Saturday, November 5, 2016

Anti-flu shot campaign extends to Avenue B

Spotted near Duane Reade on Avenue B and Second Street. Three defaced signs makes if an official trend. (See here.)

Thanks to EVG reader Noah Shannon for the photo!


Anonymous said...

Stop defacing ads, Jill Stein (phony who has investments in all the things she rails against and who Hollywood's biggest rich white privilege matron Susan Sarandon is throwing away her vote on because she can get away it voting in New York.)

Anonymous said...

Come on. That's juvenile. I am 41 and receive my flu shot each year. Getting sick or dying afterwards is a myth. Its all bullshit. I get the shot annually and I never get sick. I wonder why?

Stop defacing ads. Grow up people!

Anonymous said...

Oh God

Anonymous said...

I am 41 (plus a few years) and I have never had a flu shot and I never get sick. I too wonder why. Actually, no I don't (spoiler alert: I'm a Viking, that's why).

Flu shots are weird to me, by all means get one if you want but they are not required for health, and I really do not think this defacement is anti-flu shots anyway, it's just someone being a l'il dramatic and funny.

Please keep defacing ads, it makes me laugh. :p

Eden Bee said...


Anonymous said...

As a physician, I have never seen someone get ill from a flu shot... I have, however, seen many people die from the flu.

And don't forget, you are not just protecting yourself but your older friends, neighbors and loved ones...

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck are they using the trees for their ads? They need to take those down and they should know better.

Anonymous said...

If you're a physician and you've truly seen many people die from the flu every year, I'd suggest that you do they right thing and stop seeing patients because the actual percentage of people who die from the flu, if the CDC is to be believed, is actually quite low, i.e., if many people are dropping dead around you from the flu, it might be you, doc.

Anonymous said...

Stop defacing ads? What are you old conservatives on about this time? I'm sorry you're 41 and about your rheumatism and all that but this is the EV. Punk rock! Anarchy! Punkananarocky! CBGB! (Am I doing it right?)

I'm also sorry about you misogynists that hate Jill Stein. And if Susan Sarandon were supporting the Hillster, you wouldn't be popping off about rich white privilege anything, and that's because Hillary is dead broke, as we all know.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @ 6:36

You are on the money. As a physician, I respect your professional advice over those who don't know shit about it. Aside from getting sick myself, I don't want to get anyone else sick, which is why I am always administered an annual flu shot. Better to be safe than sorry.

And defacing the ads is just silly. Stop it.


Eden, there are ways other than vandalism to find yourself in the company of OFFICER TUBBS. You could simply ask him on a date.


"There's nothing in there but tampons and aspirin and that's the closest thing you'll get to comfort in this life." - James Russo verbally abusing Madonna in Dangerous Game.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to get anyone else sick, which is why I am always administered an annual flu shot.

1. I never get the flu
2. Hence I do not get flu shots
3. If I never get the flu, how the heck will I get anyone else sick with it?

Get off the sanctimony pony, Mr. Hypochondria. Also re: "As a physician"—you don't know if this person is an actual physician! Any chump on the internet can say anything!

Finally, as one of the world's most wealthy and esteemed art collectors (see??), I can tell you that the defacement of advertisement has an established place in the history of cultural subversion, blah blah, it's also good for a laugh. YOU stop being so bourgeois!

IzF said...

I like playing Doctor.

Get Your Flu Shot Today said...

@3:18 PM. To the "I never get sick" guy. Well Goody Two Shoes for you. Meanwhile, thousands of mostly elderly and young people die from the flu every year, and millions more suffer from various illnesses. Many of my friends have died from AIDS. But you never get sick? Because of your genes? That's kind hard to believe. You've never died yet ether. Give it time -- both of those things are bound to happen sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

1:06, 1) I'm a woman, 2) the expression is "goody for you"; "goody two-shoes" is another thing entirely; and 3) what is your problem? I already said I have no issues with other people getting flu shots. Just that no, we don't all need one. I do not need one. How you went from that mild statement to "I don't give a fuck about people with HIV or the elderly! You should have been born with Viking genes like me!" is something only you know. Calm the fuck down, stress is bad for your immune system.

Anonymous said...

Holy Fuck. What is wrong with you people? I have HIV. And I've been undetectable for 15 years. Certain friends of mine have caught the flu more than I have, some of which don't bother with flu shots because they feel they aren't living with a virus like me or they aren't an elderly person, which I am not. Yet, I read recently how many die from the flu. This is real. It isn't bullshit like those who refute climate change and global warming. The flu shot can save lives. I should know. My boyfriend is a doctor. So, all of you with your misunderstandings and rants, get over it. You should all be lucky to be young and without illness. Grow up, count your blessings, and take advantage of the shot now before the season hits in full swing.

Anonymous said...

I have seen many times people with "Viking strength" immunity experience a slight cold and then infect multiple patients on the cancer ward with the flu.
You may not believe that I have twenty years medical experience but please discuss this with someone trained in infectious disease before spouting misinformation.
And don't even get me started on hpv and measles...

Ah Choo! said...

@2:02PM. Vikings may not get sick, but they sure do have thin skin. Why do you care what someone says about your questionable statements? Or is that just a clever ant-vaxxer way to make people think they don't need a flu shot? Who does that help, saying you don't get sick or need a flu shot? Ever hear of herd immunity? You might be carrying a flu infection and not know it, and then you infect even more people by selfishly not getting vaccinated. Go enjoy your eternal state of mindless healthfulness, and pray that you don't one day run into someone carrying a bad disease who selfishly didn't get a vaccine. Then come back and tell us how superior your Viking genes are.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that all of these angry comments are coming from the same person, but for the love of humanity:

-Just because someone feels they personally do not need a flu shot does not mean that this person is anti-flu shot or that flu shots, in general, are bad

-Just because someone expresses a disinterest in flu shots for him/herself does not equate to that person being an "anti-vaxxer"

-Generally when someone calls him/herself a Viking it is meant to be silly, like calling oneself a wizard

-Please don't accuse other people of having thin skin when you are chomping at the bit to use someone's really-not-that-serious comments as a jumping-off point to talk about dead friends, cancer, herd immunity, and elder neglect

All other matters can be decided by individuals in their private offline lives. This is getting ugly so I wish you all good health and good-bye.

Anonymous said...

I am a wizard and I'm not trying to be silly. How dare you call me silly for being a wizard. I hereby cast the spell of flu on you.