Friday, December 5, 2008

Stogo is a go

Well, now! Stogo, which took over the former A. Fontana Shoe Repair at 159 Second Ave. and 10th Street, is now apparently ready for action! A tipster writes:

It wasn't open when I went by, but all the paper was down and everything looked ready for business. The signs inside say it's an organic, gourmet, dairy-free ice cream place. It looks like every other boring fro-yo joint, with space-age white stools and blonde wood. Very swedish -- like Ikea.

Previous Stogo coverage on EV Grieve here.

Bari bad news on the Bowery

Patrick Hedlund at The Villager reports this week that the Bari family is selling a massive, eight-building portfolio on the Bowery. The parcel of land across the street from the New Museum has nearly 67,000 square feet of buildable space -- six lots on the Bowery at Prince Street. As Hedlund writes, "The Bari family has owned the property since the 1940s, using it for restaurant-equipment supply operations, and stand to cash in on the neighborhood's emergence as a destination for art galleries and luxury development." (Patrick's story wasn't online just yet....)

According to the Bari Web site:

Bari Equipment is a family-owned business with roots that go back generations. The company was started by my grandfather when he came over from Italy more than 75 years ago. Located in New York’s fabled Bowery District, the business is still in the very same neighborhood. It has also remained in the family. Through the years, my father, uncles, and I – along with our amazing staff – have all upheld the traditions of excellence started way back when.

Of course, it’s tradition that sets us apart. Our pizza ovens, crafted with an eye for detail and quality, have withstood the test of time. In fact, the very same ovens purchased half a century ago can still be found in pizzerias across NYC and beyond!



Here's a passage on the Bari family, who once owned the Sunshine Hotel, from the July 2004 Times:

Watching all of these developments carefully is the family that owns Bari Restaurant and Pizzeria Equipment, a business that takes up 10 storefronts at Prince Street and the Bowery. As owners of one of the district's oldest shops, the Baris seem to know what's coming.

"I'm trying to envision it five, ten years from now," said Anton Bari as he sat on one of the restaurant chairs offered for sale in the Bari Gallery, one of the family's many enterprises. "I don't see the restaurant suppliers. I don't know if the reputation will still be here."

Mr. Bari, his brothers Mike and Nick and a cousin also named Nick run a company established in the 1940's by their grandfather, Nicola Bari, a radio repairman and purveyor of cheese graters. Besides selling an encyclopedic variety of restaurant supplies, the Baris manufacture pizza ovens and refrigeration units that are used in kitchens from Brooklyn to Russia.

On occasion, the Bari brothers are greeted by acquaintances who encourage them to turn their shops into trendy bars. But unlike many other suppliers on the Bowery, the Baris don't rent their stores -- they own them. They can sit back and watch the changes on the street without the pressure of a landlord or a lease.

Across from the Baris' main showroom at 240 Bowery, the family owns another building, but this one is not all mixers and ovens. Through a set of red doors marked "No Loitering" and up the stairs, an entirely different Bowery staple is still in operation.

"I can't stand the stink in here," said Mike Bari, squinting his eyes and turning toward the exit. He was standing in the hallway of the Sunshine Hotel, an S.R.O. above one of the Baris' warehouse units that the family inherited when it bought the building 15 years ago.

Once home to 200 residents, the hotel now houses just 40, with each man paying (or not paying) about $10 a day for the privilege of inhabiting one of its cell-like rooms. In the lobby, where a clerk collects rent and a painting of the main characters from "The Sopranos" hangs on the wall, the Baris greet nearly every resident with a warm familiarity.

"We're not looking to throw anybody out," said Anton Bari, when asked why he doesn't simply convert the Sunshine into $4,000-a-month apartments. "If they had to leave here, they'd be lost."

Here's a clip from the documentary Sunshine Hotel:

[Photo via Forgotten New York Sunshine photo via Tom Warren.]

Here's to Walter's

Walter's on Eighth Avenue between 29th Street and 30th Street celebrates their 20th anniversary today. (Sure, there will be drink specials starting at 8 a.m., but don't expect a buyback with such cheapo prices.) A fine dump this is. Here's to 20 more. Please.

