on Sunday afternoons/early evenings while out having a drink. (Or just trying to walk on the sidewalk.) Perhaps it's the barking. Or the matching his-hers NFL jerseys. Or the pre-Jäger shot Bro call. Or...
I've updated this
post from January 2011... here is a list of a few bars/cafes (some
may have TVs, but you
likely won't find any sporting events on them...) where you
should be able to enjoy a football-free existence for a few hours... (and what's with all the
• 2A, Avenue A
Boxcar Lounge, Avenue B
• B-Side, Avenue B
• Blackbird, Avenue B
Bua, St. Mark's Place
Burp Castle, East Seventh St.
• Coal Yard, First Avenue
• Fish Bar, East Fifth Street
HiFi, Avenue A
The International Bar, First Avenue
Jules Bistro, St. Mark's Place
KGB Bar, East Fourth St.
Lucien, First Avenue
• Max Fish, Ludlow
• Niagara, Avenue A
Otto's Shrunken Head, East 14th St.
• Scratcher, East Fifth St.
Swift Hibernian Lounge, East Fourth St.
Vbar, St. Mark's Place
• William Barnacle Tavern, St. Mark's Place
Please name other football-free bars-cafes in the comments. (Like The Library? Are they still only showing movies on the big screen in the back Sundays?) The above list isn't 100 percent comprehensive by any means... (and Hookah bars don't count...)
[P.S. Thanks to
esquared for help with the list]