Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monday, December 6, 2010

No more Lil' Monsters on East 10th Street

Not sure exactly when Lil' Monsters, the pet care and animal rescue, shuttered at 279 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue...

They opened last year around this time... I actually had to remove the post for a time. I was getting bombarded with e-mails and comments from people in North Carolina. For some reason, they seemed to think I owned the space and was responsible for kidnapping their pets. Seriously.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sammy spotted in Tompkins Square Park

Last evening, we posted information about a missing dog on 11th Street and Avenue A... Meanwhile, we couldn't help but notice new Sammy flyers around Tompkins Square Park this past week...

Per the Help Find Sammy site, someone spotted him this past Monday at Seventh Street and Avenue B... According to the site: "Latest Update: That he is alone, running around Tompkins Square Park." There is a $500 reward for his return.

Also, we had noted that various people had been adding comments to the flyers... here's one of the flyers from Second Street and Avenue A that I never noticed before...

In the comments here... the person behind some of the Sammy Sign Alterations chimes in...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another missing Pomeranian

Saw that these flyers went up over the weekend... spotted this one on Avenue B and Sixth Street...

Earlier this summer, Sammy, another Pomeranian, went missing...

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's a dog's life (circa 1985-1999)

Well, there have been some ugly accusations leveled against the proprietor of this website, EV Grieve. Given recent posts, some people are under the impression that this is a pro-cat, anti-dog site. Simply not true!

Uh, but seriously, the folks at East Village-based phoDOGraphy recently posted a set of pics titled "New York City Street Dog Photos, 1985-1999." As they note: "My neighborhood (the East Village/Alphabet City) would be unrecognizable to anyone who left in 1985. Photos from the dawn of phoDOGraphy reveal a much darker place, before there were restaurants and grocery stores with whole wheat bread."

And they gave us the OK to post a few photos from the here are a few doggy (and ducky!) shots from the East Village...

Cat lovers, take note.... according to Mark at phoDOGraphy: "We have 7 cats, and I will eventually have a gallery of unusual cat portraits online, so stay tuned."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

And they call it...

Puppy love on 13th Street near First Avenue. Well, he or she is more of a dog. But that doesn't really seem as endearing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[Update] Looking for Sammy

By now, you've likely seen the "lost dog" flyers around the East Village... and other parts of the city that tell of Sammy's disappearance ...

Unfortunately, missing (or found) pet signs are fairly common. However, there's something different about these flyers ... they're everywhere, for starters... and new flyers seem to go up daily... Several readers have asked me if, maybe, Sammy, a Pomeranian, had been found...

Unfortunately, no... the latest flyers are now offering a reward...

I finally decided to call the number to find out more about Sammy... I spoke with Sammy's owner, who, along with her sister, has been working nonstop to bring home her beloved pet. She said that Sammy was definitely stolen... and that she has received several descriptions of a young male trying to sell a dog that looks like Sammy.

Sammy was last seen on June 29 on 21st Street and Second Avenue at 11:39 a.m.

As for the new flyers, she said there are three-four people putting up new notices every day in hopes that someone will make the connection. She has also posted signs in Chinese, such as this one on Houston at Avenue B ...

In the days and weeks after Sammy first went missing, she received a lot of leads -- many of them from the East Village ... of late, though, the calls are down to two-three a day. Many people think they've seen Sammy, but are a little vague on details...

Per the Help Find Sammy site:

--Sammy knows his name, and answers to it

--He is 3 years old

--He is cream/sandy colored

--He currently has a buzz cut

--He is an unaltered male

--He was last seen on 21st Street and 2nd Avenue at 11:39AM

--He has a GREEN Leash, and a BLUE Collar. His Dog tag is a Blue DOG-BONE
that says SAMMY and the owner's ADDRESS

--He weighs roughly 3 pounds

--He tends to bark at strangers, and is very picky about people picking him up

There is more information on the site, including flyers and photos...and a video.

"We won't stop until he comes home," she said.

