Monday, October 5, 2009

A vote against Mr. $115 ticket

Just a little anti-Bloomy (Mr. $115 Ticket!) graffitti on Cooper Square near Fourth Street.

Have a trust fund?

Film shoots are so commonplace, they're hardly worth noting. Still. "How to Make it in America" is filming today around Tompkins Square Park... and the premise of this series?

It's an HBO comedy from Mark Wahlberg's "Entourage" production team ... The plot "focuses on the attempts of twentysomethings Ben (Bryan Greenberg) and Cam (Victor Rasuk) to hustle their way through New York in pursuit of the American dream."


BoweryBoogie notes the crew has been camping out on the LES as well.


Hustle their way through New York...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

(Gestating) Trend alert

From the Post:

Of all the dubious fashion trends in recent memory — rompers for grown-ups, homeless chic, the cowboy boot in summer — none is more dubious and perplexing than this latest one: Looking like you forgot your pants.

It is, at the moment and among a certain subset of fashion girls, the most avant-garde mode of dress: Pairing a tailored Oxford shirt with a boyfriend blazer and $500 shoes, topped with some artfully tousled bed-head and smudged eyeliner. And off to work!

As with most ridiculous trends, it gestated on the streets of Williamsburg and the Lower East Side for a year before its embrace by the mainstream.

In any event, I'm still introducing my new top for men -- The Jennings.

Photo via.

The Polish Victory at Monte Cassino float

Saw this scene earlier today in front of the Saint Stanislaus Church at 101 Seventh St. A float for the 72nd Annual Pulaski Day Parade. (Curtis Sliwa was the grand marshal.) The Church's float was commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Polish Victory at Monte Cassino.

Report: NYU enrollment up 33 percent since 1990

From the Post today:

Cachet trumps cash.

Despite the downturn in the economy, New York University -- one of the priciest colleges in the county -- enrolled its largest student body in decades this year, school officials told The Post.

Just as the recession sent record numbers of students to New York's more affordable public colleges, the vaunted Greenwich Village school saw its highest enrollment since at least 1990 -- the most recent year for which data was readily available, according to school officials.

The upswing comes at a time when annual tuition, room and board at NYU hit nearly $52,000.

More than 21,600 undergraduates enrolled at NYU this school year -- up nearly 400 from last year -- while more than 18,200 graduate students enrolled -- a one-year spike of nearly 800 enrollees.

Overall since 1990, the school's enrollment has surged by an impressive 33 percent -- or roughly 10,000 students.

Jeez, we're going to need more dorms! And bars! (For those of-age students who choose to go out, of course...)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

The New York Nobody Sings

For whatever reason I always play an NYC-related music video Friday, may I invite you to The New York Nobody Sings site instead...?

Inside the Economakis dream mansion on East Third Street

In this week's issue of The Villager, Scoopy gets a tour of the renovations at 47 E. Third St., where the Economakis family is making their 11,600-square-foot dream home from the former 15-unit tenement.

To some excerpts!

Except for the areas that the family is still using, the place has been completely gutted in the past month — with just the floors, the stairs and the building’s brick shell remaining. The old roof is still on, but will be replaced soon. With peppy enthusiasm, Catherine Economakis led the tour, first showing us her “dream kitchen” she had installed on the second floor, complete with a fully stocked stainless steel refrigerator, adjacent to their combination living room/dining room. Moving into the freshly gutted areas — where nothing at all is left of the former apartments — Catherine showed where they will blast through a wall to create a new doorway so that she won’t have to make the “50-yard dash,” as she put it, between the kitchen and the new dining room proper — that is, once they build the dining room in the rear of the building where one of the tenant’s apartments used to be.


The Economakises also proudly note they have even restored the building’s cornice, which had been removed, and have cleaned and pointed the old tenement’s front brickwork. Catherine stated they intend to live there their whole lives. Alistair, saying one can never know what the future holds, assured they’ll stay there at least 10 years — if not 20 years, and yes, maybe even forever.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Alistair Economakis is suing his cousin Evel for libel

And Economakis gets the whole building for his dream mansion

The 47 E. 3rd St. protest in video

At the 47 E. 3rd St. protest

Conspiracies: Where are all the fliers?

