Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hoodie mass this morning at Middle Collegiate Church

At the Middle Collegiate Church at 122 Second Ave. this morning:

In response to the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, on Sunday, July 14 at 11:15 am at Middle Collegiate Church, our multiracial congregation, will wear hoodies in memory of Trayvon Martin and those who like him who have been killed. Congregants will be invited to wear their hoodies as the church prays for the healing of our nation.

Senior minister, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis said, "I am devastated by this verdict. In our confusion and in our grief it is time to gather in God’s house to pray and support each other. As generations before us, we must gather to be rooted in our faith and work toward peace and healing for our country."

WABC was on the scene earlier...


The New York City Marble Cemetery is open until 5 today on East 2nd Street

From the EVG inbox...

The New York City Marble Cemetery invites you to visit on our Neighborhood Open Day on SUNDAY JULY 14th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Come and enjoy our peaceful green space

*Upcoming Dates*

Summer Neighborhood Open Days
Saturday, August 10th, 2013,
Sunday, September 15th, 2013,
11 am to 5 pm

East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Peaceful Rally for Trayvon Martin this afternoon in Union Square

And last night, nearly 50 people gathered for a demonstration in Union Square after hearing the news that George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the February 2012 deadly shooting of Trayvon Martin. According to the Daily News, the NYPD cleared Union Square around 2 a.m. (the group reportedly arrived around midnight).

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Today in Tompkins Square Park

Hildegard Ford, AKA the Four-Leaf Clover Lady of the East Village, offering some free advice...

Dance practice...

Free Palestine...


Free punk concert...

Photos by Bobby Williams...

Tonight: Unveiling ceremony for the 13 Portals

[File photo of Portal 0 on East 3rd Street via jdx]

Tonight is the official unveiling ceremony for the 13 Portals ... which are, via its website:

13 Portals is an interactive street art experience to be discovered in abandoned doorways on the sidewalks of New York City’s East Village this Summer, 2013. New York based artist, Nicolina & Brazilian artist Pérola M. Bonfanti seek to unite street art, technology and alchemy in these hand painted portals.

The project welcomes and invites open participation by all. Its objective is to “pass" through the series of 13 portals beginning by scanning a unique QR code on each piece. Once the code is scanned the participant will be prompted to answer a question, or complete a task, each with escalating difficulty or complexity. Once each task is accomplished, the subsequent portal’s location is revealed, and the participant directed to it. Each portal must be visited and cracked in order, before the participant can pass through the 13th, and final portal. Once all 13 portals have been completed, the shroud of mystery behind the works will be lifted, and the 13 portals’ esoteric secrets unlocked.

Portals 0 and 1 were revealed back in December ... Portal 0 is on East Third Street near Second Avenue while Portal 1 is on East Seventh Street and Avenue C... Every week, a new portal will be unveiled this summer...

Portal 2 will be unveiled tonight at 8:13 at a yet-to-be-announced location... Then at 9, there's an after party with bands and what not at ABC Sanctuary, 638 E. 6th St. between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Check out the Facebook event page with more info. Read more about Nicolina here.

Please don't steal tree pit plants

Bobby Williams spotted this Urban Etiquette Sign on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Well! Just when you thought it was going to be another boring Saturday in dreary old Manhattan... it's time for The East Village Visiting Neighbors Festival on Fourth Avenue, starting at East 14th Street ...

Vendors were just setting up when we passed through on our inspection... you will find the usual farm-to-table calzones... and handcrafted hair scrunchies...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Street fair! Street fair! Street fair!

Friday, July 12, 2013

For Love

Far from the best of The Damned, but a fine cover from 1987 of Love's "Alone Again Or". And some video.

Tacos Morelos sign going up now on East 9th Street

Tacos Moreles, which currently has the delicious food cart over on Avenue A and East Second Street, is opening a restaurant at the former Empanadas Bar on East Ninth Street, as we first noted on June 24.

Anyway, the folks at WINESHOP sent along the photo of workers putting up the sign this afternoon ... and given the "bar" on the sign, it looks as if they will be serving beer like the Empanadas Bar ...

We hear that they will be looking to open in the next week, 10 days...

3 ConEd barricades and 1 trash can later, city fills Second Avenue sinkhole


Looking good here now in the middle of Second Avenue and East Seventh Street...

... where a sinkhole was threatening the integrity of [___________].

The Citi Bike stationary workout is for real

Lame parodies aside, people are apparently using Citi Bikes for a stationary workout... Jose Garcia saw this woman going through a vigorous session the other day on East 10th Street outside Tompkins Square Park...

Per Jose: "She was taking breaks, had a towel to wipe her brow and a bottle of liquid to hydrate. She was enjoying herself."

And no membership or credit card necessary.

St. Mark's Place Fight Night

Updated: The video of the street fight is no longer on Vimeo, though it is now on YouTube.

Updated 7/14. Apparently the video has been removed from YouTube. On Friday night, someone using a gmail account with "gibberish" as the name told us to remove this post or face "legal action."

Last night via Jordy (of the Temple of Ramentology and Cult of Joe and the doorshitter...) Per the Vimeo description:

"It all started when a drunk Asian kid was pissing on the stairs of Search & Destroy. The skate kids walk by and make a comment about him pissing. The Asian kid stops mid flow then steps up to the black skater kids and says 'I'm Asian motherfucker!' Right after that I started filming the Asian kid and his drunk ass friends get the crap kicked out of them."