Cheap Trick is celebrating the 35th anniversary of "At Budokan" with a show April 28 at the John Varvatos boutique on the Bowery, Brooklyn Vegan first reported today.
There are, apparently, a super limited number of VIP tickets available for the show at the former CBGB. The tix are part of an anniversary boxset deal that costs... $500. (Ain't that a shame?) Find ticket info here. You will also be able to watch the show live via Livestream.com.
And does anyone know if Bun E. Carlos will be playing with the band?
If I had $500 to blow, I would definitely consider this. Private show, meet and greet, and their entire catalog. That's not a terrible deal. Too bad it's at Jon Varvatos.
I've been a CT fan for decades and saw them the first time in 1980 on the Dream Police tour. IMO their recorded output hasn't been that great since the classic period of 70s/very early 80s but I'm still a die-hard. I would love to go to this but 500 bucks is too steep and even though it would be a great thing to be at I can't say that having it in this location wouldn't stick in my craw a bit. Just goes to show that they should've kept this place CBGB. If it wasn't so important than why do you have classic bands like Cheap Trick revisiting the location? It ain't because of what it is now, but because it used to be CBGB then!
$500 at John Varvatos? Now that's a cheap trick. They should pay fans $500 to see them at John Varavatos.
At least the Varvatos store holds these concerts. You wouldn't even have the chance were the space bought out by a bank branch or a Starbucks...
It sucks that CBGB's is gone but at least the space is held by people who care about what came before.
At least Varvatos holds these concerts for douchebags. His presence has gentrified us a thousand times over. $500- what a bunch of creeps. I wish he would get lost and I hope they never return. No respect for the natives.
The space is held by people who care what was there before? You mean like Stulman caring about Fedora, or Mcnally caring about Minetta Tavern, or the Torrisi brothers caring about Rocco's. Or Blue & Cream’s photography exhibit's 'tribute' to Mars? Or the new Bill Gay 90's caring about the old Bill Gay 90's? etc. etc. All authentrification.
Would rather see a bank or Starbucks or another douchefrat bar in that place and just let CBGB die. This is just stomping and spitting on CBGB's grave or the Varvatos store is like yet another trophy on the developer hunter's wall. If you believe that places Varvatos and others 'care' on what was there before, then the Devil has epulled his most convincing ever trick, and that's not a cheap trick.
Have a authentrified weekend.
abrod: There's a difference between CARING about what came before, and MAKING MONEY from what came before.
the truth is 1/2 of Cheap Trick came from a poor midwest outfit called Illinois Speed Press. Their album ain't even available any more although on Columbia.
Man, it just so happens that I was watching the Extras on the On the Bowery restored dvd set last night and it made me remember how significant that street once was. I don't think I'll ever go on that street again unless I really have to, it's too upsetting, and reading about $500 tickets where CBGB use to be makes my stomach turn...
Varvatos does care about CBs. He was a fan of the club, and, once on the market, wanted to buy it to ensure no one tore it down. Like the Rat in Boston, now demolished completely, BTW, maybe there is a lifespan to these places. Is that possible? The Rat was over. CBGB's heyday was over. The music scene changes -- youth generation changes. No one is wearing zoot suits anymore… kids find new trends. Anyone who'd rather see a Starbucks or bank in the space….really?? You are not serious.
The $500 is not just to get in the show. You get two CD box sets, a signed event poster, and a meet and greet. It is great that they are letting some of the public in to be part of this show. This is cheaper than what most bands charge for meet and greets. Aerosmith is $1000. Kiss is $1000 Sting is $700. Nikki Sixx from Mötley Crue charges $5,000 for his bass at the end of each show. So called indie bands charge $100's to get an autograph and a t-shirt.
Supply and demand is a bitch. I will be at the Trick show and will be glad that it is at this once historic spot. I guess I am a douchbag. Long live rock..... Rob
I loved the East Village for the music. The vibe of people who lived there, had day jobs, and at night were artists of all flavors - or "music journalists" - or simply just fans. You'd be walling up or down the street and you'd run into Joey Ramone. Best thing: getting on the guest list and not even thinking about paying $500 for anything. Boy, have times changed. If the folks who live in the area have $500 to blow on an event like this - and I remember balking at paying $9 at CBGB circa 1996-ish because the label pulled the guest list without telling anyone - damn... Will the last true East Villager please take down the Joey Ramone Place sign and throw it in the East River?
I know I am late on this and so perhaps it won't be read by anyone (but you Grieve!) but I have often balked at a minimal 10 dollar charge to go see a band. And that's kind of lame when I think about all the other bullshit I spend money on. However, I feel like it should be noted, regardless of your feelings about Varvatos (whom I have no opinion about particularly as a person) that he made it possible for this kid to see D Gen reunite and play. See Michael Monroe put on perhaps the best gig I have ever seen. Oh and BRMC was not too shabby in that space as well. And neither were a bunch of local bands that have played the Thursday night live thing they do...notably the band Brothers.
I miss CB's. I worked for Hilly for a brief time. I am glad it isn't a bank.
Am I glad it is what is? Perhaps not. But listen, Cheap Trick is playing their iconic live album in full. I am not gonna bitch.
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