Showing posts with label murals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murals. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Eddie Boros returns to 5th Street

Noah Scalin created this painting of Eddie Boros (RIP 2007) and the Tower of Toys (RIP 2008) outside Lavagna on Fifth Street and Avenue B as part of the 100 Gates Project.

Boros — “a charismatic, sometimes cantankerous artist,” per the The New York Times — lived his entire life in an apartment across the street. Some of his art is still on the walls at Sophie's down the street.

Friday, June 7, 2019

About the 'Pay It No Mind' mural honoring LGBTQ+ advocate Marsha P. Johnson outside the F train stop on 2nd Avenue

This new mural titled "Pay It No Mind" arrived this past weekend outside the F stop on Second Avenue at East Houston...

The work is a collaboration between Suriani, a visual artist based in Montréal, and Homo Riot.

It's part of an in-progress Queer Street Art documentary by photographer and filmmaker Daniel Albanese aka @dustyrebel for Pride Month. This piece honors LGBTQ advocate Marsha P. Johnson, a leader in the Stonewall uprising.

(Suriani’s imagine of Marsha P. Johnson is based on Richard Shupper’s studio portrait of Johnson from 1991, the year before her death.)

Albanese talked more about the mural in an interview published yesterday at Brooklyn Street Art:

This wall is actually the kick off to a series of Queer Street Art that will be coming to NYC for Pride Month. I have partnered with Art In Ad Places, Keep Fighting NYC, and other community based projects to create a queer alternative to the overwhelming flood of corporate pride events.

While not part of Reclaim Pride Coalition’s inaugural Queer Liberation March on June 30, I was inspired by the activists who have organized to bring the “Spirit of Stonewall” directly to the street, and who are keeping the focus on the continuing needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

The mural was also defaced short after its arrival on Second Avenue:

I know street art is ephemeral, and I also know that work that is unapologetically queer is especially targeted. So I knew it was coming, I just didn’t expect something that big and that fast in less than 30 hours. We made this piece as a community, for our community. We really wanted to start conversation about the issues that LGBTQ+ people face, and to honor the memory of Marsha P. Johnson and the Stonewall Riot. To have that important conversation cut short felt like a punch in the gut.

Late last month, the de Blasio administration announced that it will create a permanent Greenwich Village monument to honor Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, founders of the Street Transgender Action Revolutionaries.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Egads! E Smoke shop demolishes 7th Street mural

[Photo from May 2]

Earlier this spring, new owners took over the 7th Street Village Farm on the southwest corner of First Avenue and Seventh Street... and a few readers wondered if the owners of its replacement, E Smoke & Convenience shop, would keep the murals on the Seventh Street side of the building.

An EVG reader shared this photo today... not really a good sign...

No word on the fate of the MCA tribute by @cramcept that's also on the store's property.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Egads! 7th Street Village Farm morphs into an E Smoke shop

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Painting a smile

EVG regular Lola Saénz passed along these photos from Avenue A at 14th Street... of the WIP mural by BlusterOne© ...

Look for more of BlusterOne©'s work starting on Thursday with a show at 212Arts on 12th Street.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

2 down, 98 to go: Work starts on the 100 Gates Project at East Village shops

As previously noted, the Lower East Side Partnership is bringing the 100 Gates Project to the East Village.

Steven shared this photo of Anna Chen's in-progress work on the gate at the Source Unltd Print and Copy Shop on Ninth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Also yesterday, Steve Ellis started adding some art on the gate at Exit9 Gift Emporium on Avenue A.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Report: No plans to remove the Michael Jackson mural from the wall on 11th Street

[EVG photo from July]

In case you haen't seen it, HBO's two-part documentary, "Leaving Neverland," features two former child performers describing how Michael Jackson allegedly sexually abused them while they were children.

However, as Rolling Stone reported yesterday, despite the horrific allegations, "Michael Jackson’s posthumous career is showing few signs of major distress" since the documentary debuted two weeks ago.

Time Out reached out to Eduardo Kobra, the prolific Brazilian artist, to see if he might have any thoughts about removing the two Michaels mural that he created last July on 11th Street at First Avenue.

Here's Kobra's statement:

"I decided to keep the mural on, for a few reasons:

First, because the mural itself is not a simple tribute to MJ. My entire idea was to show the transformations he went through during his entire life: from black to white, kid to adult, from natural to unnatural. The whole project that I did in NYC last year was about peace, and in that mural in particular I was trying to describe that people sometimes have to go through so much to be able to reach their own peace of mind.. and even then, sometimes doesn’t matter what people do, they can never reach that peace.

In the second place, I believe MJ is part of American History, and also part of the world’s music history. You can catalog music Before and After MJ, so much was his influence. He still is the biggest pop star that has ever lived, and that we have ever seen, and I believe we are never going to see another pop star like him again.

