Sunday, December 30, 2012

Avenue C leads the Year in Pictures

I didn't look at the Times today. Just too much going on... However, Dave on 7th sent me a photo of the front of the Sunday Review section... a photo looking north on Avenue C from East Seventh Street following the Superstorm Sandy surge... looking at this photo, I'm amazed that anything is back open, to be honest ...


Here's a direct link to the above image... thanks to Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C for the link...

Week in Grieview

[Photo of Avenue A the other evening via Bobby Williams]

An anti-7-Eleven sticker campaign (Wednesday)

Your picks for East Village dream homes (Thursday)

Classic menu typo (Monday)

EVG favorite Whole Earth Bakery & Kitchen has closed on St. Mark's Place (Friday)

Holiday greeting from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street (Friday)

Little Italy Pizza abruptly closes on Third Avenue (Monday)

Living above Mighty Quinn's can be mighty smelly (Monday)

East Village bars that will be open all night on New Year's Eve (Thursday)

An amenity to die for in Stuy Town (Thursday)

SantaCon evil spreads upstate (Monday)

La Vie returns (Monday)

[Updated] Hard up for attention, Penistrator imitator strikes on slow news weekend

EVG regular Spike was out enjoying the quiet, picturesque snowfall last night when he came upon this ...

The Penistrator Imitator left this one on East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue. There's never just one. Dicks never travel alone. Anyone else spot one this x-rated snowffiti?

Previously on EV Grieve:
An EV Grieve investigative report: In search of the Penistrator

A stunning development: Is Haley Joel Osment the Penistrator?

Snow is in the forecast tonight, which means....


EVG regular Lori E. Seid shared this shot from East First Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

Then there, uh, this... spotted by @JGerbz on East 11th Street and Avenue A...

There must be a connection...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Runaway dog

A reader shares this from late this afternoon:

I was walking west on St Mark's Place toward Broadway. I heard somebody shouting "Stop that dog!" Then saw a group of guys running down Lafayette, but I didn't see a dog.

Shortly thereafter, I saw an exhausted woman with a leash trying to run to the direction of the shouting.

I kept walking and turned north on Broadway. I had reached 9th Street when I heard the shouting again. I saw a very wet golden retriever-ish dog running in the street and against traffic, but directly toward me. The dog skillfully dodged my attempt to catch it, and proceeded to dart its way through oncoming traffic before ... disappearing again.

The reader asks:
Any other reports of this story? Does anyone know how it ended?

Another wet-tailed hawk sighting in Tompkins Square Park

Was hoping for a snow-tailed hawk. Photo by Bobby Williams.

The NYPD is looking for this suspect in attack on jogger in East River Park Thursday

Just before noon on Thursday morning, a man attacked a 42-year-old woman jogging in East River Park near East Houston. The attacker reportedly removed the woman's pants, but he left the scene when she fought back, according to CBS New York.

The victim was taken to Beth Israel Hospital in stable condition, with minor bruises, DNAinfo reported.

The NYPD released the above sketch of the alleged suspect. Police describe him as a light-skinned black or Hispanic male in his late teens, early 20s. He was seen wearing a grey hoodie and green sweat pants during the time of the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477).

[Image via CBS New York]

Report: The Living Room set to close in January

Potential bad news for live music fans. BoweryBoogie has the scoop that the Living Room is set to close at the end of January.

Skyrocketing rents (shocker!) will chase the Living Room from its home these past 10 years on Ludlow.

However! The owners have launched a crowdsourcing campaign to help them fund a move to new space somewhere else in the neighborhood. You can read about their campaign at Pledge Music.

And you can watch this video...

Also, yesterday, The Lo-Down reported that the team behind Piano's (and 7A and Virage) are looking to take over the Living Room's current space for some kind of live music-gallery venture. The group appears before the CB3/SLA committee next month.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Luna Lounge owner Rob Sacher on Joey Ramone, a new CBGB and what killed the Lower East Side

Friday, December 28, 2012

Last Friday of 2012...

From late this afternoon... looking south from Tompkins Square Park by peter radley...

...and to the west via Bobby Williams....

What a way to Go

Yaz (Yazoo in the UK) with "Don't Go" circa 1982...

Happy holidays from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

We first met Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street in March after her owners brought her home from a shelter.

Since then, she has had a few adventures. Such as going for a swim. Or chasing pigeons, avoiding aggressive terrier mix types and dining out. And buying her first Christmas tree.

And now, a year-end message from her owners.

Kita has had a marvelous first East Village holiday. She got some neat presents but none have impressed her as much as the ever more esoteric doggie snacks she gets from that fancy pet food shop on East 9th Street. Her favorite is some sort of a yak milk bar she guards jealously. We’ve tried discussing the carbon footprint of imported yak milk but she is so far unimpressed.

After being shut in during the hurricane, Kita was delighted to go back out into the light of day and exercise her right to vote.

She was a bit dismayed by the long lines but had nothing to compare it as this was her first time voting in this district. We’re pretty sure she voted straight ticket for the Working Families Party but she’s reluctant to disclose that publically given she’s still mulling a run for CB3.

Kita wishes everyone a happy and healthy New Year. And may it be filled with yak milk chews!

On the next episode: Kita attends her first CB3/SLA meeting, and receives dirty looks when she barks out loud upon hearing an applicant say "We just want the license to pair wine with our homemade peanut brittle."

Previously on EV Grieve:
The further adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

The further (often truly) amazing adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

Auction Sunday at the closing Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen on St. Mark's Place

As we've been reporting, the Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen at 130 St. Mark's Place is closing for good after 34 years in business... tomorrow is the last day. Be sure to stop by and say goodbye to owner Peter Silvestri. Neighbors are planning a farewell party at 6 p.m.

And on Sunday, the auctioneer arrives to sell off the remaining equipment...

Per the Craigslist ad, the auction starts at the shop at 2 p.m.

And another little piece of the community dies...


Farewell to these East Village takeout and delivery menus

I last cleaned up the Grieve menu drawer back in October 2011. (Relive the memories here!)

It was time to do so again: The drawer doesn't easily open. Or close. Too many menus.

Which, as I said at the time, is quite stupid. I usually order from the same few places. But the volume does impress guests.

"Want to order in some food? Great! Here are 768 menus to choose from!"

Until your guest selects something from a place that closed four years ago.

And so — farewell to the menus...