Sunday, February 17, 2013

Woo: Lawmaker wants to curb fee-based pub crawls

The Post reports today that Democratic Assemblyman Micah Kellner has introduced "a bill that would pull the plug on pub crawls by yanking the liquor licenses of bars that promote the boozy block-by-block odysseys."

"It creates mayhem," Kellner said. “We’re not trying to legislate common sense. What we can legislate is licensed liquor establishments promoting and enabling dangerous behavior.”

According to the article, "his bill targets bars that sponsor organized pub crawls requiring a fee to participate. Informal gatherings among friends would not be outlawed."

The article includes the classic "if people don't want" quote:

“If people don’t want to live around nightlife they shouldn’t live in Manhattan,” said Kevin Barry, a 27-year-old Upper East Sider. “It’s incredibly shortsighted.”

Speaking of pub crawls, a reader asked us if we saw the pub crawl last night that featuring a group of bar-hopping thrill-seekers all holding onto a rope and wearing wigs on Avenue A. So sorry that we missed it. But someone must have photos.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Pub crawl ban brewing?

Celebrating lent is getting out of hand

Outside St. Brigid-St. Emeric on Avenue B last night. Not sure where the stretch limo's occupants were.

Sunday morning with Zoltar


Saturday, February 16, 2013

[Updated] Report: 19-year-old woman dies on East 12th Street after night of drinking

A 19-year-old college student was found dead this morning in the lobby of 125 E. 12th St., according to published reports.

The Post reports:

A doorman discovered Jocelyn Pascucci — a Stony Brook University student from East Meadow — unconscious in the lobby of the building at East 12th Street and Third Avenue just before 5 am.

She had been bar-hopping in the neighborhood and drinking heavily, which may have exacerbated her heart condition, law enforcement officials said.

Pascucco, a Marine Vertebrate Biology major, got separated from friends and walked a short distance to the apartment building, wearing only one shoe, police sources said.

A doorman reportedly let her into the building because she looked "cold and drunk."


The Daily News has more information.

Jocelyn and her friends spent the first part of the evening at a concert at Webster Hall, family members said. They hit a few bars afterward, but she soon got separated from her group.

Her last stop was a bar just down the block from where she collapsed, police sources said.

Richard Pascucci said he and his wife had just driven to Stony Brook to help their daughter with laundry.

"We made cookies for her and brought them to her for Valentine's Day," he said. "We always used to go fishing. I’m going to miss that."


Several media outlets have posted Jocelyn's photo from Stony Brook's website.

Hawk vs. pigeon today in Tompkins Square Park

The pigeon eventually escaped... Later, though, the hawk dined on an already-dead pigeon... Photos by Bobby Williams... not sure if it was the same pigeon...

Things that we were staring at on the sidewalk outside McDonald's on Third Avenue today

[Updated] On the 'No 7-Eleven' Bodega Walk today

Via the No 7-Eleven Twitter account.


Group shot here by Ingrid Kellerman ...

And a video of the walk by Matteo Minasi ...

Off topic, be sure to check out the car at the 1:30 mark.

Today in meteor woo

As we first reported yesterday you may have heard, a meteor blast shook Russia's Urals region yesterday.

The Post had a local angle today:

That didn’t stop science geeks and party kids in the Big Apple from celebrating the cosmic rarity.

I’m getting drunk in honor of the asteroid,” said Maria Hess, 21, who bellied up to the bar at Jimmy’s 43 on the Lower East Side.

2nd 'No 7-Eleven' bodega walk today

From the EV Grieve inbox...


Friday, February 15, 2013

I'm so dizzy

Here's Red Lorry Yellow Lorry with "Spinning Around" from 1985.

2 Bros. Pizza now open on First Avenue

[Photos via AC]

The 2 Bros. Pizza location on First Avenue near East 14th Street opened today... and let the $1 pizza wars begin...

Eater's Greg Morabito put it this way the other day: "But really, there should be no competition here: Vinny Vincenz serves one of Downtown Manhattan's best utilitarian slices. The regular $2.50 slice is easily three or four times better than one of those crummy pieces of wet cardboard served at 2 Bros., or at any of the other dollar slice joints in the area."



The Nuyorican Poets Café has its new HVAC unit

[Via Facebook]

From the EV Grieve inbox...

This week, the Nuyorican Poets Café installed a new heating and air conditioning (HVAC) unit! Hurricane Sandy knocked out our heating in October; thanks to our fans and supporters, we finally have heat again at the Café

The Café on East Third Street between Avenue B and Avenue C also made an appearance this week on MTV's "Washington Heights." You can find that episode here. The Café is featured starting at the 3:50 mark for a few minutes, and then several times during the segment from 32 minutes in to the end.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Avenue C and East Second Street the other day]

A Jewish-Iraqi pop-up restaurant for East Ninth Street (DNAinfo)

A look at the work of Andrea Stella, founder of The Space at Tompkins (Take Part via HuffPost)

2 LES bars cited for alleged underage drinking (The Lo-Down)

Clayton Patterson op-ed: We need new LES leaders (The Villager)

Ruby's opens on the Coney Island Boardwalk in...

Muji opening a store on Cooper Square (BoweryBoogie)

Those romantic Ramones! (Montreal Gazette)

Why Quinn holds the cards on rezoning and landmarking (Off the Grid)

Losing this Brooklyn landmark? (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Hulu showing the entire Criterion Collection for free this weekend (Gothamist)

...and how many of those Kate Moss/Rag & Bone ads look like this...

The morning after

Seventh Street and Avenue C via Steven Matthews...

Every rose has its thorn
Just like every night has its dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has its thorn

Yeah it does — Bret Michaels, C.C. DeVille, Bobby Dall, Rikki Rockett