Spotted near Duane Reade on Avenue B and Second Street. Three defaced signs makes if an official trend. (See here.)
Thanks to EVG reader Noah Shannon for the photo!
"It’s hard for the media, or the elected officials who are currently terrifying their constituents with dire flu warnings, to know where to draw the line between encouraging preparedness and scaring the public out of its wits."
“We have an epidemic of flu every year,” said the New York City health commissioner, Thomas Farley. If there are alarming headlines, he added, it’s because public officials are “trying to get out the message to get your vaccine.” In a phone interview, Farley explained that the city declares an epidemic when more than 5 percent of the people going to emergency rooms are complaining of flu symptoms, which is unusual only in the sense that it doesn’t happen in warm weather. He also managed to work “get your vaccine” into virtually every sentence.
@evgrieve are all EV drug stores really out of flu shots? 1st ave Rite Aid just said yes
— Sparber (@sparber) January 12, 2013