Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why Cooper Union can thank the Chrysler Building for some of its good fortune

Interesting piece in The Wall Street Journal today on how Cooper Union has sidestepped the economic crisis while other college endowments suffer.

Cooper's most valuable asset is a gift from Peter Cooper's family -- the land under the Chrysler Building. With 1,000 students and a $57 million budget, Cooper currently receives $7 million annually in ground rent from the iconic Art Deco skyscraper. And under an unusual arrangement with roots in the school's original charter, the holder of the Chrysler lease is assessed city real-estate taxes -- but that money, currently $12 million annually, goes to the school. Over the decades, New York City has challenged the arrangement, but Cooper has prevailed in court.

Bunny bin Laden

Can't say that I've ever seen Bunny bin Laden street art before... and I've spotted several in recent days...

Monday, June 29, 2009

ABC No Rio receives city money for new home

Wow. Had today been April 1, I'd be suspicious of that headline.

Anyway, to the Times:

Formed in 1980 after an art show on gentrification, ABC No Rio endured attempts by the Giuliani administration to evict it from its city-owned building on Rivington Street in the 1990s. So when the Department of Housing Preservation and Development decided in 2006 to turn the building over to the collective in exchange for $1 and an agreement that the group would make badly needed repairs, many saw the deal as a crucial step for the survival of a beloved local landmark.

Soon after the transfer, however, an architect determined that the building was beyond repair and would have to be replaced. The budget for the project soared to $2.4 million, from $700,000. And then fund-raising — never easy for a small organization run mainly by volunteers — became even more difficult as the economy declined. Housing officials became concerned that renovations did not begin as quickly as expected; others questioned the group’s ability to finance the expensive task of a new structure.

But much of the uncertainty vanished last week when the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, and City Councilman Alan J. Gerson allocated $1.65 million for a new building.

Mr. Stringer arranged for a capital grant of $750,000, citing ABC No Rio’s resilience and cultural value.

ABC officials said they would likely demolish the Rivington Street building next spring. They have "designs for a one-story building with a basement that will extend farther back than the current structure and provide roughly the same amount of space."

For further reading:
ABC No Rio Web site

Waiting for a sweet taste

On Friday, PinkBerry busted out new FroYo flavs. And you could get free samples at participating PinkBerrys (PinkBerries?) starting at 5 p.m. And, at one point, the line for a taste (of FroYo) stretched from the PinkBerry on St. Mark's Place halfway down the block and around the corner on Second Avenue.

Coming soon to Avenue A: Mary O's

Mary O's at 32 Avenue A almost looks ready for action...

We took a quick look inside. Looks classy. No one was around to ask about an opening date. But it looks close. (And, for once, a decent, subtle-looking bar sign.)

Coming soon to Avenue A: "Best taco shop and boutique in NY!"

Well, that seems like an odd combination. Won't all the boutique items smell like, say, tacos?

Anyway, first. I spoke with someone who works here. If all goes well with inspections, etc., La Lucha will be open in two weeks. Or so.

Only later did I see these fliers taped to their shop window on Avenue A between Ninth Street and 10th Street (just steps away from San Loco too...) I'm curious about the food/boutique combo.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Coming soon to Avenue A: Wrestling tacos

A new twist on the Man With Van moving wars


On the liquor license agenda in July: Iggy's and others...

Here's what's on tap for the next Community Board 3's SLA & DCA Licensing Committee meeting on July 20:

Butter Lane is back on docket. (It was scratched from last month's agenda.)Iggy's, which is taking over the Five Rose's space, is applying for a license. A few interesting transfers (maybe!) at 40C and Cafe DeVille...

Trash and Vaudeville pays its respects

On St. Mark's Place Friday.


Hmm. Hard to read... it's sponsored by "a very popular very smooth vodka." Spotted at 10th Street and Third Avenue.

Something other than a bar opens on Avenue A

At least temporarily? The "for rent" sign is still up...The Johnny Air Cargo ... which was on First Avenue...now at 214 Avenue A, at the site of the former Gramstand Cafe that closed last December.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

NYU looking to run Greenwich Village out of town

[Image via NY Post]

"It's the purple octopus that ate Greenwich Village! New York University plans to add 6 million square feet of space by 2031 -- development that may include a 40-story residential tower, the tallest in the Village." (New York Post)

The purple octopus? Hmm. Not bad. How about:

Somewhere over Fifth Street

The weekend sky theme continues ...

I will now not ruin the moment by playing something by Rainbow, though I thought about it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More photos of last night's sky

Here are some more cool photos of last night's sky... these were passed along by EV reader Sergei. (And he didn't edit any of the colors...)

When you're out this weekend, please buy something at Ray's

Seventh Street and Avenue A, of course. Photo by Melanie.

Meanwhile, what you can do outside today

Starting at 2 p.m. in Tompkins Square Park


"Kick-ass entertainment by Jessica Delfino, Killy Dwyer, Cathy Cathodic, Rubber Room Rats, Dethrace, Jennifer Blowdryer, and other performers to be announced." [Brought to you by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS and The SHADOW]

More info. here.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

The city’s medical examiner said that Lesia Pupshaw died from a drug overdose. (The Villager)

"Cops Friday arrested two teens who have been terrorizing Jewish residents and sites on the Lower East Side with eggs, smoke bombs and swastikas." (Daily News)

New site for NYC bargoers in their 30s (35Saturdays)

The greatest movie ever about teen angst and dancing and like, having jacked-up abs that look good when you wear a tight white tank-top while dancing in a convenient rainstorm -- all in 3D mind you! -- continues to film on the LES (BoweryBoogie)

An appreciation of mom-and-pop shops on the UES (New York Times)

Gothamist has more photos from last night's sky (Uh, Gothamist)

Now please go outside.

Seven photos of the sky taken between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. yesterday

East Village Podcasts has some really nice shots of the storm clouds too.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cole Comfort

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Heritage of Pride Parade is Sunday (NYC Pride) The Drag March is tonight in TSP. Dyke March Saturday starting at Bryant Park.

The man who made bowling "sexy" (Crain's NY)

Drinking at the classic Reynold's Cafe in Washington Heights (Eater)

A shot of another classic (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

Munchies done-chie? (BoweryBoogie)

$4 million survey finds that Buildings Department is a disaster (Daily News via Curbed)

First dog run in NYC? Tompkins Square Park, remember? (Ephemeral New York)

TV Smith show change (Stupefaction)

Subway/bus hike kicks in Sunday (Gothamist)

Swastika painted on LES synagogue (NY1)

The NYC of "The Wiz" (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

And on this topic: I'm not trying to be disrespectful here. Just curious what Jackson's death means for the cottage industry of Michael Jackson impersonators, such as the Mini Michael Jackson at 42nd Street.