Thursday, June 6, 2013

Report: Maps show that Midtown South does NOT include the East Village/Astor Place

[770 Broadway as seen in the reflection of the Death Star]

As various media outlets reported this week, Facebook is moving its NYC HQ to 770 Broadway at East Ninth Street.

And various media outlets noted that this was the latest tech company to move to Midtown South.


Sydney Brownstone at Runnin' Scared was as confused — and annoyed! — by this as anyone else around here.

When did the area immediately surrounding Astor Place (i.e. the Village) become Midtown South? Was it when 51 Astor birthed that terrifically lame office building? Did Midtown suddenly annex the rest of the world, turning Brooklyn into Midtown East and Canada into Midtown North?

We weren't the only ones surprised by the characterization of the 'hood.

"I am fairly certain that Astor and Broadway are not considered to be within our boundaries or even generically considered as Midtown South," wrote John Mudd, president of the Midtown South Community Council, in an email to the Village Voice.

And the Voice helpfully posted this map from Midtown South Community Council:

Meanwhile, some EVG reader reaction:

Richard Bensam said...
We have to fight this. No, I don't mean Facebook moving in -- we have to fight the "Midtown South" label. Slapping a classy-sounding new name on a neighborhood can be worth millions in real estate. This name is a big deal to them. Deny them this victory. Don't use it. Don't let the developers colonize and gentrify our very language and thoughts the way they do our streets and buildings.


Alex in NYC said...
What the fuck? They call it MIDTOWN because it's in the MIDDLE OF TOWN. Astor Place, meanwhile, is DOWNTOWN, because it, by its very geography, is SOUTH (i.e. DOWN) from the MIDDLE OF TOWN.

So no. Midtown South.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Facebook is moving into the neighborhood; Midtown South expands its boundaries, apparently

UPDATED: Tonight in Tompkins Square Park: Romeo and Juliet; Claire and Leo; fate and chance

Per the Facebook page for the summer movie series: CANCELLED TONIGHT DUE TO THE THREAT OF RAIN.

Makeup date is Aug. 15.


Tonight is the first of the free music-movie nights in Tompkins Square Park. This evening's selection: "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet" starring Leonardo (Glen from "The New Lassie") DiCaprio and Angela Chase Claire Danes.

This is the 1996 version directed by Baz Luhrmann that gave me seizures after four minutes. But it's probably good!

There's also free pre-movie music from Sweet Street Symphony.

And upcoming:

June 13 — O Brother Where Art Thou
June 20 — Rushmore
June 27 — Reservoir Dogs
July 11 — Easy Rider
July 18 — Drive
July 25 — The Big Lebowski
Aug. 1 — Rocky Horror Picture Show
Aug. 8 — Chico + Rita

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Meanwhile at the Odessa Cafe and Bar...

Via EVG reader Jeremy...

Today in Treeman sightings

Some background here on Treeman's website.


Summer ruined before summer even starts

[What could have been]


That's right. As the Daily Intelligencer put it in a headline today:

The Cicada Invasion of New York City Has Been Canceled


We were counting on swarms of cicadas to peacefully emerge in Tompkins Square Park.

We were counting on posting hundreds of cicada posts. Hundreds.

Now what are we supposed to write about?

Updated 11:30:

Maybe it will be the Summer of Bees again?

Workers are dismantling the interior of Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church

Reps for developer Douglas Steiner filed permits in late April to demolish the now-vacant parcel of Mary Help of Christians that includes the church, school and rectory, as we first reported.

Steiner has plans to convert the property into a residential complex

And workers have been on the scene this morning tossing/carting various items from the church on East 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Ruth, a neighbor, reports that workers are "tossing out stacks of hymnals or prayer books. Also bookshelves, computer, books, furniture."

A little later, the workers were spotted removing parts of the former church's pews...

On May 23, local preservationists called for a complete archaeological evaluation of the grounds below Mary Help of Christians Church on East 12th Street. The site was once home to a cemetery, and the groups are concerned that some burial plots may remain.

The church opened in 1917.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Permits filed to demolish Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory

Preservationists call for archeological review of former cemetery at Mary Help of Christians site

Bad dog

Paul Kostabi spotted this on East Fifth Street and Second Avenue... someone channeling Keith Haring...

