Taylor Mead, the artist and Warhol superstar, died on May 8 after suffering a stroke in Colorado. He was 88. And his spirit lives on at Art Around the Park this weekend ...

Art Around the Park vine.co/v/b3A917QLmJd
— evgrieve (@evgrieve) June 2, 2013
Celebrate Citi Bike!
@ Union Square
North Side of Union Square Park, Manhattan
Sunday, June 2
11 am - 3 pm
We'll have a DJ, food, a Citi Bike Street Skills
zone where you can test your urban biking
skills, NYC DOT will be fitting and giving away 500
free helmets (must be 18+ or have a parent or guardian
18+ accompany you), plus some other fun special surprises. It’s free and open to all.
An NYU grad student has finally won her battle with the city over $475 in parking fines racked up because a crew moved her car to an illegal spot to make way for a new bike-share station.
On April 30, Patricia Preston left her Honda Civic on East Second Street between avenues A and B, where she had to move it for street cleaning two days later.
When she went back, her car was gone — and a Citi Bike rack was in its place.
Anca Barbu Frank Barrett, Victor Batorksy, Andres Bella, Billy the artist, Perola Bonfanti, Ian Brennan, Teresa Brown, Irma Cannovo, Simon Cardwell, Nicki Carrico, Alberto Carvalho, David Caudle, Chico, Susan Conrad, Kate Conroy, Chris Cooper, James Cornwell, Steve Cox, CRAM CONCEPTS, Emilio Cuilan, Ethan Cyr, Chauncey Dandridge, Patrick Daugherty, Taiyo De Jong, Onno De Jong, Alicia Degener, Vito Luca DiTomaso, Sophia Domeville, Peter Dougherty, Launa Eddy, Kevin Farley, Walker Fee, Luke Felisbert, Martie Flores, Alexandre Fortier, Amy Gissen, Tasha Goldblum, Mario Gomez, David Greene, Thomas Hames, Brian Harris, Jere 'JEX' Harshman, Edward Herman, Jhonatan Hernandez, Bruce Hlavna, Brianna Holley, Sam Ita, Shuri Jackson, Jeffrey Jameson, Case Jernigan, Nicolina Johnson, Ebi Kagbala, Gulnara Karpuchok, Nina Katan, Lola Katan, Ingrid Kelleman, Patrick Keyes, Darryl LaVare, Un Lee, Kevin Leong, Viveca Licata, Kerri Lindstrom, Daniel Litt, Philip Lombardo, Leslie Lowe, Andrea Lynn, Aimee Margolis, Marthalicia Matarrita, Tim McCarthy, Stephen McCombe, Fran McGee, Michael Meade, Martin Medina, Kwue Molly, Danny Mota, Michelle Nappi, Michael Natale, Jake Nelson, Alison Nolan, Daniel Olshansky, Dennis Os, James Peterson, Robert Petrick, Alex Price, David Pullman, Hannah Quirk, Jeff Richman, Frankie Roche, Doug Rochelle, Freddie Rodriguez, Kai Salvatore, Kennyray Scallon, Simon Scott, Simon Scott, Steven Shryock, Nathaniel A. Siegel, Kristen Singer, Stephen Skinner, Edward Snyder, Sok Song, Raymond Sosa, Meghan Spitzer, Bjorn Strigel, Richard Surmacz, Brett Thompson, John Trembo, Jiro Ueno, Nina Valazquez, Rolando Vega, Charles David Viera, Jonathan Weiser, Joff Wilson, Javier Winnik, Allen Yeager, and of course, the famous RISD Student...
This trophy will be awarded to the winner of the first ever Katz's Delicatessen World Pastrami Eating Championship. Come watch the event this Sunday at 2 pm on Orchard St. between East Houston St. and Delancey St.
Our design was inspired by the composition notebooks we use in school. The front and back of the piano show the notebook cover, the sides are notebook paper and the legs of the piano are pencils. You will also notice that on the side panels of the piano, we have written "hope" in various languages.
This week Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street realized she was overdue for her first post-adoption annual checkup. She was quite brave during the series of shots, though less so when the nice vet needed to draw blood. She winced rather dramatically and was most unhappy.
But she managed to get through it and received a spotless bill of health. Only hiccup was that she has apparently developed a bit of a weight problem. Indeed the vet’s assistant pronounced her a “Double-D girl” to which she (and we) took great umbrage. We suggested “Rubenesque” might be a better characterization but in any case she is now on a strict summer diet, which essentially means no more endless doggie snacks on demand.
She’s not particularly pleased about that even though we explained it’s swimsuit season. She was more pleased with her new jewelry showing she’s all up to date on her immunizations. She’s looking forward to showing off her new bling around the neighborhood this summer.