Saturday, March 21, 2009

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Highlights from elsewhere in the NYC blogosphere (Patell and Waterman's History of New York)

The REAL reason Valerie Solanas wanted to waste Warhol (Page Six)

Graffiti artists vs. the cops who used the hunt them (The New York Times)

John Penley is going somewhere -- Erie, Pa.? Newark, N.J.? (Scoopy's Notebook, last item)

Faded signs on the LES (Ephemeral New York)

Thought this was a bear market? Twelve years of beekeeping on NYC rooftops (Lancaster Farming, and no snickering)

Annoyed Parisians can blame NYC for L’Experimental Cocktail Club (The New York Times)

Meanwhile, George Clooney in talks to play Bukowski (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Got limos? (BoweryBoogie)

Finding the beauty at the South Street Seaport (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

Action at the long-delayed Fulton transit hub (A Fine Blog)

Lionel Ziprin, 84: "A brilliant, baffling, beguiling voice of the Lower East Side and the East Village"

The Times has the obituary today for Lionel Ziprin, who died this past Sunday. He was 84.

Mr. Ziprin, a brilliant, baffling, beguiling voice of the Lower East Side and the East Village in all its phases — Jewish, hipster and hippie — died last Sunday in Manhattan. He was 84. The cause was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, his daughter Zia Ziprin said.

For decades, Mr. Ziprin, a self-created planet, exerted a powerful gravitational attraction for poets, artists, experimental filmmakers, would-be philosophers and spiritual seekers.

He ran his apartment, on Seventh Street in the East Village, as a bohemian salon, attracting a loose collective that included the ethnomusicologist Harry Smith, the photographer Robert Frank and the jazz musician Thelonious Monk, who would drop by for meals between sets at the Five Spot. Bob Dylan paid the occasional visit.

And now: Songs for Schizoid Siblings by Lionel Ziprin and Leyna d'Ancona...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Saluting some heroes from Forest Hills

Peter Parker and the Ramones.

Avenue B fire damage

Here's a look at some of the exterior damage from yesterday's fire at 30 Avenue B...

A little something to go with the Christmas decorations that are still up at Nino's

Another fire in the East Village

There was a fire yesterday afternoon at 30 Avenue B in a top-floor apartment between Second Street and Third Street. Reader/blogger Suzy at The byrds are singing blue sent along the following video...

No report just yet on the cause of fire. A Curbed tipster wrote, "It appears that no one was hurt in the 4 alarm blaze thanks to the Fire Department's speedy response (they were on the scene within 4 minutes)."

This comes on the heels of a nearby fire on March 12...this blaze occurred at 215 E. Fourth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. Bob Arihood was on the scene and filed a report. (Be sure to read the comments to his post.) There are some other photos from this fire here at Flickr.

Looking back at another Avenue B fire

Yesterday's fire on Avenue B brought back memories of a major blaze...this one at 42 Avenue B between Third Street and Fourth Street happened on Jan. 30, 2004. It reportedly left tenants from 16 apartments in two buildings without homes. Click here for coverage from The Villager.

[Villager photo by Bob Arihood]

Unzipping the mystery at Zips (trying to, anyway)

There's no shortage of chitchat among a few neighbors [that I happen to know] of the former Zips Deli on Avenue B at Fifth Street. Rumors abound that this space will become an upscale diner-type place, though I never report on unconfirmed facts, unsubstantiated rumors or other un-words. Oh, oops. Anyway! Something is happening here...

Yesterday, a worker was removing the graffiti from the front doors.

And there has been plenty of hammering and nailing kind of thing happening behind the brown-papered doors. An EV Grieve tipster who caught a look inside said the interior is shaping up to look like an upscale diner-type place, though you likely already knew that by now.

The EV Grieve tipster frets that what goes in this spot could have a negative impact on the neighborhood...if it's something obnoxious that attracts the let's-be-loud-and-pee/barf-in-the-streets-real-late-and-yell-for-a-cab crowd from outside the neighborhood. The people who are already going to a few places just south of here on Avenue B.

Check out this shot of Zips on Flickr...

Houston and Avenue B in 1997....and 2007

Two weeks back, we mentioned the new mural by Chico and Tats Cru on Houston and Avenue B.

Here's a quick look at some recent history of the corner...

May 2007:

September 1997:

Someone wasn't a big fan of the Royal Family....hence the "die" mustache for the late Diana, Princess of Wales.

[The 2007 photo via the Associated Press; the 1997 photo via the Grieve family camera]

Michael Rosen discusses Formula Retail Zoning

This week's issue of The Villager includes an op-ed written by Michael Rosen titled Fighting on many fronts to protect our neighborhood. In the article, Rosen, a founder of the East Village Community Coalition, discusses Formula Retail Zoning ... and this video made by Nicholas Whitaker for the East Village Community Coalition.

Formula Retail Zoning from Nicholas Whitaker on Vimeo.

Rhyming and dating

I was reminded it that it's Spring Break for some colleges...a time when students go to warm places and drink and act dumber more than usual. Here's a clip featuring the Beastie Boys from MTV's Spring Break 1987 coverage of the wackiness in Daytona Beach. Back before the Beastie Boys became sensitive and stuff. Try not to cringe.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Spend an evening with Drew Hubner and Jim Coleman -- next Tuesday (East of Bowery)

Biker Bill has words for Biker Billy the chef (Slum Goddess)

The LES bartender who tried to kill Teddy Roosevelt (Ephemeral New York)

On 64 years living in the West Village (Washington Square Park)

A curious closed-up shop on Court Street (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Say goodbye to a big chunk of Delancey (Curbed)

Alex can't help but keep looking at the former Cedar Tavern space (Flaming Pablum)

No dinner for this Red Tailed Hawk tonight (Neither More Nor Less)

A night out at the Village Barn (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

Where the Sun still shines (BoweryBoogie)

What the fuck is A-rod doing in these photos? (The Superficial)