Love the copy on the their Web site:

Walters is your place for a peace of mind (well, sometimes you get a piece of our mind). The ambiance will remind you of a place long forgotten or finally found (they don't make 'em like they used to).
You see, you may walk into Walter's Bar a stranger, but you'll leave a regular. Walter's is like a home and the people are like family to anyone that walks in.

Okay, enough politeness, WE ARE A PLACE TO GET DRUNK!!!.

Let them mumble awhile

Nathan Lee reviews Let Them Chirp Awhile today in the Times:

Having heard once too often that his outfit is kind of lame, Bobby (Justin Rice), a useless East Village hipster, tucks into the American Apparel store on Houston Street and picks out a baby blue T-shirt with some help from Charlotte (Charlotte Af Geijerstam), a failed actress in hot pants and leg warmers. Later they meet for a drink and commiserate about their boring, complacent, privileged lives.

The old city,” Bobby muses, “like the one that I dreamed about, the one from the movies. It’s not there anymore. Maybe we’re both just maladjusted, you know, like we’re living in the past.”

And thus, for one brief moment, does “Let Them Chirp Awhile” acknowledge the source of its painfully unsympathetic take on postcollegiate New Yorkers who think themselves artists but don’t have an original thought in their heads.

Written and directed by Jonathan Blitstein, the movie really does live in an imaginary past, the one immortalized in classic Woody Allen films. How else to explain why Bobby and his circle of friends name-drop Chekhov, pontificate on Bergman, crack tired jokes about Los Angeles and spend all their time either failing at relationships or kvetching about their inadequacies while whimsical jazz coos on the soundtrack?

This sort of thing was indulgent enough the first time around; transplanted to the mumblecore milieu, it’s intolerable.

The Voice, meanwhile, says that while the narrative falls apart, it remains pretty hilarious from scene to scene. Time Out gives it three stars out of six.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank you very little

And did you see Citi's fancy gatefold ad with Mary J. Blige in the New Yorker?

Meanwhile, in the Post today:

A new Citigroup scandal is engulfing Robert Rubin and his former disciple Chuck Prince for their roles in an alleged Ponzi-style scheme that's now choking world banking.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

The package of 17 EV buildings that were sold twice in two years are on the chopping block again (Blah Blog Blah)

30 years of Eva's (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Looking at McNally's Bowery cornerspot (BoweryBoogie)

Mayor Bloomberg darkened his economic forecast yesterday, warning that the city's deficit for fiscal year 2010 will come in higher than the $1.3 billion estimated last month because tax revenues keep dropping. (New York Post)

Boobs: A strip-club ad offends some folks. (Queens Crap)

The yule log returns! (Runnin' Scared)

Questionable prostitution charges rock video stores (Gay City News)

Buy your xmas tree with a credit card! (Lost City)

The other afternoon at the Blarney Cove

On 14th Street just past Avenue A. Can't resist that sign. Will have one drink.

Maybe 12 people in the place.

The man puts a few bills in the jukebox. When "Smooth," the Santana/Rob Thomas ditty, comes on, he and his wife start to dance in the front of the bar.

Helene, with a wink, says the place is going to be busted for violating the cabaret laws. The two dance very well together.

An Andrea Bocelli song comes on. The couple slow dance. In the back, another man and woman -- these two much older -- also dance. We're all going to be thrown in jail, Helene says with a laugh.

James Brown comes in. Popeye 86'd him previously. He can't stay. So James Brown smiles, shakes a few hands and leaves.

The older woman who had been dancing in the back collects her cart with the Rite Aid and Associated bags she had parked under the TV and makes her exit.

One of the regulars keeps apologizing for no reason. Stop apologizing, the others say -- you're not in church.

One of the old-timers sitting in the middle of the long bar dozes off.

Five drinks later, I leave. Still light out.

Blarney Cove (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

A new store is opening that people may actually be able to afford

Too often I expect the worst when I see empty storefronts, as if the new tenant will be -- all together now -- the ever-popular bank brank or Fro-Yo shoppe or Duane Reade or ramen noodle house or... (And why wouldn't I feel this way?)

Anyway! To some relief, I suppose, here's what's coming to 23 Avenue B near Second Street:

(Look how they're already putting the fear into potential shoplifters!)

