Tuesday, September 3, 2024

huupe dreams

Photo by Stacie Joy 

The "smart basketball hoop" installed last Thursday in Tompkins Square Park is currently out of commission. 

"It's not broken. It needs to be hard-wired into the city's system," said a technician on the scene. "[It] may be back online tomorrow sometime and will then be good for 24/7."

A company called huupe is behind the technology that provides feedback on your game. Per the city: "Its waterproof backboard functions as a video screen, delivering expert training content, live TV, and interactive elements to enrich the playing experience." 

The high-tech hoop will be here until early October.


Unknown said...

I hope someone is guarding that High Tech Hoop or it will probably end up getting stolen.

hywel dda said...

"Interactive elements" = commercials.

Fuzzball said...

"interactive elements" = facial recognition software


This thing annoys the shit out of me. People can't play basketball without a camera focused on them, having their data collected and then pumped back to - you guessed it - California? Tech Industry, get bent and leave us alone.


Nothing would make me happier.

Anon said...

Can this thing find my tennis balls