There's a potential bar/restaurant in the works for 269 E. Houston St., the building at Suffolk with nine different for rent/sale signs.
This applicant is on the August CB3/SLA committee docket:
• Lower East Side NY Bistro Corp, 269 E Houston St (op)
Dunno anything about it just yet... though the word "bistro" makes it seem as if it will be a more upscale tenant than in past years.
As for recent history here... The Local 269 never reopened last fall after a flood apparently KO'd much of the live music venue's equipment. The space was previously home to Meow Mix and Vasmay Lounge. The Local opened in February 2009.
Applicants who were previously involved with the Apocalypse Lounge (2004-2007) on East Third Street apparently had designs on a new bar here. However, the applicants apparently never appeared before the CB3/SLA committee back in March, according to the CB3 meeting record.
We'll have more on the August CB3/SLA meeting later... the meeting is set for Aug. 19 at 6:30 pm.