By the way, I counted 10 empty storefronts/restaurants on Avenue B between Second Street and Fifth Street, the site of the former Zips deli. Add that with the six or seven I counted on Avenue B between 12th Street and 14th Street a few weeks back and, well, that's a lot of empty storefronts/restaurants. Maybe landlords should stop hiking rents. Has the CB3 has effectively put an end to new bars/restaurants in the vacant spaces? Is Avenue B over as a destination spot? (Ha. I know, I know.)

Perbacco Tries to Move into Carne Vale Space (Eater)

Avenue B dragnet targets clubs, cabs, rowdy drinkers (The Villager)

East Villagers say nightlife scene is a nightmare (The Villager)

Former Save the Robots Space Is for Sale (Grub Street)


In the East Village, local cuisine is quickly whittling down to a single food: pig. With new pork-bun outlets and ramen shops, porchetta and hot dog specialists, plus bacon peanut brittle as a local bar snack (at The Redhead), the area is all bellied up.
(New York Times)

Speaking of pigs, is Porky's still open? Good times!


In one of the community gardens on East Eighth Street near Avenue C.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Via ComedyJuice:

Don't Let the Muggles Know! - w4mm - 30 (East Village)
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-12-02, 12:27AM EST

I am a lonely, beautiful woman living alone with my cat, Mrs. Norris. I work as a janitor. You will refer to me as Filch.
I need at least 5 men. You will arrive at my apartment. There will be a picture of a fat lady on the door, and you will tell her the pre-arranged password. You will be dressed based on your character. The characters I need are listed below.
Harry Potter: You must be barely legal, and arrive with your firebolt ready for the best game of quidditch you'll ever play.
Ron Weasley: You absolutely must have red hair and freckles. You must show up with firewhiskey.
Draco Malfoy: Blonde. Be able to cry on demand.
Remus Lupin: You will alternate between wolf and man. Howl, baby, howl!
Albus Dumbledore: You must be a proud gay man ready to penetrate every other man present You must have a beard and wear a wizard's hat and half-moon spectacles.
As you arrive, I shall chain you to the walls of my apartment, which I will have converted into a dungeon. Mrs. Norris shall excite you all into the most aroused state you've ever experienced (I've trained her well, so don't worry--if she fails to tickle your pickle, though, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve--engorgio, anyone?).
After I punish you all for being out after curfew, and take a few house points, Harry will escape, grab me around the waist, and begin sodomizing me. With each stroke, he will yell out one of the wrongs I have committed against him (example: "and THIS is for helping Umbridge"). After we've both come harder than Hagrid in heat, Ron and Draco will escape.
Ron will beat Draco with a broomstick I'll provide. Then, he will penetrate the Slytherin with the Cleansweep, who will, at this point, be crying about how his dad's in Azkaban.
Lupin will escape as he "transforms" into a wolf. He forgot his wolfsbane potion tonight! He will have his way with whatever his wolfy instincts demand!
I will then pleasure Ron. With my dirty squib mouth.
Finally, Dumbledore will escape and exact his right as Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Then, firewhiskey all around!
Who knows what else the night will bring...
Please send pictures, preferably in costume. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, and I've been haunted by this fantasy since PoA came out (the book, of course). Please please please help me to realize it!
Also, if you know any submissive small men, we might add a Dobby to the fun.

Hanging 10

To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of city guide NFT (Not For Tourists), Caroline at Flavorwire asked Managing Editor Craig Nelson for "choice snippets" from the first edition of NFT:

The East Village: “We think David’s Bagels on First Avenue rocks. However a Citibank on 7th Street and B would be nice.”

The Lower East Side: “Our favorite hangout is Tonic on Norfolk — great music, great café, great vibe. Also check out Soft Skull Press in the same building. This area is not the culinary capital of Manhattan, unless you love fried chicken at McDonald’s."

The Financial District: “Mayor Giuliani is trying to convince people that downtown is an excellent place to live. There’s nothing here. It’s totally dead at night.”

And some NFT faves from a decade ago...?

The Lanksy Lounge: “Great space, packed with hyenas.”
Howard Johnson’s: “A Times Square haven in a sea of madness.”
Florent: “One of the best places on the planet.”
Tower Records: “For all your mainstream needs.”