Unfortunately, missing (or found) pet signs are fairly common. However, there's something different about these flyers ... they're everywhere, for starters... and new flyers seem to go up daily... Several readers have asked me if, maybe, Sammy, a Pomeranian, had been found...
Unfortunately, no... the latest flyers are now offering a reward...
I finally decided to call the number to find out more about Sammy... I spoke with Sammy's owner, who, along with her sister, has been working nonstop to bring home her beloved pet. She said that Sammy was definitely stolen... and that she has received several descriptions of a young male trying to sell a dog that looks like Sammy.
Sammy was last seen on June 29 on 21st Street and Second Avenue at 11:39 a.m.
As for the new flyers, she said there are three-four people putting up new notices every day in hopes that someone will make the connection. She has also posted signs in Chinese, such as this one on Houston at Avenue B ...

In the days and weeks after Sammy first went missing, she received a lot of leads -- many of them from the East Village ... of late, though, the calls are down to two-three a day. Many people think they've seen Sammy, but are a little vague on details...
Per the Help Find Sammy site:
--Sammy knows his name, and answers to it
--He is 3 years old
--He is cream/sandy colored
--He currently has a buzz cut
--He is an unaltered male
--He was last seen on 21st Street and 2nd Avenue at 11:39AM
--He has a GREEN Leash, and a BLUE Collar. His Dog tag is a Blue DOG-BONE
that says SAMMY and the owner's ADDRESS
--He weighs roughly 3 pounds
--He tends to bark at strangers, and is very picky about people picking him up
There is more information on the site, including flyers and photos...and a video.
"We won't stop until he comes home," she said.
Updated: 3:30 ... One of Sammy's owners checks in the comments section... she provides more background on how Sammy came up missing.... she says that he got loose, ran a block and was scooped up by a stranger... and that was the last they saw of him... "We are appreciative of those who have helped us thus far with our search. Any assistance is greatly appreciated, word of mouth or even a simple post of his flyer on your facebook or blog."
This is the summer of Sammy
what an effort. those signs are everywhere. all over the LES, too.
Sorry about your dog, lady. But maybe you should be a better owner then. Why was he available to steal? And why did you not train the little fucker so it doesn't bark at people? Because you think it's a toy. Serves you right. It's called socialization.
My question is, how did Sammy get "stolen"? Was he left outside tied to a meter "for just a minute" and snagged by some waste of skin looking to make a few quick bucks?
This post reminded me of the replies to your June 16 item, "A campaign against Dogs Tied Up", in which a number of dog owners responded ferociously and negatively to the thought of being called out for their actions, basically threatening and insulting anyone who dared question their leaving their dogs on the street while they go somewhere else. To all of them I say, please read what the Brooklyn Animal Foster Network has to say about the subject:
Right now, people in your neighborhood are intent on stealing your dog. They're checking out stores, cars and yards where dogs are often left unattended. When they get a bunch of these dogs they will sell them to research laboratories or dog fighters. "Bait" animals are used to test a dogs fighting instinct. We don't have to tell you what a laboratory will do with them. These dogs are always killed in the process. Please, keep your dog safe at all times."
So Sammy's owner will be lucky indeed if she gets him back. I truly hope she does, for both their sakes. But if not, it's just too damn bad that Sammy had to pay the price for her unthinking behavior. "Just a minute" has turned into weeks of work and worry for her, and if he does not return, a lifetime of wondering what happened to him, of hoping he wound up with loving owners rather than dying in uncomprehending pain somewhere. That's one expensive minute.
Folks - dogs are NOT property to be left scattered around at will. They are living creatures who rely on their owners to care for and protect them, and that does not include leaving them alone and unattended, even if "just for a minute". Especially not in a city where some psychopaths see a tied-up dog not as a cute beast but as a meal ticket, who don't care about your sweet Muffin or Snuggles or Butch and want nothing more than to augment their income, especially in an economy like this one.
I await the vicious threats and responses calling into question my sanity and right to live.
Dear Anonymous 9:32, you are a douche.
Jesus, Anon 9:32. Have a heart. Terrible things happen sometimes when you turn your head for a second. Is this really the appropriate time to call a dog a "little fucker"? I hope a Pomeranian goes apeshit on your trouser cuffs someday.
Good luck finding Sammy, Sammy's mom. He is adorable and my heart goes out to you.
Was the dog stolen because it was tied up outside?
I hope, of course, that they get their Sammy back, and I also hope that this will be a lesson to both them and other owners.
I feel bad for this dog because the owner obviously left it outside to be taken but I hope other people learn from her mistake and stop hitching their dogs up outside when they're running errands. I think what happened to Sammy will make a lot of people who do that now think twice.
Sorry about the double post, I got a message saying the first one hadn't gone through so I resubmitted it. Whoops, my bad!
Hi Lisa. That's OK... Blogger has been a little wiggy with comment approvals of late.
Thanks for your input (as always!)
I look forward to the post saying that Sammy is found. That would truly make it the Summer of Sammy. I'll keep my eyes open in my travels.
I also hope Sammy is happily reunited with his owners. It's a shame that we can't help look out for own another instead of laying blame. As a dog owner myself, I would never under any circumstances leave my dog unattended. It makes for lots of extra stair climbing (separate jaunts her her walks and my errands) but she's worth it. I hope you find your baby!
Instead of being an idiot and wasting ur time making insultsa about the owner who I personally know, try and help retard! And of course you would be anonymous smh! I'm doing all I can to help. Instead of asking why was the dog left out ask what you can do to help ........