Bull session

Just going through my camera and finding photos that I took toward the end of the summer... Perhaps the city should charge thrillseekers such as these for a ride.... will give new meaning to bull market....

I liked it when this fellow started to pretend as if he was humping the horn...

(And not quite as wonderful as the shot Dealbreaker last summer...)

Foreigner affairs

I recently had an event in my life — the kind in which people may give you birthday presents. [Pause for applause] A family member with the best of intentions asked me for a few suggestions — a book, DVD, CD. That kind of thing. So I came up with a short list. On that list: Amos Poe's "The Foreigner," complete with some great shots of the EV via 1978. (Alex recently wrote about this film...) And on this glorious day, I opened the package. And....

Well, it's no "Half Past Dead" — but what is?

I also received a John Varvatos shopping spree for my birthday

Reminder tonight: Chicago Bliss vs. the New York Majesty

The New York Majesty kicks off their Lingerie League season at Nassau Coliseum vs. the Chicago Bliss...

This is going to be a difficult test for the Majesty. Chicago already has one game this season under their belts, defeating the Miami Caliente 29-19.

I'm imagining how the games might be covered in the press....

There are three things to expect from the Bliss. The first is for Saran Dunmore to play a big role for them. The best receiving back in in the Lingerie League should see a healthy amount of screen passes coming her way trying to neutralize an overly aggressive blitz. I also expect to see plenty of two tight end sets. Deborah Poles is a matchup nightmare for the Majesty. The third thing to expect is plenty of no huddle spread sets. The Bliss used these to great success versus Miami. It opened the middle of the field for Saran Dunmore to run for 62 yards. Anyway!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let's Get Lost (New York)

You likely have read about this elsewhere. But! Cyrus R. K. Patell and Bryan Waterman have organized a most impressive two-day conference for tomorrow and Saturday titled Lost New York, 1609-2009. The entire program is here. The conference is sponsored by the Department of English and Humanities Initiative at NYU.

Of interest:


Sukhdev Sandhu (New York University), moderator


Lost City
Ephemeral New York
Flaming Pablum: Vanishing Downtown
Bowery Boogie

Pub crawl haters! FroYo! FroYo! We want a bank branch! We want a bank branch! Starbucks are good for NYC! Starbucks are good for NYC!

Kidding! This will be an invigorating discussion... I won't be in town for it this Saturday. However, Bryan Waterman was nice enough to talk to me and Jeremiah Moss about blogging and what not in advance.


Concerned residents forwarded me the copy of this message...

Residents of E 4th Street and Avenue B area,

Have your sleepless nights returned? Have you noticed that the noise and mayhem on Avenue B and the adjacent streets has returned?

Unfortunately, sad but true, the case against them was dismissed on a technicality and they are open under temporary license and coming up for a license renewal hearing in the next week or so. If you want to maintain your sanity and get some sleep at night, here are somethings you must do for yourself and the good of the community;

(FYI - Le Souk's Address is 47 Avenue B btwn 3 & 4 Streets)

1. PLEASE phone the SLA right now Complaint Hotline
(212) 961-8378. EVERY day counts. EVERY complaint/voice counts.
SEND your complaints and comments to the SLA.

2. If you'd prefer not to call, here's an easy link to file a complaint to the SLA.

3. As per Susan Stetzer, our CB3 District Manager, everyone must call 311 when the noise is crazy so that the complaints will be logged into the system. They will give you a complaint number which you should then send via email to Community Board 3.

4. If you prefer to send a snail mail letter to the SLA, you may do so at the below address.

PLEASE send a letter protesting this to

Attention: Dennis Rosen
New York State Liquor Authority, Zone One
317 Lenox Avenue, 5th floor
New York NY10027
Please CC: Susan Stetzer who is monitoring the situation.

5. Please come to the CB3 meeting on October 19th at 6:30p to voice your opinions. Le Souk is on the calendar for that meeting.

SLA/DCA Licensing Committee
JASA/Green Residence
200 East 5th Street at Bowery

PLEASE TAKE ACTION ASAP!!!! It will only take a few moments, and the relative peace we had when Le Souk was closed - is at stake !
Thank you for your support.

contact us at:

Photo by Yun Cee Ng via.