Sunday, April 28, 2013

(Shh! Zoltar is working again)

Be gentle.

And I took a Vine of him TALKING LOUDLY this morning right here.

East 10th Street, 10:20 a.m., April 28

Photo by Shawn Chittle.

Prepping for Cheap Trick on the Bowery

This morning around 9, the first truck rolled up to the John Varvatos store on the Bowery... to start preparing for tonight's Cheap Trick show ... where the band is celebrating the 35th anniversary of "At Budokan."

This area promises to get a lot more active as the day progresses... the NYPD already posted No Parking signs... so move that cart.

Deluxe boxset tickets were going for $500 tonight.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Monkey business

Oh, c'mon.

Photo in Tompkins Square Park today via Bobby Williams.


East Ninth Street and First Avenue this afternoon... via EVG regular William Klayer...


And another shot via Janko Puls ...

[Updated] Looking at the Astor Place Citi Bikes docking station

... that arrived Tuesday... Via an EV Grieve Vine...

I recommend muting this... and don't stare at it for too long... ... I removed the Vine ... and replaced it with photos...

Citi Bike docking station magically arrives overnight on E. 2nd. St.

Ah! @BennyPack reports that a Citi Bikes docking station was there waiting this morning on the southeast corner of Avenue C and Second Street. Anyone else wake up to a docking station in front of their building or street?


EVG reader Galwegian notes that someone is not impressed with one of those dumb surveys that you've been seeing around the last month or so ... this one on Avenue B near East Second Street...

Papaya Dog back open

Meant to note that Papaya Dog on First Avenue and East 14th Street is back open after a brief bout with the DOH earlier this week. Violations included "Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations," among other things you may not want to know about.


Officially at a loss now here outside Gem Spa.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Tonight in Tompkins Square Park

Filming the HBO series "The Newsroom."

Jeff?! Jeff! I love Jeff Daniels! Jeeeffffff! I love you! Shit, I lost my phone. I gotta pee. Oh shit...

C'mon, Get Happy

Captain Sensible backed by the Dolly Mixture with a cover of "Happy Talk" from 1982.

Workers spotted clearing out East Sixth Street synagogue awaiting condofication

Last we heard, there were still plans afoot to convert the Congregation Mezritch Synagogue at 415 E. Sixth St. into condos. The historic building in the new landmark district is in bad shape and the congregation has apparently dwindled.

Last month, CB3's Landmarks Subcommittee heard a proposal about the renovations, which include a penthouse addition and an elevator. Synagogue leaders reportedly signed a 99-year lease with East River Partners worth some $1.2 million.

The committee tabled the discussion for another meeting, as DNAinfo's Serena Solomon reported. (The proposal was set to go before the Landmarks Preservation Commission on April 9. We never heard what transpired at that meeting.)

There still aren't any permits on file with the city related to the latest project. Meanwhile, several readers have noted activity here between First Avenue and Avenue A... this afternoon, EVG reader Stephanie spotted workers removing items from the synagogue...


According to the DOB, when an inspector arrived for a second visit, "ACCESS DENIED BY MALE AT GROUND LEVEL ENTRANCE DOOR."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Play spot the potential penthouse atop the East Village synagogue

More details on plans for the former P.S. 64

[Bobby Williams]

As the photo from yesterday shows, workers continue to clear out the former P.S. 64 and CHARAS/El Bohio community center. Per the building permit on file with the city: "INTERIOR DEMOLITION OF NON LOAD BEARING PARTITIONS."

As you know, there are plans on file to convert the building into a 500-bed dorm called University House on East Ninth Street just east of Avenue B. Earlier in the month, developer Gregg Singer said that he already had a 15-year agreement for 200 of the beds with Cooper Union, as The Wall Street Journal first reported.

And Singer sat down with The Villager for a lengthy feature in this week's issue.

A few highlights of what Singer says will be a state-of-the-art facility:

The basement — formerly home to a 400-seat auditorium where F.D.R. once riled the masses, and where the Fringe Festival was staged — would now house a bike room, fitness center, TV lounge and game rooms outfitted with pool, ping-pong and foosball tables, along with Xbox and PlayStation consoles.

And how about the idea of bringing 500-students into a residential neighborhood?

“Manhattan has almost 2 million people. These kids are already coming to the East Village,” [Singer] said.

“They are putting three to four students in studios around here,” he noted. “This is a safe and managed environment. Isn’t that better than cramming them in all these brownstones?”


“Unused as an elementary school since 1977, the century-old structure sat empty for the past 11 years,” reads an April 18 press release on the University House dorm. “The building occupies much of the city block, where its vacancy has inhibited local development and the growth of small businesses in the neighborhood.”

Councilmember Rosie Mendez is not pleased with the developments here.

Mendez said she met with Cooper President Bharucha to voice her displeasure.

“I told him I’m not happy with this dorm plan, the community is not happy,” she said. “There will be protests, and I will be joining in when that happens.”

Read the whole article here.

Meanwhile, as we noted Tuesday, the East Village Community Coalition started a petition campaign that reads:


Respect our community. Respect this community treasure: Old P.S. 64 located at 605 East 9th Street.

Old P.S. 64, a designated New York City landmark, has a long and valued history serving our community. This building could easily serve our community again. Dormitory use of this building does not serve our community. Cooper Union should not house students in old P.S. 64.

We ask that old P.S. 64 be returned to use for our community.

Find the petition here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Will old PS 64 get a theater for nonprofit groups?

Rebranded P.S. 64 up for grabs: Please welcome University House at Tompkins Square Park to the neighborhood

Deed for 'community facility use only' at the former P.S. 64 now on the market

2 new sidewalk bridges arrive as city disapproves latest plan for P.S. 64