Updated: 3:30 ... One of Sammy's owners checks in the comments section... she provides more background on how Sammy came up missing.... she says that he got loose, ran a block and was scooped up by a stranger... and that was the last they saw of him... "We are appreciative of those who have helped us thus far with our search. Any assistance is greatly appreciated, word of mouth or even a simple post of his flyer on your facebook or blog."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dogs day afternoon

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Blue Glass for this shot from First Avenue...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NYPD working hard to close up budget gap

A reader sent along a link to the blog, Lori E. Seid… And How Was Your Day? This post is from last Monday, the first day of summer in Tompkins Square Park:

"This morning at 7:05, 2 Police SUV’s and a Van pulled over to us sitting on the ground with our dogs, by the benches behind the tree. The window of one rolled down & a voice questioned why our dogs were off the leash. Our ID’s were demanded and we were told to wait as the window rolled up and 2 other cops came out of their vehicles & joined the one to discuss our situation. 3 vehicals – 3 cops – 15 minutes of attention for aprox 11 lbs worth of unleashed dogs sitting on their owners lap, in a park, early in the morning."

"The summons both Charlie & I received were for criminal court appearances (mandatory or a warrant for our arrests’ will be issued) and cost $200 each. The photo above is of the lawbreakers waiting, as instructed by the officer, while our ID’s were check for outstanding warrants or acts of terrorism or whatever these little critters could cook up. I do feel safer now, don’t you?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A campaign against Dogs Tied Up

I received a note the other day from an EV Grieve reader who has had enough with seeing unattended dogs tied up around the neighborhood (and other parts of the city) ... The resident, who also works in the East Village, has dogs of his or her own... and, well, here's some background:

"My biggest pet peeve is people who tie their dogs up to fire hydrants, parking meters, lamp posts and such. While they do their shopping, dining, drinking -- what have you. They think they are 'multitasking' but in reality they are subjecting their beloved family pets to thievery, abuse and death."

So the resident started a blog dedicated to tied-up pups... appropriately titled Dogs Tied Up NYC. (There's also a Facebook page.)

"From here on out I will be taking photos of dogs that I see tied up. And I will sit and wait until their owners show up. And they will be riddled with questions as to why they left their family pet tied up unattended. They will not have a legit answer, cause there is NO excuse."

[I took the top photo outside Cotto Cafe on Avenue C and Eighth Street earlier this summer.]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Signs of recovery on Wall Street

Someone is opening a 13,000-square foot dog hotel/spa in the Financial District

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Abandoned or lost dog left outside Mars Bar needs a home

This was passed on to me by the good people at the Mars Bar...

A woman left a dog tied up outside Mars Bar on Wednesday night. She claimed that some kids gave her the dog over by the Allen Street Domino's Pizza. A Mars Bar patron currently has the dog, but can't keep it much longer. After this she will be dropped off and left at Animal Care and Control, who will destroy the dog if no one claims her within 72 hours. She's medium size, perhaps 45 pounds, black/dark brown with white. Looks to have had litters, sweet to people but not so great with other dogs. She was wearing a collar and a leash but doesn't have tags or a microchip.

Perhaps she's lost? Or was stolen? Or abandoned...

For more information or to rescue this dog... contact:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lil' Monsters opening soon on East 10th Street (cute kitties alert!)

Sounds like a fitting name for a bar around here... But as the sign says here on the storefront at 279 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue, Lil' Monsters will specialize in pet care and animal rescue...

And cute kitties alert in the front window...

And please note...

They have a Web site.

Pet hotel opening on Avenue B

Paws & Relax will be near 13th Street. Right across the way from the Copper Building.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A tribute for Snoopy

Late yesterday afternoon, a woman stood on the southeast corner of First Avenue and Third Street with a makeshift memorial for her beloved dog Snoopy.

When I asked her what happened, she quickly said that she was not asking for money. She said that a man had come up to her a little earlier and started screaming at her for being on the corner.

She explained how on Thursday she was walking across First Avenue, slipped on a manhole cover and landed on her beloved pet. The dog died before she could get him medical attention.

Her tribute below tells more of the story. It is her aim to get more and better emergency medical treatment for pets in the city. She will be circulating a petition soon.

I asked if I could take her photo. She thanked me but declined. She did tell me to take pictures of the tribute and post them on YouTube.