Anonymous 12:38 p.m.: If the owner left her dog outside unattended she does have to accept some blame. I don't think people mean to beat up on her but there are consequences for our actions. People need to be responsible pet parents. You'd never leave a kid sitting outside a store in a baby stroller. Why would you leave a pet tied up outside? These are living breathing beings and not accessories.
Hey, there's Sammy!
Oh boy. Cyndy Monroe is not reflecting well on her friend. I hope the dog owner is more mature.
Hi, I'm one of the owners of Sammy. I think that before someone opens their mouth about what they think happened they should probably confirm with a reliable source. My sister and I spend most of our day thru late evening printing and posting flyers everywhere in manhattan, and yes even in 100+ degree weather. Only to have them drawn on, ripped down and thrown away. We have to deal with numerous prank calls and threats on a daily basis. Yes we are aware we put our number out there and things like this are expected. But with that being said, we don't need to deal with additional negativity. This is the real story: He got loose, ran up a block and a lady reported to us that another person had scooped him up. This case is already petite larceny and has been filed with the police. Maybe instead of being part of the problem, try being part of the solution. He was basically dog napped, just like a helpless child is kidnapped. Someone is out there with our dog..and all we want is him back.. with as little negativity and criticism as possible. We are appreciative of those who have helped us thus far with our search. Any assistance is greatly appreciated, word of mouth or even a simple post of his flyer on your facebook or blog. Thanks again for posting our story!!
Thanks for more background, Miss Sam. All the best to you and your sister in finding Sammy.
Miss Sam, I saw your flyer on my way to work over a week ago, @14th and Ave A. I always stop to look at lost pet/missing children flyers, but Sammy was especially compelling to me because my sister has a Pomeranian whom I adore. He always gets a puppy/lion cut in the summer too. Poms are amazing little pups.
I'm sorry I can't do more to help than to keep my eyes peeled for a sweet Pom who looks like he is with the wrong guy, and to say prayers for you. Just know that not everyone is taking this as an opportunity to whinge about leashes and "purse dogs" (seriously people: TIME AND PLACE).
From one animal lover to another, I really and truly hope you get your Sammy back.
I hope Sammy is found. He is so cute.
Once again, EV Grieve is editing comments. Guess what, little Carrie BRadshaw suburban dumbass owner, people have sent you hate toward your shitty message. But EV Grieve deletes when too "extreme". Watered down, just like you.
From the description given by Miss Sam, I think this dog was "rescued" rather than "stole".
Semantics, I suppose, but without this "thief" your former dog would be dead meat on the street.
"Only to have them drawn on, ripped down and thrown away."
It's because of the oversaturation - I understand that your friend is missing and that really sucks. I hope you do find you. I think when you post a flyer on every single corner the odds of people getting annoyed by them instead of sympathetic to them goes up quite a bit! I suggest focusing more on neighborhood based social media and talking to every pet adoption/rescue resource possible just in case he shows up there.
The psychology of anon commenting is fascinating. Obviously some folks here are upset about something other than your loss. Regards to you, I do hope for the best.
um. the thing is... the owner has undoubtedly scared the thief into hiding the dog/trying to get rid of it. And if the thief feels he/she may be caught, he may do something horrible in order to get rid of the dog. i dont know. this whole campaign may have put the dog in danger.
To the anonymous person commenting. He can do what he wishes, its his blog. Apparently you didn't understand the situation, that dogs do get loose..its not unheard of..and someone literally took the dog off the street and has not returned him. I'm far from suburban, I was born, raised and made in manhattan. Like I said we don't need the negativity, but I'm hoping you know the difference between what's right and what's wrong..because the person who has Sammy does not.We all know there are some very nice people who live here, but with the good comes the bad. The harsh reality is that there are sick and mean people out there. You ARE entitled to your opinions, but in the time of need why don't you keep your comments to yourself. Grieve did US the favor of writing about Sammy in the hopes of spreading word and finding him.. Not to continuously weed through your derogatory comments. Bad things happen to good people. Good people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. When a girl gets raped you don't critize her for what happened, you try to return her life to normal. Hopefully you have a change of heart and try to be a little more understanding rather than just talk out of your ass.
Miss Sam, now that I have read the full explanation of what happened, I would like to apologize to you and Sammy's owner for presuming that she left him tied up outside. I sincerely hope you get him back, and am sorry I was so ready to assume.
he got loose from being tied up....
There are sick and mean people, wahhh wahhh go cry to daddy, you sound like a spoiled brat. I love dogs and sweet people but just reading what you write makes me cringe. JAP for sure!
Wow... the amount of nastiness directed towards a person you don't know is sickening. First of, the owner is not a JAP (weak insult dude btw...you're a joke), secondly, the dog is very loved and cared for not just by the sisters but by their parents who are also grieving, and thirdly, these girls have been out day and night for weeks until past midnight searching for their dog. What makes me sick is reading through the comments and realizing just how much people are waiting for an opportunity to share the dark side of themselves. Every poster that has been negative and nasty has done it under the cover of 'Anonymous' bc none would be bold enough to declare themselves. I would be sickened by myself if I were any of you. Thankfully, I'm not. I hope that this negativity serves to make more people realize that helping each other is more important than hurting one another.
My boyfriend and I love Sammy and we don't even know him. We see the posters everywhere and have been waiting until the day that we see a "SAMMY IS FOUND!" poster...good luck to you and your sister. We will keep our eyes open.
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