In case you didn't see the signage up at St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church on Avenue A at 10th Street ... for your holiday planning purposes, the 8th annual Cookie Walk is happening this year on Dec. 10-11.
Sale hours are Dec. 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Dec. 11 from noon to 3 p.m. However! Per the St. Nicholas website:
Come early Saturday for the best selection of cookies. Please understand that WE CAN SELL OUT and close before the Sunday times listed above. Please check here for Sunday opening updates! (if at all possible, try to come on Saturday)
In total, there will be more than 75 varieties totaling 50,000 cookies for sale, per the St. Nicholas website.
Also for planning purposes: Dec. 10 is the announced date for this year's SantaCon, though the neighborhood(s) involved are still under wraps.
This was so much fun last year. The people who do this are just awesome. So much good spirit and joy! And the cookies are delicious...every last one of them. Been looking forward to this all year. THANK YOU St. Nicholas!
Who bakes these cookies? Keebler® elves?
Also, what is the cost to fill a box?
There are two box sizes - I believe in the $10 & 20 range. They'll wrap them for you at end. It is a really charming, caloric event!
$15 for a small box (1lb), $35 for a bakery box (3lb)
@Scuba Diva, the ladies of the church bake the cookies, and they are spectacular. There is a giant kitchen off the cookie room, and sometimes you see them coming out with fresh trays of baked goods to refill the empty ones. As to price, there are two options - you can get a Chinese take-out food container in holiday patterns for $15, or a large, plain white cardboard box that they decorate for you for what used to be $25, but the website seems to suggest that this year will be $35. But you can take as many cookies as you want, as long as the lid of the box can be reasonably closed, and if you do some creative fitting, you can get a lot of cookies in there! I have found that a dozen cookies are perfect little gifts to give to local store workers, your mail person, etc. There's also a little cafe where you can get coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and yes, cookies or other snacks, to either gird your loins for the chase or decompress after having to choose from so many different kinds of deliciousness.
Um, not that I've ever gone and then spent weeks giving out or eating cookies or anything like that...
Agree, this event puts my in the mood each year for the holidays. It's fun scoping out the assortment and sometime challenging to not overlook your favorites.
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