Happening this afternoon...

At some point we'll recap how many have been dropped off. Find the map here showing the bike share locations.
And these photos are courtesy of Michael Sullivan, who along with his business partner Aaron Thorp, recently opened WINESHOP at 438 E. Ninth St. (Previously the brief home of Cigkoftem, the Turkish vegetarian fast-food chain...)
...and another reader submitted shot from the corner... via Craig S.

Is it just me or is each of these bike share stations way bigger than expected? I walked by the one on E 4th yesterday and was struck with a panicked vision of an extra 30 people jamming up the street and taking off in the bike lanes the wrong way from there. Don't get me wrong, I am all for bike shares, have ridden a bike around the neighborhood for 15 years or so, and love the bike culture or Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, etc but bicyclist /pedestrians in NYC dont obey traffic laws and multiplying that with novice urban cyclist and tourist is going to start off as a nightmare.
Wait until the weekend when the drunken Dudes, Bros and OMG girls jack all the bikes up.
You really think that it is drunken bros vandalizing and stealing bicycles in the neighborhood? Precious.
I'm wondering how many parking spots will go in the EV with bike share in the same location? Not worried about it as I've given up parking in the EV for some time now.
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