Friday, July 23, 2010

New look, name for 'The Villager'

Per the paper's editorial this week:

You might have noticed something different about the newspaper you are holding in your hands. For starters, it has a different name on the front page — and that name is in “eco green,” not blue.

Starting this week, East Villagers and Lower East Siders who have enjoyed reading The Villager over the years now have a paper they can call their own. It’s called the East Villager and Lower East Sider, and it will offer the best of what The Villager brings — but with an increased focus on Downtown’s vibrant East Side

In addition, each week, the paper will feature a page of Clayton Patterson's vast LES archives.

If you don't pick up a hard copy around the neighbor, then you can check out their new website.... and new digital flipbook.

Congrats to Lincoln Anderson and his crew... as always, I look forward to reading the paper each week...


Jeremiah Moss said...

looks good!

marjorie said...

I love love love The Villager. (OK, The EAST Villager.) Even when the writing is so-so or the reporting is a little half-finished, the paper always seems to have passion and interest and quirk, so yay. Community newspapers are such a treasure in general (when I lived in SF when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I loved the Noe Valley voice) -- they help make a big city feel like a small town.

The Clayton Patterson page sounds like a great addition.

EV Grieve said...

Thanks, Marjorie. I've always liked The Villager. Glad to see them retrenching in the face on new hyperlocal news competition ...(the NYU Local, for instance)...

T.E.V.B. said...

Excellent. A more appropriate and accurate name. I always enjoy picking up a copy and reading the local stories. Sure, the quality varies, but hard to find that kind of local coverage elsewhere.

Mr. Mister said...

I noticed when I picked up my copy yesterday.

Truly, our very own paper! We've arrived, neighborhood!

Note: The Villager has a new publication date.

Anonymous said...

I bet they changed the name to go along with getting free intern/help from the NYU/NY Times project..just sayin..

East Village Feed said...


Lisa said...

Actually, there used to be a local paper called the East Villager, published from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. It was run by a defrocke Jesuit priest named Jack Scully, who also had a thrift store called Everything for Everybody, first on Avenue B near 11th Street, then on 3rd and B. I hope someone at the new East Villager will do an article about their predecessor, and have the grace to acknowledge that they were not the first.