Friday, July 1, 2011

Above the Mars Bar: neighbor vows return; next door, killing rats

So the Mars Bar will be open a little longer ... However, some of the residents who live upstairs have already moved out... and per their curtain call, they'll be back.

Meanwhile, just a building down on Second Avenue, the baiting program begins ... the first sign in the demolition process...

Finally, at least one Mars Bar patron believes that the place won't be open today... to prevent any kind of teary farewells and looting. Just a feeling, that's all.

That's a wrap for the Film Academy Cafe on Astor Place

The demolition of 51 Astor Place begins today (abatement, etc.). And with that, the Film Academy Cafe had to vacate its home of 18 months... Wednesday was the Cafe's last day. Workers gutted the place yesterday.


Dukovny Floors closes on First Avenue

[Photo by Blue Glass]

Both Blue Glass and Dave on 7th noted that Bernard Dukovny Floors on First Avenue just north of 11th Street has closed...

I went to Google Maps for a Street View... and the Google mobile caught Mr. Dukovny standing in front of his store...

I keep wondering what he was thinking about...

Open Road Park back open last evening

Dunno if it was supposed to be yet... but the gates were open... and I counted 14 skateboarders inside...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Open Road Park closed now on 12th Street

Why the Open Road Park is closed

Happy endings: No more blood on the bench

On Wednesday, we wrote about the new bench adjacent to the MTA ticket machines on Second Avenue just south of 14th Street.... the one with the dried blood on it... EV Grieve reader Peter figured it had been there for five days. MTA officials standing there told him that it wasn't there problem.


Anyway! As of last evening, the blood is gone.


Now if someone would only pick up that coffee cup!

And now, the newly designed menu at Odessa

Matt Rosen at Neighborhoodr notes the newly designed menu at EV Grieve favorite Odessa on Avenue A.

The previous menu seemed to be about, oh, 20 pages... Matt says that the new version is more streamlined.

Oscar winners film TV commercial in Yonah Schimmel, Katz's

A reader came across this scene earlier this week at Yonah Schimmel Knishery on Houston ... a crew was on the scene filming a commercial. After a little digging, it turns out this is a high-powered crew — Tom ("The King's Speech") Hooper on the left and Guillermo ("Pan's Labyrinth") Navarro on the right. They were also filming a scene at Katz's ... it's for a credit card commercial...

When using a Groupon at Veniero's

Last evening on 11th Street. Such confusion among the Grouponers! We even heard squealing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Before 'Raging Bull' tonight in Tompkins Square Park

Oh, don't worry — we won't be posting all these photos before every movie in Tompkins Square Park this summer... we were curious about the first one, what we could expect, etc.

If you went, what did you think? Of the scene, not the movie..

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Things to be advised about before watching 'Raging Bull'

On the way in to see "Raging Bull" tonight in Tompkins Square Park. In perpetuity, of course! Photo by Dave on 7th.

Avenue A, 7:17 p.m., June 30

Soon, 'Raging Bull'

Bobby Williams spotted crews setting up for the "Raging Bull" screening tonight in Tompkins Square Park... I remember those cheers...

...and it looks like quite a production, with sponsor tents and what not...

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Bobby Williams]

A rundown on the recent high-profile police activity on the LES (BoweryBoogie)

Ray becomes a naturalized citizen of the United States of America on July 15 (Neither More Nor Less)

About the changes coming to PS122 (The New York Times)

CIA activity on East Fourth Street? (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Return to the Chillmaster's (The Gog Log ... and Marty After Dark ... and Slum Goddess)

An update on Tuesday night’s riot outside Tammany Hall on Orchard Street (The Lo-Down)

2 great NYC neon signs (Ephemeral New York)

Tonight is your last chance to see the exhibit by photographer Jesper Haynes, titled "St. Marks 1986-2006" at Gallery Onetwentyeight, 128 Rivington St. Closing party tonight 6-9.

And Billy Leroy notes that The White Wolf of the Bowery told his pal The Grizzly Bear that there is a treasure trove of grease and blubber oozing out of Pulino's and to hurry up and wolf it down before those slick L.E.S. Rats get to it...

Just a few more hours left for Veselka at the First Avenue/Houston kiosk

Matt Duckor at The Feast reports this morning that Veselka closes today at noon at the First Avenue/Houston kiosk. They'll be vacating the space to make way for S'MAC. Meanwhile, Veselka Bowery is expected to open in the next year or two.

[Photo by Matt Duckor]