Therefore, we can’t just erase him from history. These new allegations can be true or not. It is not up to me to judge if MJ is guilty or not — and now, since he is dead, he won’t be judged by justice anymore. So I really hope that mural can do it’s part and bring us to think about it all and how we, as persons and as a community, will deal with this new fact concerning MJ’s life.

Hopefully this discussion leads us all to the desire to be a better person everyday."

I haven't heard of any movements to have the mural removed... other than a few Facebook posts where people opined that it was time for this to go — especially given that it faces the Asher Levy School.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Freshman year

Local artist Lexi Bella completed this mural yesterday of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at First Street Green Cultural Park.

Per Lexi on Instagram: "I have been so inspired by our new women in Congress I had to paint my favorite..."

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Superhero's welcome

A look at the recently completed (as of yesterday) Spider-Man mural on Second Street at First Avenue... created by Chilean-based artist Otto Schade (courtesy of East Village Walls). The mural is a tribute to the late Stan Lee.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Run's house

EVG regular Pinch shares today's in-progress look at the Run DMC mural going up on 12th Street and Avenue A... the work is via the very busy Brazilian artist Eduardo Kobra.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Walk This Way on 12th and A

Friday, October 26, 2018

Walk This Way on 12th and A

Here's an in-progress look at a new wall mural on 12th Street at Avenue A... the Run DMC work is via Brazilian artist Eduardo Kobra...

Kobra has been quite busy in NYC of late with his "Colors of Liberty" project. (The Run-DMC is not part of this project.)

Kobra recently completed the dual Michael Jackson mural on 11th Street at First Avenue.

H/T East Village Walls!

Updated 5:30 p.m.

EVG regular Daniel passes along these photos... with the panels being colored in...

Updated 10/28

Pinch provides a look from today...

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The return of the cowboy on Avenue A

The cowboy mural by Solus made a return appearance to 50 Avenue A yesterday.

Back in June, Solus (via the L.I.S.A Project NYC) put up a nearly identical cowboy here between Third Street and Fourth Street...

[EVG photo from June]

However, the landlord of the vacant space had the mural painted over for whatever reasons within several days. Perhaps it will stick around longer this time.

This retail property has sat empty since the Citibank branch closed in January 2017.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blue out at former Citibank branch on Avenue A

[June 9]

Less than a week since its arrival, someone painted over the mural that Solus (via the L.I.S.A Project NYC) created last Friday at the former Citibank branch on Avenue A between Third Street and Fourth Street...

Perhaps the landlord prefers this look...

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Cowboy up on A

Over on Avenue A yesterday, Solus (via the L.I.S.A Project NYC) started work on the above mural here between Third Street and Fourth Street...

And today...

This retail space has sat empty since the Citibank branch closed in January 2017.

And how the space was looking before the cowboy mural arrived...

H/T The Dusty Rebel!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pastel Spa & Nails closes on 2nd Avenue; murals outside tanned over

Pastel Spa & Nails shut down after the business day on Sunday... management here on Second Avenue and 12th Street left a note thanking its customers ...

No word what was behind this departure. (And another EV spa closure.) There are approved permits on file with the DOB for interior renovations, though they don't mention anything about the next tenant (or offer clues such as "eating and drinking establishment").

Meanwhile, a worker painted over the murals on the 12th Street side yesterday, as this photo via EVG reader Charlie Chen shows...

[Photo by Charlie Chen]

Back in September, six artists painted murals on this space — dubbed the #212wall.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday's parting shot

This mural arrived over the weekend here on St. Mark's Place between First Avenue and Second Avenue... Interstellar work by @dirtcobain and @outersource ...

And another angle via @dirtcobain ...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Head trip

A look at one of the new murals in the First Street Green Art Park ... Kathy Griffin (as Bat Woman) holding the head of Harvey Weinstein, courtesy of SacSix ...

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Paul Kostabi at the 2nd Avenue F stop

Here's a look at Paul Kostabi's new mural outside the Second Avenue F stop at East Houston ...

This Instagram account has all the murals that have been in this space the past few years...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A look at the new #212wall

EVG reader Kerry on 12th shares the above photo, noting the new murals — called the #212wall — on the northwest corner of 12th Street at Second Avenue.

Here's a look at each mural ... (these replaced the mural here that had been tagged multiple times ... work started Thursday and wrapped up Friday)...




[@acool55 + @outersource]



H/T @just_a_spectator

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Flashback: A mural for Princess Diana on Houston and Avenue B

As you likely know, today marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Shortly after her death in the Paris car crash, LES-based artist Chico created a mural in her honor on Houston at Avenue B (6 E. Houston St.) ...

Someone wasn't a big fan of the Royal Family....hence the "die" mustache ...