Sunday, May 4, 2014

Going Ape on Avenue C

Last night at Specials on C, artist Brandon Sines unveiled a new exhibit titled "Dealing With Things Is Tricky" … an immersion into the world of his character Frank Ape…

Photographer Walter Wlodarczyk was on hand and shared these photos…

Previously on EV Grieve:
Planet of the Frank Ape: Q-and-A with artist Brandon Sines

Everyone loves a parade

[Photo by peter radley]

The scene from outside St. Brigid-St. Emeric on Avenue B and East Eighth Street today … a parade/march in honor of St. Martin de Porres (we think — this isn't really our strong suit)…


[Photo by Dave on 7th]

Week in Grieview

[The 6th & B Garden yesterday by Bobby Williams]

20 years of Flower Power in the East Village (Tuesday)

Car slams into Saifee Hardware (Monday)

Q-and-A with Frank Ape creator Brandon Sines (Friday)

More about Kim's closing (Monday)

Writer Greg Masters revisits the 1980s art scene (Tuesday)

Smoking battle in this Avenue A apartment building (Tuesday, 33 comments)

Work resumes at 27 Avenue D, where the Educational Alliance is adding an extension (Monday)

Calliope has closed (Wednesday)

No more "Serendipity" in Tompkins Square Park (Monday)

A 15-story retail-residential complex coming to East 14th Street and Avenue C (Wednesday)

The ongoing development concerns at 243-245 E. Second St. (Wednesday)

Signage revealed for Miss Lily's 7A Cafe (Thursday)

Out and About with Karen Fleisch (Wednesday)

Here are the protected bike lanes for Fourth Avenue/Lafayette (Monday)

Chubby Mary's has closed (Thursday)

Recreating the Tompkins Square Park riot of 1988 for "Ten Thousands Saints" (Friday)

[Photo by Grant Shaffer]

The new luxurious corners of Lafayette (Monday)

The Launderette of Second Avenue is closing (Wednesday)

Full reveal at 227 E. Seventh St. (Monday)

More about a possible Mars Bar comeback (Thursday)

Ken Friedman and April Bloomfield bringing cafe-bar concept to 151 Avenue A (Friday)

Get your free roses at Phebe's right now

Following yesterday's Kentucky Derby-themed party, EVG contributor Derek Berg notes that Phebe's is unloading all of its roses and other floral arrangements used for decorating the place on the Bowery and East Fourth Street…

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[East Houston near Avenue D]

Cab driver convicted in 2011 rape of East Village resident (New York Post)

Rallying to support attorney Stanley Cohen (East Villager)

City settles false arrest claim at Blue Door Video on First Avenue (Gay City News)

Thoughts on the new Russ & Daughters Cafe (BusinessWeek)

Watch monks breakdance in Union Square for MCA Day (Gothamist)

New exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York features Coney Island in the early 1960s (The New York Times)

An interesting history of noise (The Atlantic)

… and El Diablito Taqueria at 60 E. Third St. is celebrating its one-year anniversary today …

… and the documentary "More Than the Rainbow," which chronicles street photographer and former taxi driver Matt Weber, opened at the Quad Cinema on Friday …

We saw it and liked it… the film is more than a look at Weber's work … it involves a discussion of New York City as a medium for photography and the relationship between artist and subject … all set to the music of Thelonious Monk.

An Open Day at a closed cemetery

As you can see on the sign, it's another Open Day today at the historic New York City Marble Cemetery on East Second Street… From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Read more about the cemetery here.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Worlds collide when Treeman meets Rickshaw Spidey in Tompkins Square Park


More filming for the documentree (heh) about Treeman

Photos today by Bobby Williams


East 10th Street (mini) sinkhole no longer sinking, probably

[Yesterday, start of the journey to the center of the Earth]

Late yesterday afternoon, a local website breathlessly reported on a "sinkhole" opening up on East 10th Street right by the Tompkins Square Library branch…

While we weren't able to swing by for a factual update today (to be honest, it wasn't happy hour) … an EVG reader passed along these photos showing what has happened here between Avenue A and Avenue B …

Later yesterday!


So all is well… though you may not want to walk on the plate on the street with flip-flops or anything else that easily melts…

Reminders today: East Village tenant parade

See our post here for more details.

This weekend at the 6th & B Community Garden: Plants! Baked goods!

Learn more about the garden on the southwest corner of East Sixth Street and Avenue B here.

Friday, May 2, 2014

'Soil' testing

Here are The Abecedarians with "Soil" from 1986... the band, originally from Long Beach, Calif., had their first album on Factory Records produced by New Order's Bernard Sumner.

[Updated] Sinkhole opens up on East 10th Street

Around 4:45, some passersby flagged down an NYPD cruiser … seems as if a sinkhole just opened right up … much to the excitement of some of the teens standing nearby…

Not likely coincidentally … this is almost the exact spot between Avenue A and Avenue B where Con Ed was called in on Wednesday morning…

[Photo by EVG reader John]

… Con Ed blocked off this street for part of the morning.

[Photo by William Klayer]


Not sure what is going on … We hate to speculate, but it's totally a volcano … watch Tommy Lee Jones in action. It may save your life.

Updated 5:20 p.m.

Oh, it's fixed!

[Photo by Fashionby He]

Haha. Just temporary waiting for Con Ed! Or someone! Anyone? Hello??

'Spring Jam' in Tompkins Square Park this evening

From 5-9 p.m. Find more info about the bands and sponsor and stuff here.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Mud ball in Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Grant Shaffer]

CB3 Chair Gigi Li's leadership appointments criticized (The Lo-Down)

Penny Arcade on saving the soul of NYC (Off the Grid)

Know your Tompkins Square Park hawks (Gog in NYC)

Remembering the Astor Place riot (The Bowery Boys)

NYC's sweetness trend continues (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A new grilled cheese shop for the LES (BoweryBoogie)

Crif Dogs looking to expand to MacDougal Street (Eater)

101 things to live about NYC ... in 1976 (Scouting New York)

... and from EVG regular nygrump ... two photos from yesterday's International Workers' Day march/rally down Second Avenue ...

... as nygrump notes that this next photo "shows normal cars driving pass because NYPD is obsessed with mantaining an open lane for regular traffic to go down. There is only one reason for this and that is to reduce the impact of the parade. It is not for safety. Letting cars a couple feet from marching people is not safety. It doesn't help traffic from being backed up."


and another shot via EVG regular peter radley...