Today in photos of mysterious, gross-looking splatter on First Avenue

EVG reader Peter Hale spotted this today on First Avenue between East 11th Street and East 12th Street... Per Tony: "Juice pulp? Tomato pulp? Cab vomit?"

And, oh good — someone has already driven through it...

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Danny Lama
Occupation: Singer / Songwriter
Location: 5th and A.
Time: 5:45 on Friday, May 30.

I’m a songwriter. I guess the way to label my music is rock, post-punk, punk. I played reggae and I played Doo-wop. I guess I’m a blues-rock player by trade.

I was born in Manhattan — in Harlem. We lived on Amsterdam Avenue but when that became the wild west we moved up to the Bronx. I was in Catholic grammar school — I’m surprised I never got thrown out. I guess it was because my parents had to pay tuition. They thought of me as the devil worshipping, cult leader, Charles Manson junior. I could not take to that God-according-to-them stuff.

The nuns once called my mother in and said, “Danny’s doing this terrible thing, he’s reading this Hunter Thompson 'Hell’s Angels' book, it’s pornographic.” And my mother said in her Irish accent that was thicker than the nuns, “That book is on The New York Times bestseller list. You should be proud. None of your readings are up to his standards. You can’t teach him to read like that. You should be thankful. A year ago he was reading comic books and now he’s reading Hunter Thompson. We pay you good money so shut up and leave his reading habits alone.” Isn’t that cool?

My mother was a nurse from Ireland. She let me go to the Fillmore East four years before anybody else. The Fillmore East brought me to this neighborhood. The music and the freedom was the thing that drew me here. My father was 20 years older than my mother. He was from a different generation. My mother used to let me go to the early shows at the Fillmore as long as I was back home in the Bronx by midnight before my father got home from work. I lost my virginity in this neighborhood. I got picked up by a woman down here — she took me back to her house on 9th street and I couldn’t leave this neighborhood once the sun went down because you’d hear screaming on the streets at night.

At the Fillmore I saw Eric Clapton, Humble Pie, Lee Michaels, Cactus. And I had tickets for the last week in ‘71 that they closed, but I got in trouble with the nuns. After that there was the Academy of Music on 14th street, which later became known as the Palladium.

Senior year of high school and freshman year of college, I was already reading poetry and getting the craft of songwriting down. The real arty punk movement was in the 70s. I was always in the neighborhood. There was a drummer in The Cramps that lived here and one thing led to another. I used to roadie at CBGBs from 75-79. I was a roadie for Talking Heads and Television. I was a kid and so I would roadie for them to get in.

I moved here officially in ‘81 or ‘82. I’ve lived in the same apartment for about 31 years. Back then I was working for a printer and then I was a ghostwriter for a jingle house, in advertising on Madison Avenue. They were just using my ideas and riffs. And then I got picked to be in a music school for the recording industry and that led to an internship, where I became a publicist for Arista Records. I worked for a publicity director for R&B and Jazz for Arista. And then I worked in retail and wholesale records because of my record collection and my knowledge of all that stuff.

In the early days I was in a band called Mona Rock, nobody will remember that, Thorns Grass, Maloney’s Touch, Espionage, The Good Life, Moving Up, Bad Politics — we were one of the house bands along with the Beastie Boys and Hi Sheriffs of Blue at a venue on the corner of A and 7th. That lasted from '81 to '85. Then there was Convulsion Cabaret in ’89. James Chance played keyboard. The guy who just died, Ray Manzarek, he played with us.

I’ll give you a little history as we’re walking. This building here on 3rd and A ... used to be a bunch of row houses of the same size. There was a woman in there who used to type up my manuscripts for poetry and lyrics. This was in the 80s and she used to run a business typing for a dollar a sheet for prose writing, poetry, song lyrics. She was very good with the poetry and the spacing. She had a great idea of the cadence and the rhythm of it without even hearing it. I really liked the way she did it. Anyway, her landlord went into the basement with a jackhammer and did a number on the main support beam. It crippled the building.

