After yesterday's more
leisurely Citi Bikes debut for riders with annual memberships... I decided to take a
very unscientific look at the first working weekday for the bikes... I checked out the Docking Station at Astor Place (
above) ... it was nearly empty the few times that I walked by ... (At the same time, docking stations near
City Hall and
Wall Street were reported full...)
An afternoon look at the docking station on East Seventh Street at Avenue A found a lot of bikes available ...

Bobby Williams]
Crain's reported today that there were a few snafus in the system on Day 2, including that riders complained of problems docking their bikes.
Meanwhile today, WNYC's The Brian Lehrer Show explored the question: Is the new bike share a practical – and fast — transportation option for congested NYC?
To find out, three WNYC employees left the same spot on Clinton Street and East Boradway, each taking different modes of transportation to get back to the station: bike share, cab and subway.
(Spoiler: the bike share won.)
You can listen to the segment
In other developments,
there is already a Craigslist Missed Connection Post, per the
To date, more than 16,400 people have paid $95 for an annual membership, according to
Crain's. BusinessWeek explores Citi's sponsorship angle in all this ("$41 million over five years is a rounding error for the company") ... while
Motherboard explores who might be making money in all this.