Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monsters are clearly attacking the Lower East Side, maybe

First, there was the Mystery Lot creature...

And now! EV Grieve reader Ben A. captured this shot last evening on Orchard just south of Stanton Street... there, above the 161...

We can't can't tell if this thing is coming or going... and whether 161 is the breeding ground for these creatures... to be continued — if there's time!

24-7 B.A.D. Burger opening on Avenue A; fried chicken on waffles and vintage video games on tap

When we last checked in with Keith Masco back in October, he was considering opening a 24-7 diner/arcade for his space at 171 Avenue A, site of the one-time planned home of a fishmonger.

So he has decided to drop his plans for Sea on A here. Instead, Masco will be opening the first Manhattan location of his B.A.D. Burger in South Williamsburg. (The BAD stands for Breakfast All Day.)

"There will be a dessert bar, a juice bar, breakfast all day and basically the same menu as the one we opened in Williamsburg," Masco told me via email. "There will also be Xbox, Playstation TVs in the back room as well as a few vintage games like Asteroids or Pac-man. We may apply for a beer and wine license down the line."

He added that they're "very vegetarian and vegan friendly." He hopes to be ready to open in four weeks.

You can read New York's review of B.A.D. Burger here. Eater takes a look at the "nutzo" Brooklyn B.A.D. menu (BBQ Shrimp Pancakes!) here.

How DBGB is 'pissing on the grave' of punk rock

So when you visit the DBGB website...

...you might hear something awfully familiar — particularly if you're a Clash fan.

So let's have The Gurgling Cod tell the tale:

I clicked over to the website for Boulud's fancy sausage burger joint, DBGB, and literally could not believe my ears. I thought that I had a stray tab open, for I had no other explanation for why "The Magnificent Seven" was playing over my office computer speakers. But, no. Boulud has, in fact, taken that bete noire of restaurant websites, background music, and extended the whole pissing on the grave of punk rock brand by having the fucking Clash as his background music. For nineteen dollar hamburgers.

I am not an entertainment lawyer ... But, my hunch is that you need to pay to use music someone else recorded for your commercial website. At the very least, let's hope that Joe Strummer's kids get free nine dollar hotdogs when they are in town.

(H/T Patell and Waterman’s History of New York)

Origins of the Mystery Lot Monster revealed!

During the weekend, a mysterious creature appeared in the Mystery Lot off 13th Street...

Most people thought it was likely just a student art project ... or a prank. That's what THEY what you to believe. We noticed the usual entry points into the lot have been sealed. So how did this thing get inside?

Well, this one-time innocuous photo taken during the winter by EV Grieve reader Ann now offers conclusive evidence...

The creature was hatched from this pod that fell to Earth from parts unknown.*

[* "allegedly"]

From mice to leaks, First Houses are showing their age

City Limits has a lengthy piece in its new issue on First Houses, the first public housing complex in the United States here on East Third Street between First Avenue and Avenue A.

Things aren't going so well inside the historic location. There are stories of mice eating their way through the worn floorboards and a resident who has been battling the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) for 15 years over a persistent leak.

Per the article:

"The feeling among some residents in First Houses falls somewhere between pride and worry about the historic landmark that they call home. Lashawna Kelly, who lives in another of the eight buildings comprising First Houses, is fighting her own battles against leaks and cheap, falling doors."

Read the whole article here.

Go Japanese closes on St. Mark's Place

EV Grieve reader @EwingWeber notes that Go Japanese restaurant at 30 St. Mark's Place has closed. (Not sure exactly when they closed...) There's also a "for rent" sign (partially) up now...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cafe Centosette closes on Second Avenue

In recent weeks, we noticed "store for rent" signs on Cafe Centosette, the Italian restaurant on Second Avenue at 10th Street...

However, as these photos by EV Grieve correspondent Blue Glass show, the restaurant has closed...

Workers were removing equipment from the storefront this evening.

Reps for the restaurant or the realtor didn't return an email seeking comment.

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

A buyer for the Hotel Chelsea (Living with Legends & Curbed)

Opening statements in the 9th Precinct rape trial (WABC)

Architecture critic Justin Davidson on what a century and a half of stacked-up housing reveals about us (New York)

DWI arrests triple on the LES (BoweryBoogie)

A choice for Jewels (Nadie Se Conoce)

More of Bloomy's way (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Jesse Malin's East Village (The Post)

A flea market at the Boy's Club (East Village Corner)

And a new look for Jeremy Irons in the First Avenue L station via EVGrieve reader Michael ...

The Mystery Lot is living up to its name!

During the weekend, a reader sent along this photo from the beloved Mystery Lot on 13th Street... Good lord! What IS THAT!?

We investigated...

We also dispatched EV Grieve Technologically Advanced Form of Extraterrestrial Life Correspondent Bobby Williams to the scene...

It's either:

A) An art project created from materials found in the lot
B) An impromptu shelter
C) A monster

Being rational, we definitely think it's a MONSTER.

We also got this upclose shot via James and Karla Murray...

Why Counter is still open

As Eater reported on Nov. 16, wd~50 pastry chef Alex Stupak received the OK from the CB3/SLA for Empellon, "a fine-dining Mexican restaurant," at 105 First Ave., home now to Counter.

At the time, Counter owner Deborah Gavito said they'd be closing in February. She told Gothamist: "they were not priced out of the East Village, but rather she 'decided to simplify' her life and 'the day to day grind of running a restaurant became less and less appealing.'"

However, EV Grieve contributor Samo spotted this sign... in which executive chef Elena Balletta explains why Counter will be open for "another few months."

An Extra (special) Place for skateboarding

On Extra Place during the weekend... shots by EV Grieve Skateboarding Correspondent Bobby Williams

Figure you need to do this before the tables and chairs arrive some day...

200 Avenue A's future: Art gallery, with a full liquor license

200 Avenue A, currently the home of the empty Superdive, is on the docket for the CB3/SLA meeting next Monday. The group is calling themselves "Not a Bookstore Inc" — a nod to Superdive's Rapture Cafe & Books past.

During the weekend, workers representing the prospective tenants were on Avenue A collecting signatures in support of the new venture. According to residents, the new venture is from the same group who appeared before the CB3 in November with the idea of a restaurant/lounge "that involves all the senses," including maybe a smell machine. And what is the new idea for 200 Avenue A? "Art gallery with full liquor license."