This other building around here was known as the toilet. It was actually written about in many books and novels. The toilet referred to a brand of heroin that was sold out of there. There were lines every weekday morning sometimes. Lines from the building to the corner. People in business suits on the way to work in Wall Street, waiting to buy it. It was then taken over by homesteaders. A bunch of the other surrounding buildings belonged to homesteaders as well. I used to go on the roofs around here to practice shooting guns. It was fucking crazy around here for awhile.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

[Updated] 9th Street Bakery closes for good on Sunday

As you probably know, 9th Street Bakery is closing. Owners Oleg and Tetyana Kucherenko have said that they can't afford the 38 percent rent hike that the landlord is requesting with a new lease. They've been on a month-to-month rent arrangement until the landlord found a new tenant.

Word came down on May 15 that the couple needed to be out in the next few weeks.

And now: Sunday is their last day.

A bakery has stood here the past 87 years. Word is that a juice/smoothie shop will take over the space here just west of First Avenue.

Updated 3:13 p.m.

Marc Yearsley at Gothamist spoke to Oleg today.

"[It's got] nothing to do about rent, it's about business. It can't be generalized because the neighborhood in this spot really changed. Changed so much," he explained. "I have maybe 5% of my customers left. I was fighting until the end, but it was already bad a year ago."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader report: 9th St. Bakery is closing after 87 years (59 comments)

For further reading:
After 87 Years, Saying Goodbye to Ninth Street Bakery in the East Village (The Village Voice)

9th Street Bakery (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

My Mom and Pop: 9th Street Bakery (Off the Grid)

Someone continues to vandalize the Citi Bikes docking station on East 13 St. and Avenue A

[May 24 via EVG reader Mark]

The Citi Bikes docking station on East 13th Street at Avenue A continues to a source of anger for an unknown person or group of people.

On May 17, someone hung anti-Citi Bike flyers and slapped a large hunk of dog poop on the unoccupied docking station. (Later cleaned off.) The following week, someone taped photocopies of a Post article titled "Get the rack outta here" on the docking station ... with instructions to call 311.

Now, a reader on that block notes that the anti-Citi Bikes campaign has moved on from poop and colorful flyers.

"I spoke with Citi Bike workers about an issue I had docking a bike at the 13th Street station. The two workers explained that someone has been vandalizing the mechanism for docking a bike at the station .... and they found four bikes with punctured tires [yesterday] morning.

"They also said it this was not the first time this station has been vandalized."

Meanwhile, on Sunday, I saw a woman remove a bike from this station... she got about 50 feet down East 13th Street before realizing that the tire on the bike she selected was flat. It was likely flat when she backed it off from the docking station.

Nino's Pizza is nearly back in the East Village

And in some welcome news ... Work continues on the northwest corner of Avenue A and St. Mark's Place ... where Nino Camaj is reopening the pizzeria that he previously sold... signs went up yesterday noting that the original Nino's Pizza is "comin soon" ... looks close to opening ...

Meanwhile, no sign of a soda fountain machine just yet ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
New Nino's will be the old Nino's

'Let's plan those blarney blow out parties'

[EVG from 2008]

As noted Monday, the Blarney Cove on East 14th Street is closing for good at the end of the month. I found the above photo in this EVG post from 2008 ... when the bar was apparently trying to broaden its demographics...

Meanwhile, I learned yesterday that the Blarney Cove has a — Facebook page ... where they posted this message Monday...

Yes-the blarney cove is closing it's doors on June 30th. the property has been leased to another company. the stretch of land on 14th street where the blarney resides will be forever changed. so -get you ass in so I can see you again & say goodbye.and that means during the week, tuesday and wednesday.-not just the weekend. let's plan those blarney blow out parties

And this is the current Blarney Cove profile photo...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East 14th Street exodus continues

The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street

[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development

The Blarney Cove will close for good at the end of June

Cheep's Pita Creations has apparently closed on Second Avenue

A tipster told us late last week that the windows at Cheep's Pita Creations were covered in newspaper. Closed for renovations? Apparently not. Workers have stripped the place bare, taking with it that Cheep-looking sign. (Sorry for that one.)

Cheep's opened here on Second Avenue near St. Mark's Place in March 2010, taking over the space held by Snacklicious Cinderella.