Tuesday, February 22, 2011

'Keep 35 alive'

A few more photos from this evening's vigil at 35 Cooper Square... courtesy of Lisa R. Estimates put some 60 people in attendance, including Pete Hamill ... There were chants of "Keep 35 alive!" And some twits with yoga mats drifted by as if the group wasn't even there ...


At the vigil for 35 Cooper Square

Photos by EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams. More later...

Vigil for 35 Cooper Square @5:30

Grace Farrell, 35

The Daily News has more on Grace, the homeless woman found dead on Avenue B Sunday morning:

She came from Ireland half a life ago, a blue-eyed 17-year-old determined to make a splash in New York's art scene with her colorful portraits and vivid landscapes.

On Sunday morning — years after her life started to go bad in a haze of alcohol and a lousy marriage — Grace Farrell, 35, was found dead on the sidewalk in front of St. Brigid's Church on Avenue B in the East Village.

Her body was ice-cold from sleeping one too many nights on the street.

She spent her last night alive on a bed of cardboard in a church alcove. Thin blankets barely sheltered her from the brutal winter weather.

Read the whole article here.


New Cooper Square Hotel art installation baffles

A reader passed along an item of interest... During the weekend, "workers installed this rather odd 'art' installation on the Cooper Square Hotel's outdoor patio, otherwise unused during the cold weather months."

So, what is it?

The reader has a few (classic) guesses:

"A bicycle frame hung in effigy, perhaps a driver's road rage fantasy revenge for the perceived insult of bicycle lane proliferation. The desk chair swing set is more mysterious still: dreams of lost childhood, while trapped in corporate cubicles? Finally the roped-off area suggests either a crime scene or the intentionally exclusive velvet ropes (without the velvet, since times are hard) of the nightlife scene, a barrier which non-model females and non-celebrity males can only pass by offering a credit card; it's hard to say which interpretation is more depressing."

Watch Billy Leroy throw someone into a coffin and nail it shut

Billy Leroy tells us about an independent film project that he's working on called "Don Peyote." Michael Canzoniero directs. While it started out as a small film, the production received funding... and it's turning into some much larger... it stars Dan Fogler and Anne Hathaway.

Anyway, here's a scene that features Billy (and the fellow in the German helmet is Clayton Patterson; the young woman is Billy's daughter Celina Leroy).

Here's the set-up for this scene shot outside Billy's Antiques on East Houston:

"We jump on Dan. I beat him up and throw him into a coffin and nail it shut... It's all part of a nightmare scene he has after ingesting hallucinogenic drugs. Wish I could do this to some of the yuppies that wander into Billy's."

The movie is still in production. Here's a snippet of it.

[Photos by Isak Tiner]

About the Hot Chicks Room

We noted a few days back that the Upright Citizens Brigade had unveiled some signage at their new home on Avenue A at Third Street ... Including!

While it's a nod to this skit (thanks Erin!) ... a few commenters are not amused ... Like!

Anonymous said...
Are you people not looking at this unfunny, SNL obsessing, new-jack cornball, out-of-place, cargo-short and frisbee throwing, annoying piece of shit sign? I will spit on all these mothrfuckers as they wither in their adidas and converse and cold-weather sandals, as their nasally laughter and unfunny jokes penetrate my soul.

Enjoy your signs, they will soon be sent back to the college campus graveyard where they belong.

What's left of Stuyvesant Grocery and Pete's-a-Place — and come back soon

On Sunday, we posted some photos sent along by EV Grieve reader Tom from the fire-damaged stretch of stores on 14th Street and Avenue A ... The high winds knocked over the plywood... offering a peak at what's left inside... here are a few more shots we took on Sunday...

... and yesterday...

And yesterday afternoon .... workers were putting the plywood back...

[Bottom photos via Bobby Williams]

And per Tom in the comments:

Last summer I had heard from the manager of Petes-A-Place that they weren't planning to reopen until October. I wondered why it would take that long. But I guess it's understandable if they're going to do zero work during the winter.

A Mars Bar moment

On Saturday, we posted a photo of the new mural outside the Mars Bar...

Goggla shot some video of Jane Knox working on her mural Friday evening...

In case you were away for the long weekend

RIP grace (Sunday)

It snowed (Monday)

A Hamptons Market Place is opening on First Avenue (Monday)

Coyote Ugly is still not open — and here's why (Sunday)

EV Grieve favorite Donohue's Steak House is back open (Saturday)

Tonda randomly open this past weekend (Monday)

We spoke with Minnie McSorley (Saturday)

Someone tagged 35 Cooper Square (Saturday)

Yummy House closed on Third Avenue (Monday)

People ate outside on the Bowery because it was warmish (Friday)

And Lady Gaga walked around without pants on, though this isn't really news (Monday)